Had a rough week? Nothing going your way? Just Bounce!
It’s the weekend you guys! So here’s a tune to carry you through it! “Bounce” by Calvin Harris feat. Kelis! Girl has come a long way since shaking her milk eh?
xo Kate
Had a rough week? Nothing going your way? Just Bounce!
It’s the weekend you guys! So here’s a tune to carry you through it! “Bounce” by Calvin Harris feat. Kelis! Girl has come a long way since shaking her milk eh?
xo Kate
Morning friends. Mama’s headin’ to the beach today, yahoo.
Get ya’ tan on. Yes Mum, I have sunscreen. Packed 60 for the face 🙂
Little rain over night but it’s beauty & warm out now. Great view (kidding!). Palm trees dudes, palms!
Leaving Philly took foreverrrrrrrrr. Asked around and it seems so many planes were delayed in the US yesterday. I was like ‘JUST GET ME THERE ALREADY”.
There were over five guys lined up to take off. It looked pretty. Luckily we jumped the line & got into the air first. Oh yeah.
Had one of these on the plane. Super sweet and not even that good. Reminded me of Cuba. The brochure said it came in this really cute pre-mixed bottle, the ONLY reason I ordered it. I’m a sucker for sweet packaging. Fatal attraction to cuteness.
Off to brekky now & then beach. I’ve been looking forward to this for MONTHS.
Have an awesome day.
P.S. Dave Coleman’s wicked condo at Young & Eg is for sale. He’s finally moving downtown! See it here. I would looove to have that much space. OmGAGA.
What a treck it was getting here. Three flight changes, none my fault. I was at the airport super early but then my plane was late, making me miss the connecting blah blah blah. You don’t care and neither do I. Over it. I’m in Philly now about to board my next flight to Florida, finally.
There’s free wifi here, THANKS AT&T. Love that. Airports & hotels should have free wifi. You spend so much money to hang out & use their facilities the LEAST they can do is make is an enjoyable experience. Check out my desk, office anywhere I tell ya.
Also wanna share with you this rad vid of my Kiwi designer friend Nick Von K (remember I told you about him before) who was recently in NYC hanging out with my NZFW crew Nicole Miller, Derek Fabulous & Venus Tong. I wasn’t able to make it but I flew Venus on Virgin from LA to get some pix (that I will aventually share with you!).
Check the vid. I love his stuff. Got a press release about NZFW yesterday and it’s looking like it’s gonna be huge this year.
Have an awesome day. Next update will be from my hotel room in Florida. Although I’m missing the dinner with all my friends, I’ve been told there will be a shiny bottle of vodka in my room.
Ok gotta run. Hellooooo vacation!
These babes did. Hey girllllllllllllllllls!
The boys did too.
Even Juliette from the Brownies C.Patch Crew made sure to RSVP.
* If you are a hipster those things are probably in rotation already along with your mustache.
There might be ponies & planking.
There WILL be crimped hair. Excuse me Beach Barbie, watch your top. We’re PG here. Nice Bling Peaches & Cream. You are always looking GLAM.
The guestlist is full but I have 10 spots to add awesome people like you & your BFF. Seriously, you don’t wanna miss a party with babes like these.