Couple days behind on documenting my trip, it’s just so lovely outside, who wants to be on the computer?! Yesterday I went sailing to Tortuga Island and have HEAPS of photos. The day before I went to visit Tracy’s hostel and hung out with her & Barratt. This is her view! Breathtaking.

Barratt and I had lunch at this little café and they gave us cutlery in plastic. Never seen that before.

I had a sandwich but it was nothing special. While I was sitting there the owner of the place I stayed the night before walked by and asked to talk to me. My first thought,”sh!t, I’m in trouble for being loud, drinking and smoking” but that was not the case at all! He gave me back 5000$ colones ($10) because he felt bad that it was under construction and I had paid a full $20. Score!

After lunch I waited at the bar (Choco’s) for the other Anamaya people to finish up surfing. I’m a bit silly though and forgot our driver parked somewhere else and I totally missed the ride back up the hill of death (mega steep). Liquid dinner again.

Good thing though cause I met this lovely blonde girl from England named Jules. Her and I hit it off right away, she’s crazy like me! HI JULES! <3

One of a kind, & hand painted designer cigarettes. Ok, hand painted by me with Sharpie but cool. Borderline Artistic!

Jules and I played pool with some local boys and we all brought our own drinks to the bar. Crazy!

Meet the Israeli boys babes Evyatar & Amir. Quite lovely!

Since there’s only one bar in town you get to know everyone pretty quick, especially when you’re tres friendly and Casie Stewart. No seriously though, I’ve met heaps of wonderful people on this trip. Travelling is when I really appreciate Facebook, you can add everyone then when you travel to their country you’re old friends again.

If you need anything bad in town ask these boys, they will help you. Obviously.

Giant babes from New York, there was four of them all over 6’2″. I was certain they were Australian but my Ozzie radar was way off.

Say hello to team Sweden Jennifer & Li Von. HI GIRLS!

So much fun. I love this place.

I might get a tattoo before I leave. Pura Vida 🙂