“you’re famous”

Last week in Dallas I had the pleasure of meeting Xeni (aka Madam Boing) from Boing Boing and it seems I have lots of friends that read it.  I’ve gotten texts, FB messages, emails and Tweets about the following article. Thought I better share it with the rest of ya. Check it out!

Virgin America, the airline that carries Boing Boing Video as an in-flight TV channel, launched service from Los Angeles to Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas this week. I joined other press for the inaugural flight, to live-tweet snapshots of the festivities. This included a bunch of cowboys and longhorn steer right on the tarmac at landing, and later, a “secret” performance by Willie Nelson with impromptu on-stage hoedown involving Sir Richard Branson and gorgeous flight attendants.

See photo gallery & full article here.

i took a bite of fashion toast.

On Twitter yesterday I saw famed LA fashion blogger Rumi Neely posted a NZFW photo diary. What did I find?

A pic of me, Rumi and Gala Gonzalez from the Nom D party at NZFW. That night was so fun, we climbed on the car and were posing for photographers. If you don’t know Rumi or Gala, you must be living under a fashion rock.

I have a crush on Gala, she’s from the UK and just lovely. Her blog is inside am-lul’s closet and Rumi’s blog is fashion toast.

Hopefully I get back to NZ again next year for FW. I’d love to get to a few other countries too! I got a glimpse of  ‘the life’… I had a driver, an assistant, and was ushered to front row for every show and always posing for photos.  Lets hope for more of that in my future!

building the snowman of my dreams

I love waking up to snow on the ground. It looks so pretty outside. Inspired me to get out of the house and venture to a coffee shop around the corner and soak up some scenery. I’ve got lots to get done today and tomorrow. I’ve never taken a week vacation from my blog. I wonder if I can even do it?

It’s like my child and we’ve never really been apart. “Mommy’s going on vacation honey. No no, it’s ok, you will still be online, I have scheduled daily content feedings for you ok. I’ll check in on you when I can my sweet”. The joy of having a blog and talking to myself if so amusing. Don’t you think? Yeah, yeah I do. Oh, I chuckle to myself.

They’re playing christmas music but I’ve got my earphones in anyways. Helps me concentrate. Look at that tower, man I love this cit. Happy Monday!

Bag: Nella Bella
Ear muffs: 180s
Scarf: Me to We

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I like to think of myself as a one man wolf pack.

Pretty excited for this week. Monday night I’m hosting a benefit concert at Supermarket in Kensington. The show is  raising money for Kids Help Phone. If you’re around, come. Details below.

Tuesday is my last day home before I go on vacation.  I’m gonna *try and digital detox.  I’ve only missed ONE day of internetting over the past year (see Bud Camp 2010) and I feel like taking a break.  Wow, really feels good to say type that.

I’ve partnered with some peeps to do some holiday gift giving while I’m away. One day I will go Oprah style and give you all my favourite things.  I’m also planning to look back at things from the past year, reflect.

Having a blog is a great way to remember the stuff you do. I forget all kinds of things, so it’s quite fun to look back. My blog header used to say “people, places, things, thoughts, in attempt to keep more memories.” Looking back is a great way to think about the future and what I want to achieve in the new year.

Wednesday evening I fly to Boston to meet my friends. Thursday we fly to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a week in the sun.

I’m really looking forward to that very moment when my feet hit the sand and the sun is on my face!

WHY WHY is tumblr not back up yet 🙁 Omg, omg. Wahhh.

Two hours and counting and the blogging platform is still down. Whatever are we to do without The Daily What and all those other delightful blogs?

According to The Next Web and CenterNetworks, Tumblr has been down for two hours now, causing a lot of derision among folks on Twitter.

via @mashable

Dexter tonight. My sister totally got me hooked on it. THANKS BAAABE LOVE YOU XO.

ipad drawings #borderlineartistic

Drawfree for iPad is fun.

we all need hope he said, his pants came off, she smiled

careful where you are walking you don’t want to slip.

delivered something special to a friend today. presents should be given all year.

eye see you…

and you andrew, i have been seeing your dace all over town. hair looks nice.

hey you playdead cult kids in the window, i see you waving too.

andrew, is this your doing? thought i recognized your work. i waved as i passed by.

saw these on my walk today.

the end.

PHOTOS: virgin america does dallas #VXDFW #BBQ

From DFW Virgin Party

PHOTOS: night out in dallas w/ virgin america #VXDFW

Who: Sir Richard Branson, Willie Nelson, LMFAO, media & notable guests
What: Celebration of  Virgin America Service to DFW
Where: Winspear Opera House, Dallas, Texas
When: December 1, 2010

View Post

Knock, knock? Are you there? Wake up!

