- Photo: lets watch our video together @bohunk http://t.co/ItJH4Yqc #
- i like the baseball tweets when it's exciting like this. shows passion. fun to read. #worldseries (not watching) #
- your tweets had me change the channel. #worldseries #
- me at the @bluejays parade when they won the #worldseries baggy jeans! http://t.co/8siIMvcs #
- yes rip his shirt off please #worldseries #
- guy who caught the ball instant celebrity be him for #halloween #worldseries #
- Get out there and build it.: Something I really love about life is the… http://t.co/mDgE80Xb #thisismylife #
- I've just snapped a new picture: http://t.co/ziPDpQTL #
- Your first job?: I started thinking about my first job after reading Neil… http://t.co/GSwzciLR #thisismylife #
- Haven't picked winner for #BurroughesMansion or #LibertyHalloween yet. 20 min to enter before I pick winner. GO http://t.co/rK5eJkRs #
- Had to turn down speaking on an awesome panel for #Mesh because instead of surfing online I will be SURFING in COSTA RICA! #
- woke up really wanting an iphone. #
- Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy Thursday downtown 7pm. Five pairs of tickets… http://t.co/oQktmYwj #thisismylife #
- Having lunch w/ 800 women! #womenforwomens #charity (@ Sheraton Centre w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://t.co/eMS5u5HJ #
- lunch w/ the ladies @juliecole @valtorontogal @viewthevibe @katekillet @kidsgummymum @wchf + the one & only @jeanne_beker! #womenforwomens #
- Awesome #Halloween inspiration: a real life Lichtenstein comic girl. http://t.co/tf6PEcvo #
- if youre not maimed you werent carving pumpkins http://t.co/RDcBwz6e #
- theyre so sparkly #smileformebaby http://t.co/O3EEfWiO #
- Using @Telus mobile wifi on @Motorola_CA DEFY. So convenient. Thanks & love youuuuuuuu! #
- must complete @saymediainc interview #
- Playing dress up. Come by! Looovvee this dress. #halloweek (@ CTS) [pic]: http://t.co/RV06VkIF #
- Effie is a little fox! #FF @effieredmond http://t.co/RXs1eKct #
- Like my costume? (@ Monster Halloween) [pic]: http://t.co/zVfgw6ZH #
- Whoa crazy. US cheque deposited today won't clear till Nov.11th! #crikey #
- I would like to wish a lovely happy birthday to @itsbrownbarbie 🙂 I LOVE YOU xo #
- Almost full. #lucky http://t.co/p64EsAkj #
- wolf cube http://t.co/DrKfb6L3 #
- Photo: Connected by MOTOBLUR™ http://t.co/nghoiFHV #
- extended reign with a chance of ______. http://t.co/LsJmRApD #
- Photo: › via @annetdonahue: Genius. http://t.co/zvukpt8b #
- #Hallowmeme Pictures From The Best Internet Party Of The Year: http://t.co/aS05TeXs #
- Is Ryan Gosling Cuter Than A Puppy? Yes. http://t.co/YKmj31oF #
- World Premiere Of The Hobbit in Wellington! http://t.co/qySDRPY3 #NZL #
- Opening night: Love Lies Bleeding! #BALLET #LOVE http://t.co/REySwFcu #
- Whos that Willy? http://t.co/6PmCk7Sf #
Get out there and build it.
Something I really love about life is the uncertainty of not knowing what the day will bring you. Opportunity, challenges, happiness, stress, whatever it is, I accept. Woke up today feeling kinda meh. Waited ages for a driver from CO-OP, they should be called slow-op. Was angry for a few minutes seconds but had a lovely chat with concierge while waiting.
Arrived at 1 King West during morning session break at Dell CAP. I didn’t realize how big the thing was before I went. I was taken to my seat (which I then realized) was two seats down from the moderator (Mark Evans), beside a Dell exec. and in clear view of the livestream. I don’t know WHAT I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I was pleasantly surprised.
