laptop lovers, a salad king and a walk in the park

On the phone with Mum here. The light building at Ryerson is very pretty. I didn’t know about it!

Chantelle took these pretty pix. We tried so hard to get the right jumping photo. I really wanted to look like Mary Poppins with my jacket but I didn’t.

Chantelle has been my friend since I was a weel little girl. We danced together at Meyerhopher in Cambridge when I was 4. Now we have matching laptops! #nerdlove

She came to TO from the Bridge to hang out with me last night. We had a lovely dinner at Salad King on Yonge (new location does not have LLBO permit yet). We cruised around Yonge/Dundas had a bevy & some good laughs.

This is Chantelle’s other childhood friend Katie, she’s into all kinds of stuff different than me like Reiki, metaphysical realms & stuff. She called me a fairy and I liked it. She has these fairy cards and maybe on day I will let her tell my fairy forture. I bet it is something like “awesome spreader of sparkles & positive glitter”.

The thing I LOVE about true friends is you can pick up right where you left off. It’s been over a year since I saw her and we never even missed a beat!

Tonight I’m being interviewed for a podcast called The Vinyl Countdown, it’s a podcast about video games that’s not usually about video games. Will be fun!

Remember: You are younger today than you will ever be, enjoy it!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • Where is karaoke tonight? #
  • hey @SaladKingTO, i'm coming to you for dinner. do i need a reso? #
  • having an affirmations girl moment again…. i love my life, i love my friends, i love… #
  • VIP Invitation to Casey's Dundas Jarvis #
  • you guys are THE BEST at knowing stuff i don't know. what would i do without you! (don't say google haha!) #
  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks for all your suggestions! SALAD KING it is! 🙂 Thank you! #
  • i need a thai place near Eaton Centre. reco? i never eat thai or in the area! #HELP #
  • omg just found out one of my client's cousin is LAUREN from the #yandr i knew we had a connection! #OMG #
  • I'm going to be hiring more bloggers, in order to be considered you gotta be on & have posted on @ZLISTcom 😉 #staytuned #
  • Thank you @ToyotaCanada for the car last week. We had a fun time! #matrixlove #
  • god we're cute! me & @shananigans5 @ Saatchi #
  • Hi friends! I am in your house 😉 (@ Saatchi & Saatchi) #
  • Jamming to @tinydanza! #
  • if i win those #fabfind leafs tix onf of you can have them ok. #
  • All good on the hood @toyotacanada, no parking ticket! See ya soon 🙂 #
  • Dear life, I LOVE YOU. Thank you for being awesome. xo Casie #
  • omg parking ran out, i better not have a parking ticket. gah. #
  • ha @CrystalGibson he probably saw my tweet because he just txt me. oh, i love the internet. (boy reading this you are awesome too) #
  • #whitestboyalive – forgot how happy you make mama's ears. #
  • he hasn't txt me back yet because _________? #
  • wow you guys are really awesome. blesses with awesome people around me! THANK YOU 🙂 #
  • OMG THIS IS AMAZING. You seen it yet? #blog #
  • so like, i totes just fixed it. i'm like SO SMRT. #blog #ftp #wordpress #FTW #
  • omg did i break my blog again? can you check it. does load ok for you? i'm getting DB error 🙁 #
  • have to give back my lovely #matric from @toyotacanada today. it's been fun green buddy, mama will miss ya! #
  • here comes the sun. #toronto #
  • lesson in managing multiple personalities (on the internet): do not tweet from the wrong account. #awesomism101 #
  • i have over 300 daily booths. #
  • hi from my house where it's always sunny #
  • jumping in puddles weeeeeeeeee! RT @LadaiJay: rain rain rain #
  • any of you familiar w/ @saymediainc? #
  • getting a new #HP printer/scan/copier today. excited to make stuff! #
  • on the phone chattin' w/ @GREEFAH #
  • you are my teen idol. ILU. (@YouTube #
  • the lady in red carried a watermelon #blog #
  • Photo: where can i a miniature one of these? and do they come with unihorns? #
  • days like today i wear my wellies & think of this …….. #
  • Photo: Merethe at my studio. Blondes w/ short hair = my fav. #
  • I won a tshirt from @FlyAirNZ. i reckon we become friends 🙂 #

OMG THIS IS AMAZING. You seen it yet?

You know I am a BIG HUGE fan of Shawn Hawaii. He’s in the Ultimate Blogger contest for BMW and THIS IS SO HIM. He needs to win, they would be CRAY-CRAY not to pick him.

Watch his video, vote here with one click. You can vote erry day, let’s help him WIN this thang!

the lady in red carried a watermelon

I got a watermelon.

I coloured my hair.

I ate the watermelon.

I dreamed about having long red hair like this again. Did you ever see when I had long red hair? It was 10 years ago.

I rinsed out the temp colour and now I’m blonde again.

you make me feel like i’m the only girl in the world











Out for a nice little walk after I watching Black Swan (finally). Reckon I will watch it again. I often do that with movies I like. Ending, did she die? Perfect. Pretty stoked for this week. Thursday I’m on a panel for Fashion Connect Toronto at the Gladstone. Few other things goin’ on but nothing too crazy. Part of the fun I really enjoy about my life is the spontanious things that pop up. I had a fab dinner with with a friend at this place on Dundas last night (forget the name). I should have photographed the food we had, it was divine! 

Its beautiful outside. Hope you are having a GREAT weekend.


* sent via Motorola Android on Telus

yesterday on twitter, this happened: