update: how many commercials during the #superbowl will have #socialmedia on screen?

Here are some of the commercial gettin’ hype for today’s game on Mashable. I’m off to fly around the city in a helicopter before planting myself on a couch/at a bar to watch the commercials & halftime show for today’s game.

Rumor has it Go Daddy (my host!) is bringing some sexy. Doritos always have something creative. I reckon Coors Lite or Bud Lite will have something funny. This was JUST released a couple hours ago.

Ha! Hate when this happens…. guess we’ll find out WHAT happened.

This one surely will NOT make it to Canada. Hate that we get stuffed on the good ads. Where can Canada peeps watch the US version of the big ‘Bowl?

How many commercials during the super bowl will have social media accounts on screen?

As a percentage. Includes logo (twitter/facebook), audio or links. Take your bets. Winner wins something awesome. 😛

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

2011 Motionball Gala for the Special Olympics

Went to the annual Motionball Gala with my sis last night. It was all young peeps, open bar and fancy dresses. Jenie wore Mum’s vintage dress, so lovely.

Complete with a Calvin Klein underwear fashion show.

Mmm chocolate fondue.

Chocolate coffee beans are my fav…that and vodka.

So many babes. You betta recognize Wes, Jay & Julio!

Jay Strut & that babe Anton from the TFC.

Babel moved to LA. No more CP24. Gah, I look like a GHOST!

The lovely Miss Liz Trinnear from MuchMusic

Darling Nicole from MTV Ok srsly, shoes off time.

Drink up lil’ girlies

Julian Brass from Notable TV

We had bout 2,000 of these guys…

hiyaaaaa, PEACE!

Ok, byeeeeeeeeee.

I’m off to the gym. Let’s hope I don’t puke today. Omg 😛

beginning of a really fit romance w/ @reebokcanada?

I’ve been on a health kick for the last month and honestly, it has me feeling so great. I’ve got another Re-Energizer session at The Motion Room tomorrow afternoon. Work it!

Lucky for me, I’ll be dressed in stylish gear that is functional too. Reebok Canada hooked me up with their Easy Tone apparel including kicks, pants & long bra top. THANK YOU!

Friends, meet Julie! She’s a trainer/spokesperson for Reebok Canada (and a babe!)

The Easy Tone shoes are those cool ones from TV with balance ball inspired technology. They actually strengthen and tone muscles when you wear them. Uh, you mean I can work out even more without working harder? I AM SO IN!

This is me w/ Andy before I interview Julie. I reckon I look like a fitness instructor. I’d be a great teacher! 🙂

These shoes are also part of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. So, not only are you getting in shape by wearing them, you are supporting a good cause.

NBD just gettin’ jacked up…

Tonight I’ve got a meeting w/ Kingi from Peach Berserk. We’re designing my dress for the Have a Heart auction next week. (Please come bid on me!) I’ve drawn some sketches & can’t wait.

After that, Jenie is my date to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Thanks Rightsleeve!

Ok, bye! TGIF,

her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining

This week I got these darling little earings from Charity Diamonds. They’re 10k gold studs covered with Swarovski crystals and come in a bunch of colours. I chose black, cute eh?

Charity Diamonds a Canadian jewelry company that sells conflict free jewelry and donates 50% of it’s proceeds to charity. Pretty rad considering diamonds are a girls best friend and giving to charity makes it that much better.

Lucky for YOU they are giving away a couple pairs of Swarovski crystal Firecracker earrings ($79) before Valentine’s day.

To enter:

Tweet @sparkleforlife & hashtag #CharityDiamonds with the color you want to win!

Shine on my friends!

Still in love with this song BTW…

there is no time like now to create the life you want

Gettin’ some ish done today. Woke up feleing kinda urgh but then I though about all the things I have to be happy about and was like “WTF Casie? Snap out of it.” There’s no need for that kinda ‘wah wah’ attitude around here. (That goes for YOU too, ok!)  This is one of my fav songs to listen to when walking around and especially on the subway. It’s long and calming, really good thinking music. Too bad it’s not on itunes. Doh!

Isn’t it incredible that someone or something can make you feel able to achieve anything? It’s like the whole world is supporting you; the world is waiting for you. Someone believing in you, that feeling right there is incredible.  It is all you need. I hope you feelin’ the love today.