I’m not a Dell user, nor do I have any Dell products and before today I knew very little about the brand or company. I was impressed by the attention to detail, organization, and care the people at Dell have to their business. There were not more than 30 people, some local, others flown in from across Canada & the US. We shared ideas about brands we thought were doing things well in customer service, purchasing, sustainability and social media. My favourite part was the Social Media Discussion which included all Dell Panelists. The livestream is available to watch in sections here. This is the segment lead by Mark Graham (Rightsleeve) & myself on SM:
Everyone met in the Vault for cocktail hour and I walked to Ryerson University were I was speaking to the Image Arts Union & other students about personal branding & social media. We had a good discussion going for a while and in the middle of my talk the lights went out. Like, OUT OUT BLACKOUT. I made Halloween jokes and said ‘Happy Halloweeeeen” in a creepy voice and continued to talk with a little bit of light from the hallway. It was kinda nice.
I met lots of really great people today and spent and full day talking about brands & social media. It’s inspiring to see people from corporate executives who don’t get it and students who’ve grown up with The Internet showing interest in this stuff. Social media, internet & mobile allow us to build & cultivate our brands (business/personal) faster and to a wider audience than ever before.
Your first job?
I started thinking about my first job after reading Neil Pasricha blog 1000 Awesome Things. You know it? It’s awesome. He wrote some funny stories about people things they say in their first job interview. Here’s one I quite enjoy:
Me: Can you tell me about a problem you had while working with a group and how you resolved that problem?
Her: Um… (giggle)
Me: It’s okay. Take your time.
Her: Okay. (30 seconds pass) Okay, one time in marketing class I didn’t like my group so I did something else.
Me: You mean you left the group?
Her: Yeah. I asked the teacher if I could leave the group and she said yes. So I did some report or something.
Me: Oh, okay. And how did the rest of the group feel about it?
Her: I don’t know. They all stopped talking to me.
Me: Oh… okay. Well what didn’t you like about working with them?
Her: They were just ignorant.
Me: Can you tell me more about the project?
Her: Well, we had to make up a product and then advertise it. And we got cereal. But they wanted to make a cereal that was made out of rocks.
Me: Rocks?
Her: Yeah, I know. That’s why I left the group.
Me: They wanted to make a cereal out of rocks?
Her: Yeah.
Toronto blog What Women Want asked me about my first job earlier this year, read the interview here.
First job ever? I was a Sales Associate at Gap Canada Inc. (Fairview Park Mall). I wanted so badly to work there. I was 16 and I called and called and dropped off resumes and went in there all the time until they finally hired me. I worked there for about two years during high school and to this day it’s one of the most wonderful jobs I’ve ever had.
First “real” job? Personal Assistant to the Director of Product Purchasing, YM Inc. (Suzy, Bluenotes).Was kinda Devil Wears Prada-ish but more North York than New York. Learned lots during that time.
you missed the party on twitter yesterday
- @roelo_nilla @foursquare Nooo! Say HI to Darren for me! 🙂 #
- hellooooo from 1 King West for #DellCapCanada day 😉 Nice to see @rightsleeve & @markevans! http://t.co/9i1ydWYU #
- i might be the youngest in the room #
- Really great chat on measurement & influence happening right now. Follow #SMmeasure @sysomos @40deuce. #
- Loving the artist who is drawing the conversation as it happens. Nice touch! #dellcapcanada #
- how many of you kids use a Dell computer? #dellcapcanada #
- Heaps of event tonight! Crikey. I’m speaking at #Ryerson to @IMAUnion 6pm. http://t.co/lmJxcgTa #
- lunch smells good. #dellcapcanada #
- lunh break update #dellcapcanada http://t.co/zwgZUHTy #
- Thanks for lunch #dellcapcanada Like my pen, haha! http://t.co/ryFSZnoS #
- cani have some more of this please @bohunkCA? http://t.co/aQ1960y6 #
- what’s my #affanscore @Affan? #
- Thanks for the #notebook #DellCapCanada! http://t.co/y0ha5657 #
