but I think that’s because you like to read.


Got totally soaked the other day in my new dress from Holts.

Somebody else got wet too, Animal.

“You get a little moody sometimes but I think that’s because you like to read. People that like to read are always a little fucked up.”
– Pat Conroy

Now, don’t get me wrong because there IS a difference.

I’m currently shopping on Dealuxe.ca to pick out an outfit for my talk on Thursday during Mashable Socal Media Day. Sign up here to come for the fun, there’s 250+ people coming already. Gonna be fun to see everyone. This skirt is cute too eh. Mum loves it.

I’m also browsing EGOCLOSET to pick out something to review & while testing out their new online store. Thinking this uber cute Diamond Pocket Dress, Maxi Jumper or this Chifon tail dress. Loving those long flowy skirts & dresses. They were really popular in NZ last year & they are ALWAYS ahead in style down there.

I love getting stuff in the mail, everyone loves mail.  The other day Keri & I came home feeling kinda blahhhh and my friends at Bud Light sent me a 12 pack just because they knew it was going to be a nice weekend.

Thanks guys, it did make the weekend better and I appreciate it.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m even talking about this…. should I keep quiet?

Here’s the thing about blogging I don’t love:

C.C Chapman wrote about it six months ago. The Mommy bloggers have been talking about it way before I brought it up,  good article on MomBlogMagazine about it here.

PR email comes in about an ‘exciting’ new campaign that brand XX is launching. It is either a one day event or it spans several weeks but it is ‘perfect for my audience’. This is a what is called ‘Blogger Outreach’.

The company knows from idea conception that they want to connect with bloggers although they bugdet nothing for the bloggers who are going to do a bunch of work. They know exactly who they are going to target because we are all on the same list.

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Weekend Tune: “Rose Garden” by Shad

It’s officially summer! Go find a sunny row of garages and dance while Shad rhymes about good times!

He rocked The Ballroom during Rock with Windows last Saturday and tore it up! Did you hear that he rapped over The Cure? Yeah. It was the best. If you’ve never seen Shad live, make the effort to check him out next time he comes to your town. The guy is an amazing performer with talent to the sky. Just watch him freestyle. So good right? Not to mention the fact that I got to meet the guy and he’s the nicest.

So enjoy this track as you sip on some lemonade and smile in the sunshine!
xo Kate

The blog days are over.

I went to bed fuming last night. Blood was boiling. I never tell you when I get angry, I think I’m going to start. To be honest though, it doesn’t happen too often.

I had a few conversations with agencies & clients over the last few days that made me wonder what the hell I’m doing. Also made me wonder what the hell they are doing? I have heaps of PR friends in the city and I’m starting to wonder about those relationships. They’re in meetings coming up with all these expensive & fun campaigns for big name clients with the intent to do blogger outreach & connect with ‘top influencers’ but not putting any budget in the plan for that. Gimme a break.  Do you work for free? Why should we?

This morning I logged into WordPress (blog publishing platform), like I have done every day for years and had a different feeling about it. Last night after talking with Mum and friends, I didn’t know if I’d be back to publish today.  I didn’t feel like it.

Clearly, I am addicted to publishing and love writing so I’m back but I’m different.

Every morning I read Mashable on Flipboard via my ipad and this morning they published an article that touches on exactly what had my blood boiling yesterday.

How Social Media Is Changing Paid, Earned & Owned Media

Those in the marketing and agency world are privy to the buzzwords “paid,” “earned” and owned.” Traditionally, they stand for the different types of media and can be easily broken down like this:

  • Paid: Buying a 30-second Super Bowl spot
  • Earned: Coverage on Mashable
  • Owned: Your company’s website

You should read it, especially if you work in PR, media or are one of my wonderful friends at an agency who regularly ask me to share your product with my readers. I’m not singling out anyone and I love my PR friends but everyone is doing it and bloggers are being taken advantage of by doing work for pop, chips & booze. That ain’t currency.

“To some extent, everything that’s done by a media agency is paid media,” says Andrea Wolinetz, director of social media at PHD. “Whether it’s managing a Facebook Page or blogger outreach, people get paid for that work, so it always starts from a place of paid media.”

I decided yesterday that I should be more honest to my blog, to you, to myself. I have many opinions & will never run out of things to write, ever.

This Is My Life and as long as I’m living, my baby it’ll be.


yesterday on twitter, omg. nothing happened.

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i know how you feel girl.

I feel like I’ve been going 100 miles an hour for 40 days & 40 nights. I pretty much have. Today I need to catch up on cleaning the house & organizing. I’m exhausted & I wanna go see Mum.

Nothing new from me today but there’s no shortage of fun things around the web though. Here’s some stuff you might not have seen.

70+ videos on Vimeo. Made this on a train where there was no internet while I was trapped in a storm. Boredom inspired creativity.

This one time I went to the Toronto Symphony and had an amazing experience. I drew the orchestra. You’re not really supposed to take photos or video. Rebel girl.

90+ YouTube videos on my channel. New glasses I got two years ago, wearing them now.

I have work to do. Enjoy the day!