We’re second best in the world! Embrace Winter!

Toronto’s been named second best city in the world! The big apple took the cake for first place but hey, it’s NEW YORK. Read it here in the Globe & Mail.


We had a mini blizzard in Toronto today. When I say ‘we’ I mean Toronto and not the kind of blizzard you get from Dairy Queen! Brrrrr.

Took this pano from the balcony just before sunset.


The weather was really moody today all up, down, angry, then the sun finally came out. I felt a bit like that too. This video is down by the lake when I was almost BLOWN OVER.



Stopped by the beach in the afternoon. No really, I went to the urban beach even though it was FREEEEZING.  Sand & snow!


Embrace winter!


I love how the boats look, pretty, peaceful and cold. I have so man memories from this spot.


Hung out at CTS with Emma in the afternoon and she dressed me in a full leather outfit.


Decided to walk back from my meeting to get some fresh air.


Hanging out with these guys tonight.


These are my favourite chocolate treats if you are wondering what to get me for valentines.


In celebration of Toronto’s awesomeness and being one of the BEST CITIES to live in here’s a lovely tune from GTA cool kids Walk Off the Earth called ‘Corner of Queen’. Queen Street FTW!

“this is a Cinderella moment for a science nerd like me’, she said.

Angela is my hero today! Check out this cure for Cancer she’s working on.

Way to go girl! What were you doing at 17?


I’d like to thank the academy & blah, blah, blog!

Remember a couple months ago I asked you nicely to click a link and show some love for my life(s) work? Welllllllllll…..thanks for your votes and thank you for reading because…drum roll please…we made the shortlist for Best Life Weblog in Canada!  Congrats to my friends for noms in their categories Unbrelievable, Shop My Clothes and Dear Photograph. To check out all nominees or judging criteria go here.

In other exciting news…MY SXSW panel has been scheduled. If you are going to be please please don’t miss it. There’s lots of things to see & do there but our panel is Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands. The hashtag is #LOOKATME and it’s sure to be entertaining.

On that note I leave you with this song I’ve been diggin’ ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ feat. Kimbra from Gotye’s album Making Mirrors.

Sitting at Darren Kwik Studio waiting for toner in my hair while blogging and tweeting away. Thank you Telus & iPhone for the MAGIC of Personal Hotspot. I now have the freedom to stop & blog it like it’s hot any time, any place. Heading to get Sammy & meet my darling sister Jenie & friends at Gio Rana’s Really Really Nice Restaurant for her birthday dinner.

Have an awesome night!

Ich Bin in Berlin

Hallo from Germany!!!

Fashion Week in Berlin kicked off today–EXCITING! Since I’ve been anxiously waiting 4 months since my arrival, I’m totally pumped to be covering BFW! In true #ALT fashion I wasn’t even going to attend any shows or parties tonight–after all, even though it is opening night, it’s almost better to be too cool to bother going to the mainstream stuff. Instead of making my way down to the defunct airplane hangar playing host to the international trade fair Bread & Butter, I decided to walk around Kreuzberg (read: hipster’s playground) and see what came my way.

cool dj spinning techno vinyls totes fash amaze

It turned out that right around the corner after having a sushi dinner was an awesome photography exhibition party starring the edgy fashion photographer Tea Xuxu Nanuti happening at Galleria Butterfly Summit, a multi purpose gallery & store for design, art and photography.

schwarzweiss photos

Took a few snaps, had a few shots, all and all it was a great little warm up for what’s to come this week.

strange fashions

Auf wiedersehen for now my lieblings…

xoxo jgrdnr loop jgrdnr

PS. If you guys are tired of using Instagram you should check out EYEEM, a social photo sharing app which I used for the cool effects you see on the photos. & I made the gif on Loopcam, both of which you can download for free. Made in Berlin baby! This city is not just the capital of Germany but it is pretty much the startup capital of Europe right now. On fiyaaaa!

all the better to see you with, my dear

They arrived! Now I don’t have to wear my old vintage scratched up Waldo glasses anymore!

:36 sec unboxing new glasses from clearly contacts

Yes, they are real prescription but the prescription is almost invisible. New RayBans are my first official pair. I think they might be a little big for small head. NOT A BIG HEAD! haha. Thanks Clearly Contacts! I love wearing glasses when I work, they help me concentrate. I often wear a hat or cover my head when I work too. Don’t even challenge me in a ‘I’m the weirdest’ competition.

About two years ago I got new glasses and made this video. My Dad MADE the car on my shirt.

Ok bye. Time to work with glasses on and work before I go to Raymi’s house then Lauren’s house to watch them BOTH on MTV CREEPS TONIGHT 9:30.

K. Bye for real!

Berlin Fashion Week 2012

It’s fashion season and for the next month or two the world is buzzing with fashion week’s all over the world. I won’t be at Berlin  Fashion Week (January 17th-22).  Seitensad! 🙁 BUT…my good Canadian friend Jessica Gardner will be!

You may know her online as @jgrdnr.  She has recently moved to Berlin and scored a few invites to Fashion Week. I’ve asked her to give me us the low down on Germany’s most stylish city. She’ll be posting later this week from Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week. Mercedes does NY, Berlin & Miami shows!  Yeow!

Please say HI to Jessica in the comments or on Twitter and give her a warm welcome to your favourite blog.

Sie ist ein total babe!

Ich liebe dich <3 CASIE