The solution already exists.

Full on day yesterday. I love being busy but sometimes I wonder what it’s like to work 9-5pm and leave your work at home. I used to do that a few years ago but how easy you forget.

Got a one year membership to Bixi from my friends at Telus yesterday. Stephen and I met with branding team about our show that launches in less than a month. We’ve got some neat stuff planned with some pretty cool people. The show is called Ay Caramba Career Show and it will air Thursday night’s at 6pm EST starting September 8th. We’ll be talking about chat about careers in emerging industries & trends. To sign up for all the deets go here and we’ll keep you posted. Stephen is pretty funny and I reckon you will enjoy his rhymes and jokes.

Today I’m filming a video with the Gladstone Hotel for the relaunch of the Melody Bar. Stopping by Doll Bar to see my ladies & get some feathers in my hair. Darren is doing my hair at Darren Kwik studio. Both spots are on Queen Street and will give you 10% off your purchase. Go see them! They’ve been taking wonderful care of me. 🙂

Title of this post is very valuable information I learned for my lawyer last night. I’m doing all kinds of new things & emerging industries so I figure best to run them by an expert. He told me to think about that when there is a problem and the solution is already out there, we just have to find it.

Read a bunch of Jack Layton’s tweets last night. Quite sad over his passing. I really liked him. His funeral is Saturday at Roy Thompson Hall. I’m going. There’s petition to have the CN Tower orange for him. I hope Rob Ford says yes. Sign it here.

Check out this fun experiment from Improve Anywhere (love those guys) called Say Something Nice.

Would you speak up and say something nice?

I would for sure. Have an awesome day.

Remember, you’re younger today than you will be tomorrow, make the most of it!

better act now before life passes you by!

Went for a short cruise this morning. Wanted to feel the cool air on my face, in my hair. I’ve got a full day of creative writing ahead of me. New project with client is very fun. You’ll know about it soon when the site launches. 😉

Watch & overalls are my fav things right now. Watch Hamilton (Swatch), overalls H&M.

Cleaned my room and have about $500 in gift cards for Holts, West 49 (Billabong new stuff is rad) and Gaffas (new glasses!). Stoked to take myself out for some BTS shopping.

Been though a bunch of this exact same Converse model the last few years. Comfy & cute. Got these fresh new ones last week. Will not wear them to a concert or festival. We all know what happened last time at Beerfest.

Remember Exhibit Ikea? I told you to go the other day. They are tearing it down right now. Can’t imagine how much dosh they put into renovating that space for a four day gallery showing. It was beautiful though. I’d like to live there for an art experiment exhibit.

My arthritis arm has been killing the last 24 hours so I popped a bunch of these. No, they are not Viagra. Aleve!

Had a great call w/ Stephen about our show launching September 8th. Meeting out designers tonight for logo chat. I’m going long boarding tonight too. Preeeetttty stoked. I’ve always wanted to give’er a go. Don’t worry Mum, I’ll wear a helmet and wrist guards. I need my arms to type!

grind it.

Last week I went into Grindhouse Burger Bar to test out their burgers. They’re in a city wide burger challenge so my friend/owner Rob invited me in to taste the goodness.

I was starving at the time so it worked out awesome. No Coke or Pepsi products, Cane Cola has been around for over 100 years and uses real cane sugar.

Was impressed to learn that all their menu items are made in-house. This includes ketchup & all the sauces! They have a bunch of fancy burgers but I went for their gourmet big mac style. You know I love my maccas. These onion rings were SO good. 🙂

Grindhouse is one of 4 Toronto Burger joints downtown who are up for to win ‘Best Burger‘ during the Hot & Spicy Food Festival. The winner demos the winning burger recipe with a “Hot & Spicy” side. Event is hosted by Catherine Jheon, writer and content producer for It all goes down Friday, September 2 at Harbourfront Centre @ 9pm. See ya there!

Vote for Grindhouse here.

Thanks for lunch Rob. Hope you guys win!

Weekend Tune: “When The Night Falls” by Chromeo ft. Solange Knowles

Happy weekend everybody! Hopefully you’re all cutting loose and enjoying these hot summer nights! If not, here’s a tune to help from Montreal electrofunk duo Chromeo featuring Beyonce’s lil’sis Solange Knowles!

Warning: This music video might get you pregnant…

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Chromeo just can’t be controlled. Not familiar with their amazing disco dance tracks? Let me introduce you! “P-Thugg” is the pimp on keyboards, synthesizers, and talk box. “Dave 1” is that dashing fellow singing and playing guitar. He also teaches French classes. Together, they are Chromeo. And Chromeo = Good times. “When The Night Falls” is the fourth single off their third album Business Casual, which is jam packed with jams to party to.

You can follow them on Twitter here, and you can check out their tour dates here. They hit up Toronto in November and I highly recommend you be there.

xo Kate

Dear Diary, I have so much to tell you. xo

This post is for my girls and boys at Bud Camp.

Last year was SO much fun. I loved ALL the girls. A bunch of them I still see. Met some totally awesome guys too. Had an absolute blast.

Me wearing my outfit today. Have fun this weekend peeps!

For all you people at or not at at Bud Camp.

These are my last year memories. xo CASIE

P.S. Colin if you see this call me.