When opportunity knocks? I’m waiting by the door.

Well, here we go packed and ready for a week of two cities, two climates, two time zones and two conferences.


It’s a beautiful day to fly and my sister is coming to meet me for brekky then wisk me off to YYZ for afternoon takeoff. Luggage packed carefully last night. Layers and all the same colour scheme to accommodate the many activities.


I’m really not sure why I need two cameras but I’m testing the new Nikon and the Olympus is my baby. Now that I have iPhone I hardly use my camera. I took, edited and am posting all this from it now. THE FUTURE.



All that stuff goes in my purse for easy access. My passport photo always gets a giggle cause I’m wearing bright red lipstick with a bow in my hair.

I love this painting. It’s the last thing I see before going out the door. The title is “keep this one” and it was done by Hinto in 2008.



Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-08


The last time I did a phone stack at a meeting/dinner was GENYTO meeting meeting at The Pilot May 27, 2009 (having a blog is a great!). Was reading a post on the Kempt blog about getting together with friends. He said that when he meets with friends/colleagues they all put their phones int he middle and as htey all vibrate and make noise, you must rist the temptation to reach for your phone and if you do you have to pay.

I posted this pic in 2009 and now I know it’s called a “phonestack”. Duhhhhh! Think I’m gonna make it a game with my friends this week. Knowing me, I’ll be the first loser to reach for the phone and burn myself at my own game. LMK if you give it a try and if you win. I don’t recommend trying it with parents.

Some things and thoughts…

There was a really beautiful sky last night. I love the view from our place. Living near the water is something I adore. I prefer the ocean but the lake is good too.


Was recently sent a couple gift cards for Tim Horton’s so I could try out the new lattes. They were super nice to send a few extra so (I did a secret contest and) surprised a couple people with a gift. Tried the vanilla latte and it was ok. I reckon I prefer Tim’s regular coffee. So many memories as soon as I take a sip. Have you tried the Tim’s latte, what did you think?


Going to Tim’s with Dad as a kid was one of my fav things to do on the weekends. He would always read the Toronto Sun. I remember we’d always check out the Sunshine Girl which is why I think I wanted to be one. Crazy that was over ten years ago. I think I look  younger/better now.

Gimme a donut meowwww! Boston creme is my fav treat from Tim Hortons. Next week I’m heading to Boston for a visit with friends. When I arrive we’re going straight to the museum then a Rocky Horror show at night. Preeeeeeeety stoked.


Saw this painting at a meeting today. Liked it. Moooooooo.


Went to Earl’s last night with Stephen. The Financial District is such an interesting place. Everyone looks the same, sea of suits. I wore the JC Night Walk shoes, harem pants from Raymi and that lovely denim jacket from Bicyclette, with Dior lipstick. These shoes spark conversation everywhere they go. Honestly, they are really comfortable and easy to walk in. Rarrrrr!


Calculator phone usually gets a few commets too. It would be really cool if it solar charged or was a working calculator. It says ‘hello’ which is cute. I have a T-shirt with a calculator that says ‘8008135’ aka boobies on it. hehe


Check out this article on Lauren‘s new show MTV Creeps. Watch it Thursdays after Jersey Shore. You rule Lozzie Pops!


What season is it?


Busy day with meeting after meeting today and I’m fighting a headache. Can’t believe how warm it is outside. Leather jacket, no gloves or hat. All I feel like doing is curling up on the couch with my computer while someone cleans my room. A girl can dream can’t she? Typing this as I walk down King to Spadina terrified I’m going to trip and drop/break my phone. Tomorrow is a day of rest before I head to Detroit for the Auto Show Sunday. Jenie and Ryan are taking me to he airport. I love the airport!

Arrive at my destination now. Having a blog is like talking to yourself. I always loved storytelling 🙂

Happy Friday xo

Cougar Boots from Matchstick

This post is waaaaaay overdue…. Cougar & Matchstick sent boots way back in September but the weather was so lovely and warm I didn’t bust them out for months. And well, there’s no way for me to review something if I haven’t really given it a try! Now that winter is here I’ve been wearing them and they’re quite lovely. Leather & suede outer, slight heel and comfy to walk in. They’re not the warmest I’ve ever worn but luckily it hasn’t been THAT cold.

Here’s me doing a little dance last time I got my hair done! You can get Cougar Boots at The Bay, SoftMoc, Sears or online at cougarboots.com. (Beware their site has auto music!)

Stay warm out there!

* For mega warm boots for your tootsie toes check out my posts on Moovboots!