Entrepreneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work

When you work for yourself you can’t really call in sick. I felt a bit of a cold coming on when I woke up so I’m going to work from bed today with hope of kicking this by tomorrow. In Boston this weekend and a cold is not an accessory I’d like to pack. Y’know what I’m sayin’?


I’m cookin’ up lots of fun stuff to share with you over the next coming weeks. Thinking that my new classes from Clearly Contacts will arrive today. I might whip up a nice home made soup this afternoon. If you are AT ALL feeling sick here’s two cures from my darling Mum that will kill those bad germs like the soldiers in Louie Pasteur kids book (it was my fav!).  Cure for throat here & cure for overall cold/sickness here. Thanks Mum 🙂



P.S. I entered to win this TRIP TO BAHAMAS. You can too right here. Mum just came back from a year there and wouldn’t we ALL love to be there right meow. <3


Howard Green on BNN: What’s the deal with Klout?

It’s always a pleasure for me to go back to 299 Queen Street, the most famous address in Toronto and the home of my last full time 9-5 job. Especially when it’s to be on camera!


This time I was on BNN talking online influence with Headline News anchor Howard Green who also spoke to Shelby Walsh, VP of Operations at Trendhunter and Joe Fernandes, CEOof Klout.

Watch the entire episode on the BNN HERE or my single clip HERE.



Ok, here we go, 00:30 seconds and we’re LIVE. No anxiety. I love being on TV!



I’ve officially moved from ‘Social Media Expert’ on eTalk to ‘Pro-Blogger, Casie Stewart, BLOG ENTREPRENEUR on BNN.Look out world! 🙂

Mum, Dad & Nana are gonna love this!


Extraordinary thing, The Internet

Turned off the awards show last night to watch one of my fav films, Closer feat Natalie, Clive, Julia and Jude. I love it. Natalie says she’s a ‘waif’ at the start of the film and The Waif’s are one of my fav Aussie bands. Turns out they’re from Perth like Sam. Today is a busy day shooting two things for two different tv networks (just my luck they’re both on the same day). These photos were sent to me last night from Javier Moltó in Madrid. We met last week in Detroit for the International Auto Show.

I loved this song when I lived in Australia and was happily reminded of it last night. I really want to go to London. Attending & covering the Olympics would be a DREAM come true.

Have a wonderful Monday. It’s nice to be back in town but I love that my international friends never feel that far away. Looking forward to tonight & hibernating. How many days till summer?

Keeping the Vacation Dream Alive

Happy Sunday. Just got back from my hot tub in the Sky Lounge. I like to think of it as ‘vacation station’.




We just ventured to T&T w/ Barbie in the car cause Sammy is cooking dinner. Did you know we he a Professional Chef? He does private dinners.










Well that was fun & successful. One last stop at Loblaws and we are good. Stoked for Gervais hosting the Globe’s tonight! Sam is making lamb and some other stuff. I’m so hungry.


I’m a gangster for real, I feel so damn gangster

I love this photo. Took it today as soon as I got home from the airport using the 360 app on iPhone. I find this city so beautiful to come home to.


Have you heard of Pigeon John? Khayyamm always has good tunes and I was introduced to him when we were in Sin City last week. He’s not really a gangsta’ and neither am I.

I came all the way home TO THE FREEZING COLD in Havaianas. Crazy woman! Packed socks in my bag so I was warm on the plane but couldn’t not be bothered to get other shoes just to run to the car. I was tired and lazy.


My ankle is really swollen and my foot hurts. I have an old injury from about five years ago that is painful every now & then (love that movie). Urghhhh. I did however. spend the entire day on the couch (the internet). I’m doing hot/cold on it and have a castor oil compress for the night (thanks Mum!).


I’m always stoked to check the mail when I get home from work/vacation. I was VERY pleasantly surprised with a bunch of jewellery I ordered from Etsy (late one night) and a box with the warmest, wooly, winter slippers EVER.  They’re called Glerups and they’re from Denmark with a lovely family story about how they’re made. Glerups are made from 100% natural wool. Swoooooooon!


Being Kiwi I’ve had wool slippers before but never as fancy as these.  (I feel Mum is going to ring once she reads this saying she needs a pair!) Check out other styles (men, women, slipper, shoe) at Gerlups.ca. I got the black Women’s Slipper that retails for $99 CAD. I’ve been wearing them since I got ’em! They are SO incredibly warm. Thanks for sending Sadie!


Love this blog foudre.co, it’s full of beautiful fashion photos. One of the reasons I really love tumblr is there are so many passionate fashion bloggers lovers & brands there (McQueen, Vogue). Pre-Fall collections are coming out now and I love, love pre-fall. It’s that romantic time between hot & cold where you can go bare legs but still match a scarf & coat. There’s so much variety that time of year. Accessory heaven. This image is from Foudre & is Louis Vuitton Pre-Fall 2012.

Pop Culture Prescription:

I wish I was heading to Germany for Berlin Fashion Week. I’ve got friends there I REALLY want to visit. I love Fashion Week season. New York SS 2012 Fashion Week is Feb. 9-17 which is also Social Media Week, Valentines, and the Toronto Auto Show. I’m in a charity auction for Heart & Stroke Feb.9th (Love a Heart), have to be at Auto Show (and am on a panel SM Week Feb. 17th.  I would love to scoot to NY for a couple days to catch a few shows & meet up with fashion blog friends from around the world. Hmmmmm….?

You never know what might happen so make the most of each day. Ok?!