- #twestivalto #uniformproject @kurtgooden @bigthinkerjon & boy http://twitpic.com/4cyebn #
- You are all so cute! Aaaahh @keriblog @bigthinkerjon @kurtgooden @Joyghosh #twestivalto http://twitpic.com/4cydk0 #
- I love you friends! (@ TwestivalTO @ The Fifth Social Club w/ @kathanley @ahmadnassri @scottyhons @ilovecpstyle) http://4sq.com/h78tLn #
- remember the first #twestival i met so many awesome people. @funkstop @40deuce & i had shirts with our names on them. #
- I waited my whole life for this. #
- omg i am so nervous for the news on Global. i asked if i should take of my glasses they said no, it was sunny. i look like a diva. ah. #
- i love this city! http://twitpic.com/4cw521 #
- Never did I think I would see the day that @victornnewman takes Newman Enterprises public. #yandr #
- hacking is not cool. last week had the blog hacked and comp virus. use crazy passwords! #security #
- RE: i wanna take your photo now http://disq.us/1hwypk #
- got my ticket for #twestivalTO thanks @NadforGenGo. looking forward to it. have been involved in the past & happy to support the team! #
- RE: i know no time 🙁 http://disq.us/1hwi53 #
- i no not know who tweeted that from the #japanquakeTO account. i am sorry and mortified. #
- Video: this new phone from motorolacanada looks rad. made for lifestylie like mine, CRAZY awesome. http://tumblr.com/xmj1v8ri9r #
- just kidding #
- spending tomorrow afternoon at a spa then attending the Greta show & Spoke club. all this week's hard work needs a reward! #
- you are younger today than you will be tomorrow, enjoy it! 🙂 #
- having lunch at @BLDRestaurantTO w/ the lovely @amforever today. gonna get the burger. SO good. #
- RE: @klout thanks for sharing guys! http://disq.us/1ht7jh #
- getting a patent for my doodles on googles too. http://borderlineartistic.blogspot.com #
- share. #
- ROLLIN' @GREEFAH http://bit.ly/gmdxMq #ZLIST #
- est. 1982 #
- Ships avoiding Tokyo port on radiation fears http://t.co/LwDqbbv via @reuters #japanquakeTO #
- happy birthday @abbyho! you are smart & beautiful & ILU 🙂 #
- word up – 3 of TO's Hottest DJs will be spinning for #JapanQuakeTO @JustinBarkie, DJ HopScotch, and DJ Carson. #japan #
- Yes. "Being a supergenius is exhausting sometimes." via @laurenonizzle #
- Just left a comment on @besthealthmag post about #Jukari we were in the same class! http://bit.ly/h6GfXb #
- i’d like to thank you for watching my show http://goo.gl/fb/KsvRP #blog #
- Good morning! #islandview #ilu http://twitpic.com/4cr4j5 #
- i’m hiring bloggers. http://goo.gl/fb/hh3Vh #blog #
- I've just snapped a new picture: http://dailybooth.com/u/8jyns #
- Photo: a @pcrowe original – http://tumblr.com/xmj1v4xj9v #
i’d like to thank you for watching my show
Just kidding, I don’t have a show yet!
Yesterday I woke up and rode the subway just after rush hour, it was still packed. I was heading to BNotions Internet & Strategy to be filmed for an upcoming panel I’m on. They told me originally 3-5 hours and I was like ‘WHAT DO WE NEED THAT LONG FOR?’. I’m pretty speedy & no fuss to work with, especially when shooting. We were done in about an hour which included Broll too. WIN!
Panel is called Fashion Connect TO, it’s at the Gladstone April 7th and it’s free. There are 89 people already attending. Get a ticket here!
Last night I stopped by Abode w/ Keri & saw these lovely peeps.
Tonight during the six o’clock news there’s a special on being cool on the internet and prolific amazing tweets, I’m part of it. Not sure if it is national, it might be. Thre’s a spot running today on Global enticing you to watch. Ahhhh. I’m often nervous before things like this because despite how genuine kind/nice/grateful you are you sometimes come off different after editing. I was asked about all the great things I get to do because of my job (blog).
To be honest, I’m thankful every day for what I do, I work really hard at it and Iove sharing it with you. #FINGRSCROSSED! OMGaGA.
i’m hiring bloggers.
See job posting here casiestewart.com/jobs.
If you have ever thought about being my intern, starting a blog or wanna make a few bux, this is a great place to start.
art is a battlefield: art battle eleven, toronto
It is a sight to be seen, a scene worth attending.
Magnificent in nature. Impressive in size and appearance. Majestic, dignified, grandeur.
Painters, painting. In the middle of an open room…
…where people look and stare.
I liked this one.
This was a naked man in a stairwell (painting). Did not win. He asked people walking by “how do you spell descending?” it was charming, so innocent and real he was. I live for realness.
This is Simon. He’s my friend who is good looking smart, tall, and fun. He is single and I would love one of my friends to date him. He did not pay me to say this. He is one of the inventors of Art Battle/awesome.