Here is a note for you my friends, a quote from one of my fav’s below. I hope you find love in simple things, inspiration in everything and that you are wearing a smile upon your face. Have an awesome day. xo

“This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants… have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.”

Walt Whitman

what have you done for me lately? ooooh ya

I’ve never taken a red eye before but whoa. I took some sleepy time pills last night at 11pm as we were leaving LA, woke up as we were in final descent to Toronto after sleeping the  entire five hour trip. The last couple days travelling YYZ>LAX>DFW>LAX>YYZ really tuckered me out. Hibernating all weekend.

Can’t wait for my trip to San Juan next week. Talk about fun in the sun! Might even leave my computer at home and just take ipad & phone.

This weekend I’m putting together a week’s worth of posts with goodies for you. Photos from the Virgin America event in Dallas coming soon. It was really fun and I met so many awesome people.


* fav hat from H&M, Yoga jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique

EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS: gin & tonikkah?

Casie Stewart Virgin America Provocateur

Getting ready to head back to LA then home. Man, last night was fun. These pix from @stealingkitty. Upload mine later. I’m too hurrying to get outta this hotel and to the airport. (See Dailybooth over here —–>)

Me and Casie

This guy, Jesse designed my Virgin biz cards. Virgin babe.

Casie Stewart Virgin America Provocateur

She is super cute. SO GLAD WE FINALLY MET IRL.

Picking Up Casie

I’ll show you my pix soon enough. BTW was hanging out with Steph Pratt from the Hills and Josh from Desperate Housewives (total babe) last night. I also met Willie Nelson and Richard Branson, y’know NBD. Virgin America sure knows how to party.

Casie Stewart Virgin America Provocateur

Hope you are having a GREAT day. Watched these vids this morning. Love Adam Sandler & tonight’s gonna be a good night like the next few 🙂 HAPPY HANUKKAH!


Heaps of pix from today, share with you tomorrow. Gotta run to the party at the Dallas Opera House. Willie Nelson is performing and so is LMFAO. Richard Branson will be there and perhaps some other notables. I’ve got someone interviewing me for an online magazine called Pink Memo. Finally get to meet Rachel aka @stealingkitty too. Let’s hope there are some babes. Looking forward to the night out and coming back to my lux·u·ri·ous bed at the W.

Being away makes me love and appreciate you so much Toronto. I love you.

See you Friday,
XO Your Virgin America Provocateur

GIDDY UP! Dallas here we come!





Plane is full of media and VX Executives. I’m stoked and dressed like a cowgirl. The whole crew is wearing cowboy hats too. Today is gon’ be fun!

I love being the Provocateur! Yeehaw Virgin America! Let’s riiiiiiide 🙂

these WIENERS are gettin’ BEER’d! #stellaTO

Congratulations my friends, you gonna have BEERS! Say HI and THANK YOU to Calvin (@cdot_in_tdot) from Boston Pizza Yonge Sheppard. Heck, give him a hug for me if you feel up to it.


Jonathan Greenwald +1
Karly Gaffney + 1

Honarary mention goes to the following. You are all on the list too!

Scott Honsberger
Emma Brooks
Dan Levy
Marcin Zerek

Feel free to tweet/email pix from your night out. There’s lots more goodies coming in December so if you did not win this time, you have a better chance next time just cause you entered. HA!

Oh, while you’re on the internet, you should probs LIKE me and Boston Pizza YS on FB. We like you 🙂

I hope you all have fun. Now, go make friends!


P.S. Sorry it’s such late notice. The in-flight wifi was not happening today and I JUST got to my hotel in LA.

hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits.

Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious.

Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together…

Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got…

BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent.

Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly.

The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

…staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad.

Here’s a sneak peek on the new app that comes to the app store tonight at 12:01am. I need to download it right away so I can play with it before I meet Richard Branson. Maybe I can talk nerdy to him?

There’s a contest associated with designing the new cover and some more technical info on Mashable if you’re into it. I’ll share it with you tomorrow!

Nighty night!

Phot is by the lovely Lynsie Roberts. She shot me in September before New Zelaland Fashion Week.

peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!!

Ladies and gentlemen of Toronto,

It’s my duty as Virgin America Provocateur to share with you the awesome that is Virgin America. Today, your day is about to get a little bit sweeter 😉

To celebrate Virgin America’s (tasty) in-flight food, we’re surprising people with with red velvet cupcakes today. YES, CUPCAKES!

Follow us both on Twitter > @casiestewart & @virginamerica (which you should already be doing) and when you’re out and about look for our Virgin America Street team. They will be at Union Station, King Street Station, and Dundas Square in the morning, Yonge & Dundas, Queen Street West, and King Street West at lunch, and Dundas Square, Air Canada Center, and Saint Andrews Station during the afternoon.