- Guy beside me at #dellcapcanada is named Stuart, other guy beside me keeps talking to him. No one is talking to me BUT I look every time! #
- Thursday December 22 at 7:00 pm I will be appearing in #TheNutcracker with the NATIONAL BALLET OF CANADA! #DreamComeTrue #
- holding so many PC laptops today makes me really happy to have a macbook air. so skinny & light! #
- Dell uses some bamboo & mushroom packaging that is recyclable & good for environment. #interesting #dellcapday #
- “What do you do with a computer when it’s toast?” Um…throw it off the balcony? #
- HOW RUDE http://t.co/lc9tAc4E #
- HALLOWEEEEEEEEN. Weeee. Soon as 3pm tomorrow hits I will be in costume till Tuesday. #
- are there any drag races with actual drag queens? #causethatwouldbefunforaminute #
- New @Storify launches today. I love me some story making. #
- ha! awesome @rightsleeve googling facts in the middle of discussion. nice #twerk #dellcapcanada #
- hey chocolate face! http://t.co/DJ0CB7rL #
- Next up at #DellCapCanada we’re talking social media. Finally something I can really throw some comments into! #
- 5 Ways Advertising Is Changing in a World of Non-Linear Media http://t.co/QfRC9zsG via @mashable #
- omg didn’t know I was going to be asked to speak at #dellcapcanada & on the livestream! thanks for the great comments 🙂 #
- “I don’t have an editor to pay me to write for the website. I am the editor and the writer.” @mommykatandkids #DellCAPCanada #
- iBlog #
- South Africa – I love your accent. #
- Has been a really great day here at #DelCAPCanada I’m a Mac girl but the conversation is inspiring. Nice to learn about the company too. #
- Speaking to Image Arts program. Place is patrolled by women I guess? (@ Ryerson University w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://t.co/wfCUHFR9 #
- Sitting beside and tweeting miss @effieredmond. Your program peeps are funny 🙂 #
- After a long & wonderful day, heading home for hot tub, jammies, the #yandr soup and bed. #
- I know her! “@carricature: look who i see in the washroom at kool haus… @casiestewart http://t.co/pjeoWeWw" #
- Love the silly tings! RT @newmoney #Movember posters are vandal proof because everyone already has a silly looking Moustache. 🙂 @movemberca #
- Photo: hot http://t.co/qYcJpEoo #
- Photo: want shoes http://t.co/imVyTsYH #
- OMG Adam Newman! #tipster #yandr #
- Photo: my name wasn’t on mambo number 5 http://t.co/wP4T12fW #
- Photoset: havin’ a party, eh? http://t.co/FqkLrRZO #
- and I recorded last night’s #CriminalMinds I love MEEEEE! #
- #begoodbesocial -> good chat happening right now! #
- Photo: dark blue lips via sore-thumbelina: Meadham Kirchhoff SS 2007, but WHO is the model? Oh my. http://t.co/7IOXjBIQ #
- Photo: omg please do this! so cute (maybe no axe?!) #halloween via @shrued: http://t.co/lV1EOpME #
- Photo: http://t.co/KP98f8dM #
- whoa green monster http://t.co/LRPH7pMN #halloween #
- Photo: the most important thing in a person. http://t.co/iHdKjmde #
- Photo: REDRUM. http://t.co/gHKE5GQr #
- Photoset: i have these tights. #bonetights wigglewarily:Halloween photoweek 2011 day three http://t.co/NhkcjOkL #
- On the Street….Feels like Friday Night, Paris – http://t.co/J6weGwOV via @Sartorialist #
- omg Elaine dancing episode is on right now channel 47. #
- She’s about to video tape herself dancing!! #
- praise the universe lord almighty, I’m one step closer to meeting the one & only @victornewman. #
Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy
Thursday downtown 7pm. Five pairs of tickets.
Like on Facebook, follow on Twitter AND leave a comment to enter. Say whatever you want in comment. This is a night you don’t wanna miss. The speakeasy is hosted in a private residence downtown, dress code in effect and you’ll need the password to get past the back door. Read Paul’s column in TheGrid if you’ve not seen it yet. 😉 HAPPY FRIDAY!
Canada’s Android Conference
Stopped by AndroidTO today at 99 Sudbury and was happily greeted by a little green Android, a familiar face. Met some new people, saw old friends. Had a preview of the new My City Lives app and heard from the bNotions guys that MY APP is almost ready. This excites me 🙂
Just finished filming a promo for a friends client with Jason Howlet who is a total babe. Our roles were BF & GF. We make a cute couple, eh?