This is me…
Levis Curve jeans | vintage long wool camel coat | motorola milestone, telus | reading a podcast, Picard | shoes from Aldo, Raymi has same | vintage knit hat | gaga round purse H&M | nella bella change purse | artsy lady beside me with paint on her pants
The artist I liked won his round and got to go to the finals. Against this girl…
Cheers for Gingers. He won, with this painting. I liked it.
I would have bid on it but I bough Courtney’s painting, she is married to Porter. I was hoping I would get to see her because I didn’t see her yet and I missed her round of painting at the start. She is preggers and they are having a baby. I’m happy for them. Being in love is a wonderful thing. I am in love every day. This is her painting…my painting.
At the end this guys painting was DESTROYED> YES DESTROYED. Look close. Laying paint on paint in front of a crowd to eff his painting right up.
Bring on the paint. Hi Simon & cute girl.
The other inventor of Art Battle is Hinto (Chris). He is laying down the painting to be taken advantage of. It’s gonna get messed up too.
OMG, it’s paint porn.
The end.
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- been reading and watching things in #japan it's really bad over there. we need to help them, they would help us. #japanquakeTO #
- Photo: tonight i saw paint porn. see blog tomo. this is sneak peak 😉 http://tumblr.com/xmj1uspmqu #
- Photo: art @thedrakehotel http://tumblr.com/xmj1uspazr #
- Came home to this lovely treat. Thanks @itsbrownbarbie, ILU 🙂 #bestroomie http://twitpic.com/4cbnrc #
- who let the dawgs out (@ Lou Dawg's B-B-Q! w/ @jaypishere @thedanlevy) http://4sq.com/hskA4z #
- Photo: Painting by Jeff Dywelska @artbattleTO Mar.22 http://tumblr.com/xmj1ur6csq #
- If you have never been to @artbattleTO you are missing out. (@ The Great Hall w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/dQAHVM #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Jukari & Reebok http://youtu.be/k9fyYfkxQXA?a #
- Toronto Red Light? Really. Silly. People will be swimming there, will there be a 24 hour ferry "ride". HAHA. #
- #Jukari Fit to Fly #Toronto launch w/ @ReebokCanada & Cirque du Soleil http://goo.gl/fb/PYAt5 #blog #
- Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj1up8m1s #
- hey @TuckerMax have you met @raymitheminx yet? #
- hey @dvln meet my girl @keriblog she has some Q's about music & licencing etc think you can help her out 🙂 #trintro #
- going to BNotions for my first time tomorrow 🙂 #
- Photo: the hustle – @sidewalkhustle @hawleydunbar http://tumblr.com/xmj1uodqjx #
- OH " Photoshop has made me sexually attracted to mannequins" haha #
- Nick Newman is into startup companies. #yandr #
- #nerdvana #
- do i know any @rogers people at the event in Orlando today? #
- dear friends, i love you. #
- for the very first #twestivalTO in 2009 we donated to @charitywater, #toronto raised enough to build TWO wells in Ethiopia! #worldwaterday #
- thanks for a good time last night @philipsparks https://casiestewart.com/philip-sparks-fw-2011-toronto #
- take the high road. #
- parkdale warning: crazy attacker on the loose RT @raymitheminx: dad brang the news http://bit.ly/dYP3Di #
- Found money! http://twitpic.com/4c71n7 #
- New kicks from @reebokcanada, indoor Zigfly for Jukari! http://twitpic.com/4c6c00 #
- Flying swinging workout! JUKARI w/ @reebokcanada (@ King West Fitness) [pic]: http://4sq.com/h4OLxu #
- gym time! http://dailybooth.com/u/8iw2z #
- Philip Sparks FW 2011 – fashion week begins @burroughes http://goo.gl/fb/7Qbmh #blog #
- 'this is the place' @eh_eh 😉 http://twitpic.com/4c5dxr #
- Photo: shot on queen street at portland http://tumblr.com/xmj1ukdjen #
- woo! @snoopdogg & Rico from @FLYAIRNZ. way to rock an All Blacks jersey! #…(YouTube http://youtu.be/2ICVXftJu0M?a) #
- ad in the sidebar looks like a video but is only photo http://post.ly/1mywR #
- #japanquakeTO on FB! http://on.fb.me/ehzsXN #
- FYI #scam alert http://post.ly/1myhX #
- this makes me feel _____. http://twitpic.com/4c52fx #
- Chris Brown is an idiot. #
- Photo: you http://tumblr.com/xmj1uk54r5 #
- Photo: this http://tumblr.com/xmj1uk52x3 #
- Photo: highschool with this babe – Brandon Booth http://tumblr.com/xmj1uk4yl4 #
- Canadian Olympian @Maelle_Ricker and me! #video http://goo.gl/fb/3ygDm #blog #
- standing desk today. #
- whoa 369 photos in the last 48 hours @olympuscan. yep. #
- going to @artbattleTO tonight. #
- yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/ZrNAr #blog #