After a lovely afternoon shopping the cruising Queen Street yesterday, Jenie & I went to #nerdlearn hosted by The Working Group at The Burroughes building. You know how much I love nerds and events with hashtag titles.
The panel was talking mostly about Rails, we only caught the end.
I love this space. Old, bright & beautiful. Hosted Puma Social on the 6th floor few months back.
Packed house. Such a nice office. Great job on the renos team!
Caught a glimpse of sun yesterday. Did you see it? Did it touch your face too?
I was getting my nails done. Treated myself I’ve been workin’ real hard lately. They are the colour of burning.
Natalie Dee’s coming today is about nails too. I love her.
Getting ready to retire Robert, my EEE PC. Ordered this appropriate Gelaskin – Underworld by Colin Thompson from Australia. This year the typewriter stopped being produced. I love typewriter and this is a great way to celebrate/remember both.
Had band practice last night & made some jewellery. Funnest part is untangling the bunches. So many things you forget about over the years, styles change, etc. Total blast to rummage with friends.
We’ve been digging Pop Chips lately. Probs due to the first shipment I got from a PR agency. THANKS GUYS! We’ve purchased a bunch since. See, sending stuff to people really works.
Wanna send me something? Go nuts & ask for address -> [email protected].
This quinoa cacoa cereal is THE BEST. New fav snack, not from PR agency.
Crazy awesome fog out there this morning. Woke up in THE CLOUD. Hope we see some sun today. I’m ready for a great weekeend.
Busy day today, Pepsi party planning, locksmith visit, we might get patio grass. I’ve been having a few issues with the lock on my front door and I keep getting locked out. It’s not fun at all!! Luckily my friend told me about a local locksmith in Scottsdale so I arranged an appointment and the issue will hopefully be fixed today. I’m pretty tempted to ask if the locksmith can install keyless entry for me. It’d be so much easier!! Looking forward to late arvo when my sis & I go shopping. Tonight I’m stopping by#nerdlearn – Good Developers Drinking Beer and Learning from Each Other at @theworkinggroup.
Today is gonna be great! I never get tired of this video. Enjoy the day! 🙂
Totally remmeber this track from my insane party days like 10 years ago. Fun thing is I get to see a bunch of those poeeps this weekend at Cheryl & Jared’s wedding. It’s on Saturday, May 21st. You know what else is that day?
I am not religious so I’m late to this ‘Rapture‘ news? I googled some stuff but it’s all wierd to me. Can someone explain?