can’t buy me love

8am, no problemo. Smilin’ & stylin’ in the sunshine w/ Brock before going to Rogers Daytime show. I’ve not seen it yet, I can’t seem to find it, PRV recorded a totally different Daytime show. Oh well. It was 2 seconds NBD.

TV time, duck game face.

This little one’s mama was on TV and she was pointing and saying “mama” to the TV. It was adorable. I hope my kids get to say that one day (my own show prefered just for the record).

Somebody was here…

Ally & Shannon chatting up the auction & Nella Bella live. I’m creepin.

HI MUM! Hope you are loving the Bahamas, I’m just going on TV and being in the WSJ, nothing too out of the ordinary going on here. Miss you xo

On the way home I saw this stylish lady in Yorkville waiting for the bus. Fur coat, big glasses, black lipstick. Gaga in 30 years, minus waiting fr the bus. (or not? No.)

Valentights. Lover tights. Love you long leg time.

Saw this from Virgin Mobile, for your valentine. Reminded me of this one time in grade school, I wrote a MEAN valentine to a boy who liked me, it was grade 4.

I made it myself and on the inside in hard pencil it said “I HATE YOU”. I signed my name. I got in big trouble. Like huge. Who sign’s their OWN name? Duh.

Anyhoo, came home to this huge package from Netflix Canada. So nice, thanks guys!

Slippers, free Netflix subscriptions and all kinds of score cards/bingo for the upcomingOscars. Who is coming to my Oscar party/joining my cult?

Getting mail is one of my favourite parts of my job. So is sharing it. I put together a few of these cards in packages and gave them away to my concierge, friends etc.

The dress I wore for the Love a Heart Auction was made by Peach Berserk.

Hot pink + silk screen printed with real hearts & heart monitor thingeys.

This is Kingi, she is the Peach Bersek leading lady.Twitter: @peachykingi.

You need to go into her shop, it’s the brighest most fun burst of colour, creativity & energy around. Especially THIS time of year. It will make your day, any day. Thank you Kingi for designing this dress just for me to wear that night. I love you.

Hi Raymi!

I sold for $350 which was part of the $8,000 that was raised that night. If I do that again I wanna go at the very end. There were lots of people, the band was great and it was really fun.

Post auction I changed into another Peach Berserk dress, one I had made a couple years ago in the Andy Warhol + Edie Sedgwick print. I love it. Love your jacket too @jgdnr.

I’m waiting on the photos from Friday’s GenYTO dance party fun-fest. Will post when I get them. I hope you are doing something special today to put love into your heart & head.

Happy Valentines Day xo

show me your tweets #bornthisway #borderlineartistic

Lady Gaga in black after winning at the 2011 Grammy’s drawn by me.

“Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all my fans, all the monsters, watching,” she said. (MTV)

Lady Gaga & Justin Bieber shot by Terry Richardson. Love it. Grammy tweeting and blogging. So fun. Are you watching? What do you think? All my thoughts are streaming here.

haha… View Post

i wanna make stencils but have something to do first

Clean my room. I am determined to get it looking neat & tidy. No blogging/internetting today until it’s done. Lots of things to tell you and a contest to post too. Grammy’s tonight! Ok, this mama has work to do. Enjoy the day!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

setting the wheels in motion

The other day some of my babe friends joined me at The Motion Room for the Saturday Re-Energizer Bootcamp. Say hi to the ladies! *waves at computer*

Here we go!

My sis is so fit. She’s going to be teaching Zumba soon. Pretty proud/excited for that.

pimp myspace with Gickr

My new Reebok Easy Tone gear makes me feel like a superhero. Look like one too. Thank you Reebok Canada!

Perfect form here. James is standing behind me making sure I don’t give up and keeping the ball from moving. Thank you from my muscles!

Everyone in this photo is working it. Can you count how many?

I’m motivated to be healthier since going to the gym. People always say it makes you feel good and it’s true. Wheels in motion, eating healthier.

Snack break – Unnecessary wheels: apple (minus the worm, I dunno how he got there).

Back to working out…

Jenie is totally beating me here, I was having trouble. See, Kelly is laughing too. Working out with freinds like this is a blast. The staff are super nice and don’t mind our jokes and laughing.

Eye spy a Minx named Raymi.

Do we look alike?

All the girls really enjoyed the workout. You will be hurting the next day if you go, a good hurt.

If you wanna go check out The Motion Room call them at 647-351-8671 or go to Make sure you tell them yo know me.

Now that I’ve sat here bloggin’ I’m motivated to go work  up a sweat at the gym. Hope you’re havin’ a really great day.

P.S. Where’s the beach? Cause like, I’m ready for it. RAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!

things i slept with last night

green scarf fron france that matches my eyes, the heater on, prince perry shirt, social media week sticker, mascara, orange hat from someone i love.

tv remote, a gold angel (thry are everywhere), vintage orange bead necklace, motorola milestone & bakflip android phones, a black metal stapler, the wall street journal with me in it from earlier this week, biz card, virgin provocateur biz card, a plastic bag, headphones, pink heart shaped glasses, my laptop robert, my ipad andy, a robot, glitter, watter bottle.

a friends jogging pants, tahnee’s old wool sweater, happy thoughts, creativity, casie ring over a special tattoo, my retainer.

a long red wig.

a red crystal heart, a view of the airport, a burn on my finger, thoughts of you.

i think this might be a new series,  there’s always clothes & gadgets around here.

today i really need to clean my room.