An old friend visited and we measured our balcony for synthetic grass.
Would I have the coolest condo balcony everrrrr? Yes. I reckon we would. If you interested I can intro you to Joe. He’s a nice dude, The GrASS Man.
Then I went to 1188 Films to work on an Angry Birds commercial. Yes, the worlds most best selling mobile game. I also stole the MAYORSHIP which is pretty freaking amazing. Stamped myself with their bank stamp, I’M MONEY GUYS!
It was a very Queen Westy day for me. Walked from Spadina/Gardener to 1188 Queen (near Gladstone) and back home again stopping at a few places along the way. This warm weather makes me feel just like a child and I wanna play outside all day. Reminds me of a song by my friend Devendra. Press play & keep reading!
Got ma hair did at Darren Kwik Studio (I’m Mayor there too NBD).
Beautiful spot right across from Trinity Bellwoods. Hipster discount if you tell him you’re my friend on the internet (or IRL). Call him @ 416-361-1016 right MEOW. He’ll take real nice care of you.
Darren was teaching a class after me and his student was a STUD. Ladies, I can hook you up 😉
Post hair stopped into Melagro for some Mexican upstairs at La Perla. I can’t WAIT to have a event/party here. Place is stunning & upstairs roof patio is a GEM. (Jarvis have you been there yet?)
Cute boy(s) & girl(s) work there too.
Think I got some sun. Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen (Baz Luhrmann).
Food was good.
Look at this queso!