THIS: Summer Tech Accessories & Apps

A brand new ep. of my show on Coral came out today. This week I’m sharing some of my fav gadgets for playing in the park and summer chilling. We had a big week for the channel passing 1,000 subscribers. Make sure you are one of them by visiting

Things in the Show:

I’ve Been Meaning to Write You… So I will Today!

Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE.

Lower Ossington Theatre, Performance Bar. PWYC!

Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 17 2012 15:50:34

When was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, sending, and receiving. This week I recieved a hand written note (thanks Erica!) and sent a love note to someone special.
Sent a handwritten love note today. Did you?CASIE STEWART
Send a love note tonight at the Performance Bar, Lower Ossington Theate <3casiestewart
See my post on the SummerWorks blog here:
Performance Bar – Letter Writing Party tonight! " " SummerWorksSummerWorksWhen was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, se…

After I write some letters I’m heading to the Mod Club for Chick-A-Boom Room’s Electronic Cabaret: Part 2. I’m stoked. I went to the first one and it was so good. Steve Jobs & Apple images with a ton of dancers on stage in electronic inspired , glowing outfits. Love it.

Take Me Away!

I’m escaping for the day! Ford is treating a bunch of media to a day long adventure that includes lunch at the Arta Gallery in the Distillery District, some driving in a Ford Escape, rock climbing, and dinner. We’re venturing to Rattle Snake Point to rock climbing and for a hike. Nature FTW!

I’m really into adventure sports lately (see skydive). Last time I went rock climbing with the City of Cambridge Mayor & city council in high school I somehow got a bloody nose and ended up ambulancing to the hospital. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen!

This is gonna be me:

Check out this video of me at the Ford Innovation conference in Michigan last month talking about green technology.

I’m not dressed and need to be there in 30 minutes. Damn you Internet for being so awesome and full of interesting things to distract me. Hopefully  that is you reading this blog right now when you are supposed to be doing something else. Ok, now more importantly, rock climbing, hiking, dinner, and an art gallery, what the heck does one wear?

Follow along today’s adventure on Twitter @casiestewart or the hashtag #FordEscape. My tweets have been a lot of First World Problems today and you might like them. I’m feelin’ sassy.


Media Dinner at Alimento Fine Food Emporium

The other day I was invited to an intimate Italian dinner for media at Alimento Fine Foods on King at Bathurst. I live right around the corder but wasn’t sure what was going on there. It looked kinda intimidating in there TBH.

Inside is a huge selection of groceries, mostly imported from Italy & around Europe. There’s heaps of gluten free pasta options, and a massive selection of meats & cheese. There’s a great dining area and bar. We ate a ton of amazing food and drank lots of wine. It was wonderful. I suggest you check it out. Find Aliemento on Twitter at @alimentofoods or at

I seriously loved the lasagna, I had two pieces. The owner had the chef bring me out another piece! I was kinda embarrassed but I didn’t even care. GAGA GARFIELD STRIKES AGAIN!  Thanks to Ryan Emberley for the photos and this great shot of Pay Chen and me. Follow her, she’s awesome. See all photos from the night at



This BLEW My Mind: Invisible Bike Helmet #fashion

I was at Sazerac Gastro Lounge for a media dinner last night and my Andrew Dobson told me about this crazy Invisible Bike Helmet. Say wha? I hate wearing a helmet but I have one. Call me intrigued…he sent the video but I hadn’t looked at it yet. Today, Lauren O’Nizz wrote a story about it for CBC “Would you trust an invisible bike helmet?“. Call me intrigued…

 If you haven’t seen this yet, please watch:

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films 

Hövding operates like a collar for cyclists around the neck that inflates like to an airbag for your head.  The trigger is controlled by ‘sensors which pick up the abnormal movements’ before you get into an accident.

My favourite parts of the video other than being invisible:


SummerWorks Performance Festival: Peachy Coochy at the Performance Bar

I subscribe to the Say Media blog and truly love the Venn diagrams that come every Friday morning. This one is from one of my favourite books “Steal Like An Artist”.

Tomorrow night, 9:30pm at The Lower Ossington Theatre, a Peachy Coochy performance will grace the stage at the Performance Bar as part of the SummerWorks Theatre Festival. The name comes from the Japanese ‘Pecha Kucha‘ where each presenter has 5 minutes to deliver 15 slides with only 20 seconds for each slide. I know these as Ignite presentations, people do them at conferences sometimes.

The cast will be sharing Venn diagrams in a form that is  ‘smart and playful, sweet and earnest, with a healthy dose of cheek’.  See the description on the SummerWorks site. I creeped YouTube for Peachy Coochy and there’s some funny ones. I’m looking forward to this!

Performance Details:

  • Date & Time: Thursday August 16, 9:30 pm –
  • Location:
  • Ticket: Pay-what-you-can


  • Philip Akin: Artistic Director, Obsidian Theatre Company
  • Tara Beagan: Artistic Director, Native Earth Performing Arts
  • Ravi Jain: Artistic Director, Why Not Theatre
  • Matthew Jocelyn: Artistic Director, Canadian Stage
  • Laura Nanni: Festival Director, Rhubarb Festival
  • Richard Rose: Artistic Director, Tarragon Theatre

Cost is PWYC so if you are broke as a joke or rollin’ in dough you can still go and have some smart fun. I’ll be there and hope to see some familiar faces so we can laugh together.