- Whiteboard destruction, multiples. #
- had our first band practice tonight. #
- jewellery making w/ friends & these are my new nails 🙂 http://dailybooth.com/u/9hbme #
- Getting nails done on non-peak times makes a world of difference. #peace #quiet #
- Very productive day so far! #
- Special treat from the boss for me! http://twitpic.com/4zdqox #
- think i’m gonna pick up that Pantone yellow bike from @curbsidecycle. pretty excited about it too. #
- We’re live w/ invite for #pepsithrowback May 31 @ Revival. RSVP here: http://bit.ly/khcG7q #
- what’s for lunch team? #
- sexy rocket RT @nowtoronto: The new TTC subways, spotted this AM. http://twitpic.com/4zb5tf #
- what’s up guys? #
- omg brrrrr. what season is it? #
story time: a time capsule
Last night Keri & I accomplished something that had been a loooooooong time coming. We finally put together a much needed stand for my TV. I had it on milk crates. Don’t judge ok, I know it was ghetto fabulous. It’s over now and I’m happy that we managed to put it all together with little room for error. After I thought how fun it would have been if we filmed it. I’m sure there’s people who like watching that stuff. It’s crazy how many dirty jokes arise when you’re jamming screws in holes and banging stuff together. We had a problem with this one fourth hole and didn’t know what to put in it. Then, we laughed hard for at least five mins. The kind of laughing where your tummy muscles let you know they’re alive and your face hurts.
Y’know what I jammed in that fourth hole?
A little note that says something like “Hi, I’m Casie Stewart I put this together May 17th 2011 with Keri and it was fun + URL“. Maybe one day, many many moons from now, someone will buy this off me or find it in a dumpster and smile.
now comes what to wear? #pepsithrowback
The invite went out & RSVP is here. May 31th is gonna be a fun par-tay @ Revival. 80’s theme Pepsi Throwback Tweet-up 🙂
believe you can fly? i do. i can. i did. you can.
Yesterday I had my first official Jukari class with Carla at King West Fitness. Such beautiful gym. I’ve wanted to workout (in general but) at this gym for years. Very happy they’ve invited me in. Thanks guys!
I can kick way higher than this but it’s not so easy with camera in your hand to balance and not look silly. Trust me. I practice.
These are shoes for Jukari and great for indoor workouts. Reebok Canada hooked me up. They’re REALLY light and the mesh on the top/sides is like AC for your feet.
Carla (or the teacher) yells “hup hup” and you go back & jump high or kick etc. It’s really fun.
This is me in action. We are running in circles & doing half moons here. Off the ground!
Frog leap.
My Monday class is advanced Jukari for dancers. I needed something harder than my first class. Basically, I really wanna work hard & sweat.
To be honest, my body is hurting today in arms, abs, legs, shoulders. It’s a full body workout. Can’t wait to feel it tomorrow 🙂
Last time I was at King West Fitness for the launch of Jukari Slice.ca was there & made this video. You can see bits of me, I’m on the far left during the class. Tina asked Julie about the benefits etc. of Jukari.
Post workout we used this thinger that is for Trigger Point Therapy. You roll your back legs etc on it. It hurts but feels good. Y’know, the good hurt (burn).
I have some free passes so if you wanna try Jukari let me know!
TAXI Editorial Correspondent: ME!
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the 10th Anniversary of FITC in Toronto. This year’s event was held at one of Toronto’s premiere venues, The Guvernment. There was a charming 1950’s theme carried throughout the venue with cotton candy, bow ties, popcorn and fun decorations. Safe to say, it was a real experience being there during business hours!
FITC (Flash In a Can) is one of the largest and longest running events of its kind. It brings together brings together a wide range of digital enthusiasts from around the globe. Attendees included Flash designers & developers, motion graphic artists, digital artists and anyone with an interest in Flash and/or digital media.
The schedule for FITC Toronto was jam packed with over 70 presentation in over three days. At any given time there were four presentation happening in different rooms with another session in the voodoo lounge upstairs. It was really cool to see the dance club/rave space transformed to conference mode!
Read my Full Aticle on TAXI here.
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
It rained. I went to the park.
- Photo: › Ballerinas, date unknown, by Jeanloup Sieff. › › (via [Jeanloup Sieff. “…all depends on the mood of… http://tumblr.com/xmj2k0dfny #
- Photo: i want this photo of me. http://tumblr.com/xmj2jzvkzs #
- I’m not a stranger to knowing who I am. #
- #classy & #sexy wearable rubber by @jaclangheim #fav #awesome http://goo.gl/fb/wuZwy #blog #
- Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj2jy9zru #
- Drinking beers & laughing. #goodmedicine #
- What’s the best thing u ever ate? #goodquestion via @DanielGoddard. #
- “i just want my baby-back” #ribs Victoria Newman #yandr #
- this weather motivates me to hibernate and build internetty things. #smrt #
- next weekend i’ll be in #SouthBeach weeeeeeeeee! #
- oh @jimgito you mean you feel happy like this http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws #optimism #
- Cathering Chancellor is going to use ALL her clout in Genoa City. Atta girll. #twerk #business @klout #yandr #
- An interesting idea: Vodka is stupid http://bit.ly/lhgIeZ #
- ahh #yandr is so intense right now guys. #
- hey @porsche, have you met @shawnhawaii? #
- omg. i miss #thehills RT @chris_huey: Heidi (2.0) and Spencer wedding on The Hills on @MTVCanada right now. Awwww… mems! #
- three cheers for this: SEO less technical, more about reputation http://t.co/n5N0Edy via @globeandmail #
- thanks @fragileheart just technology giving me short temper. All good! #
- short temper today. might freakout. #
- holy shit i love this guy. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/-h8zScx2kF4?a) #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/-h8zScx2kF4?a Dr. Draw Montage Promo Spring/Summer 2011 #
- MaleEsthetics – Toronto’s New Spa For Men: http://bit.ly/eNWBtd via @TwoGayGuys #
- need a break? have some of this http://bit.ly/jJ2jhH #yum #
- couple strange FB requests today. oh FB you so funny. #
- Beaut. (@ Fort York Armoury) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kiBEBJ #
- Omg this workout is hard. Sweating. Huge. #jukari #
- Thanks @reebokcanada & @puma for sweet workout gear. Good motivation! http://twitpic.com/4yi5nw #
- #jukari trapeze workout! (@ King West Fitness) http://4sq.com/iNQvNC #
- RE: @casiestewart @thedanlevy ooh, these are cool keys but dang, won’t lock ma doors! http://disq.us/1ywz6p #
- what’s an influencer anyways? #video http://goo.gl/fb/iUGOy #blog #
- anyone have my keys? still can’t seem to find them in my house or in @google. #
- watcha doin? #
- Photo: I wanna be… http://tumblr.com/xmj2jp5prq #
- aww better luck next year http://flpbd.it/uV9D #
- Mmmm healthy! What you got for brekky today? http://twitpic.com/4yfu84 #
- Morning twietnaaaaaaaaam! Had a great sleep, gonna kick Monday’s ass today. Woo hoo. #