- It’s harder than you think. http://t.co/lEBrjC6l #thisismylife #tvontheinternet #video #
- Photo: Believe in yourself http://t.co/l7XThtlc #
- Good morning! two exciting event dates to launch today #genyto & @BridleBash! #
- ##GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21! http://t.co/Y4p6aNQe #thisismylife #friends #socialmedia #
- Happy Birthday @dylanculhane you sexy South African babe! Love from Canada <3 #
- Last year's #MotionBall was fun. Archive post w/ @jeniestewart @nicoleMTV @liztrinnear @julianbrass & the Ned Ma guy 😛 http://t.co/9fLsS8MM #
- Date of @BridleBash announced for July, 28. Mark your calendar, gonna be WILD! https://t.co/5HgzFWeD #poolparty #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/y1E7cXSF Daily Vid Challenge: 3/29 – Feb.3, 2012 #
- I've just snapped a new picture: http://t.co/mE9oskph #
- preeeeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyyy http://t.co/jIoBWNwv #
- Infographic: Generation Y and Facebook http://t.co/XhDR37v5 "actively shaping culture" #genyto #
- Tavi to Perform Neil Young Cover Live During Fashion Week http://t.co/HDVZkabM #
- Jesus Crotch he is so sexy!! The fashion evolution of David Beckham http://t.co/YZ3alyQq #
- Disco never dies http://t.co/aZYn1ImT via @dazedmagazine via @wearemansion #party #
- NKOTB ftw http://t.co/DXtDSASz #
- how could you hate this face? http://t.co/RqN1wWab #
- London College launches UK’s first ever ‘iPhoneography’ course http://t.co/GpTjouZW #
- haha "@maulingmueller If I text you a question and you immediately call me instead of texting back, I hate you." #
- Netflix on too many devices and now can't watch. Damn me for being nice and sharing account info! I need to watch my TARA! #
- i can't wait to hear what the personality disorder expert on my panel for #SXSW has to say about ME? i've never been assessed. (thank god!) #
- Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch http://t.co/Uoh6kHNq #thisismylife #socialmedia #
- Mad Men’s Minimalist Subway Ads Get Street Art Remixes http://t.co/KhJH0gVE #
- don't bite, little doggy http://t.co/C1wXt9sn #
- don't bite, little doggy http://t.co/C1wXt9sn http://t.co/2vsvuoUg #
- Who' gonna be next? Eddy Murphy ain't dead. http://t.co/kVk7Z4db #
- Helena Christensen Is Really Sexy. She Also Happens to Be Wearing Reeboks. http://t.co/IAs1RnLD cc @rockitpromo #
- Have you ever met up with a friend for a short coffee and they are on a biz all the whole time? I have now! #
- hip baby http://t.co/HAdQKI0S via @pinterest #
- Accidentally heated up one a @rosereisman salads, for dinner. Whoops. Don't recommend! Added spice to curry chicken. http://t.co/J4cOAvUQ #
- Photo: Got a romantic valentine in the mail today. ILU2 @jewelmint xo (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/6yBqkuav #
- Got a romantic valentine in the mail today. ILU2 @jewelmint xo http://t.co/9hIxaHpV http://t.co/q5W79pck #
- Recent places http://t.co/0Ep9RdQ9 #
- RE: @laurenonizzle gramps is lookin' got for his age too! http://t.co/MhwMYeHI #
- #FF @eldevine Aussie DJ friend you might find starting parties at baby hueys or some other cool t… http://t.co/6niZRtaw #
- Lookin' snazzy in argyle today @AnthonyFarnel @Global_TV. #
- dress sorted for #WelcomeToTheNightlife @motionballTO. see you soonish @DuetPR 😉 #
- devil in blue dress twitter background http://t.co/8AeOkGYs #change #
- We're doing #GenYTO Feb. 21 Lou Dawg's B-B-Q. Would love to see your face, you know you you are. All you crazy… http://t.co/yZJm1w2M #
- we are all made of stars #
- just started this mix and ooh it's making my ears wet. party music: http://t.co/WZFF8wj0 via @wearemansion #
- the boning in my corset loves my ribs #
- live fast, die young bad girls do it well. http://t.co/Koaw0Nc8 #thisismylife #hotness #music #
- Shoes of @fashionights match my hair @motionballTO http://t.co/DHECHOYY #
- Asking for an unzip missy http://t.co/fYrNZDsl #
- Bells of the @motionballTO w/ @laurenonizzle (@ The Carlu for Skratch Bastid w/ @fashionights) [pic]: http://t.co/I8ctwOmu #
- "Bells of the @motionballTO w/ @laurenonizzle" @ The Carlu http://t.co/ofYQ458C http://t.co/MGbIbN0U #
- Photo: We clean up nice 😉 cc @laurenonizzle (Taken with Instagram at The Carlu) http://t.co/IsdLljDV #
- We clean up nice 😉 cc @laurenonizzle @ The Carlu http://t.co/hs9dK2OM http://t.co/GxsskiXL #
- Money booth @motionballTO http://t.co/xl7wN3oV #
- We are lost together… #
live fast, die young bad girls do it well.
I’m not really bad or do I want to die young but I AM listening to this right now and liking it.This first while get ready. Managed to find the perfect dress in my ol’ closet. You’ll see it tomorrow later.
This too. I have always loved her music.
Have a good night. Keep fit & have fun 🙂
#GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21!
We are way over due for this meeting meetup. Let’s celebrate ‘carnival season’ on Fat Tuesday with some good ol’ southern BBQ, live music and a whole bunch of awesome people. Get a ticket HERE through Guestlist.
If you have never been to #GenYTO, come! If you HAVE been before, you should especially come and see your friends. WE MISS YOU. Check out some posts from previous events here.
What is GenYTO?
In January 2009 Erin Bury, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio, Dave Coleman and I started GenYTO. A group for the wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community. We’ve done some pretty fun things since 2009 and helped out a whole bunch of local, national & international charities. For more info visit the GenYTO tumblr.
February 2012 Charity: Breakaway Addiction Services
Located in Parkdale, Breakaway Addiction Services has a mission to provide seamless, comprehensive and effective harm reduction services and a full range of addictions treatment services. Their services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach.
Come join us for good times 🙂
Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch
Meet my fav sleeping accessory. I take this little piece of luxury with me on all travel adventures. It’s 100% pure silk and super soft. Cilque has a promotion right now where you get a free eye mask with purchase of robe or sheets. Can someone get me the robe please? Sheets? Valentine? I would love to sleep in those every night. Check ’em out here.
For info on the tasty/fancy meals I’m testing out right now visit personalgournet.ca. Below is what I had for lunch today, grilled tiger shrimp w/ garlic & lemon jasmine rice and sweet peas. It was really good. Mega convenient having everything right here. You know how much I love to hibernate & work 🙂
It’s harder than you think.
I should make a strategy. I kinda skipped that step. It’s a real ‘challenge’ to myself to make a video each day. I’m used to taking photos but video is heavier. By the time next month comes I’ll have a habit of doing it.
Today I’ve got a bunch of meetings (again) then Lozzie and I are going to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. I’m stoked. We are going to have a blast. I went last year with my sister.
I’m a model you know what I mean (part deux)
It’s heart month and I’m feeling lovely. I have heaps going on this month and next and hopefully till the end of time. I love being busy. The most hustle in Winter means more fun for summer I reckon. On Feb. 20th I’m in a fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week with a whole bunch of famous Canadians. Yeah, ME! Crazy, eh?
The show is for Unicef and the other models are Gabrielle Miller (Corner Gas/Call Me Fitz), Rosey Edeh (ET Canada), Tré Armstrong (So You Think You Can Dance Canada), Erica Wark (CBC’s Steven and Chris), Leesa Butler (f-list.ca), Elizabeth Manley (Olympic Silver Medalist), Gail McInnes (TDot TV), Cory Lee (Degrassi), TL Rader (Professional Ballroom Dancer), and Solange Tuyishime (UNICEF Canada Ambassador).
I’m not sure who I’m wearing yet but I’m hoping for something really glamourous. We’re taking the train to our nations capital and staying at a hotel for the weekend. I’ve never taken a long train ride and I know there is wifi so like, that’s the part I’m most excited for. WHAT A NERD. Oh well! I’ve done heaps of fashion shows in my life (so far) so walking the runway for charity is a total pleasure.
I was going to post the most obvious song but I did once already so I started looking for model songs. Then I looked at models and ended up at this, which is sexy, with models, and right in time for the superbowl. I’m actually going to a real super bowl party on Sunday. I’ve never been to one before! I don’t think? No.
Do you see now why I love Valfre so much? I always hug my besties when I see them. Hugs are good.
I must rush to a fancy steak house lunch presentation for a client which will then be followed by another lunch with a client. Today is business time! I’m gonan dress real professional just to throw them off. Mooohaha. Follow my Tweets to be part of the adventure.