Keep your eyes peeled for the team cause they’ve got 2,500 cupcakes AND 20% discount coupons. Plus, to upgrade your Monday a little more, listen to Z103.5 and call-in-to-win 100% off tickets! Amazing, I know. Maybe, just maybe we can trick you into thinking it’s Friday!

I’ve got a VX flight out to LA tomorrow then to Dallas on Wednesday for a launch event. I finally get to meet Richard Branson andI reckon we’re gonna get along. Don’t cha think?

Peace, love and cupcakes! HAPPY MONDAY!


ho ho holy cow! here come the holidays!

Can you believe it’s almost December?! Time sure flies, eh? I’m getting ready for a month of travel (hello sunshine!), gift giving (to you from here) and looking back at all the great things I’ve done this year.

My friends at Notable TV have put together a list of things to make your holiday shopping easier. Here’s a few of my fav’s.  Marc Jacobs – Bang & LOLA. The ads for these are so very pretty. Have you smelled them? Nice.

Booze is always a good idea, especially if you are going to a party (or coming to my house), they recommend Jose Cuervo Silver. Nothing like a few tequila shots to get a party started! Aiaiaai!

My other fav on their list is this fancy and oh so stylish fireplace designed by a Sydney Architect called the Zeta. Look at this thing! Pure class.

It’s both mobile and  environmentally friendly. Ah, I would love to have one of these for my swanky New York loft (the one I dream about). For more gift ideas from Notable TV check out their full Gift Guide by clicking below and in the words of Julian Brass, STAY NOTABLE!

incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff!

Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun?

Super cute, Keri & Raymi.

Say wha? 5 rupees? No way.

More blondes! Blonde Jovi!

There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party.

Christine, April, Carly. Babes.

Dance party!

Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU!

You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉

Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

stella ella ola, beer me please!

Let the holiday gift giving begin!!

I’m giving away TWO invites for TWO (total of four) people to attend an exclusive evening at the Beer Institute on December 2nd, 2010 at 6:30 pm sharp.

I would LOVE to be there but I will be in LA. Just think…THIS COULD BE YOU!

The Beer Institute is an exclusive facility located at 207 Queens Quay W Suite 299. Toronto, ON (2nd Floor). It features a gorgeous bar featuring over 50 different beers, several lounges overlooking the waterfront, a games room and more.

Winners will be recieving:
* A brief seminar on everything beer
* Instruction on the 9-Step Stella Pouring Ritual
* The ability to bartend (to try out their newly learned 9-step pouring ritual)
* Sample a multitude of domestic and international beers BEER ME!
* Dinner
* Prizes

Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I’ve got a whole bunch of goodies up my sleeve to give you this month. It’s a big thank you from me and some of the great companies I’ve worked with this year for checking in daily to see what crazy awesome things I’m up to. I appreciate your love and it makes me really happy to share stuff with you.

I will be picking the TWO winners on Tuesday, Nov. 30th. All you have to do is log in w/ Twitter, Facebook or Disqus and leave a comment below.

Prize winners and their guest MUST arrive ON TIME (not late!) as the facility is not publicly accessible and someone has to escort you in. Oh you fancy huh? Yes.

Big thank you to Calvin at Boston Pizza Yonge Sheppard for hooking YOU up. Give him a high five at the event when you meet him 🙂

OH “you don’t wanna party in a sari” #smirnoffXchange

  1. OH is ‘overheard on Twitter
  2. if you don’t know by now @itsbrownbarbie is my charming and oh so stylish roommate Sabrina.
  3. #smirnoffXchange is the hashtag for tonight

Tonight’s Smirnoff  party is a ‘Nightlife Exchange’ with India. I wrote about it in the ‘hey, wanna go to a party?‘ ticket giveaway post about a week ago. We were chatting about what to wear and if we should India theme our outfits and Brown Barbie said “you don’t wanna party in a sari”.

She looks so cute dressed like this, much different than her usual Barbie style.

There’s a couple reasons, the fancy material she has on below is highly flammable and all that fabric could cause a party foul and easily get ruined. Just think, heaps of fabric, high heels, copious amounts of alcohol, sounds like trouble to me.

I’m wearing a vintage kaftan that was Mum’s from the 1970’s. She shortened it back then and I’ve tailored it a little to fit me just perfect. Love wearing Mum’s old stuff cause when I blog it she pops in to check and is happily surprised.

The place we are going is called Munition Factory and the Smirnoff crew started setting up early this week.

Pretty stoked to show you photos of it all tomorrow. BTW posting a contest in the AM that involves food, beer and YOU. You know where to get the daily awesome, right here! Have a great night!


cyber monday electronic deal

today we have a sale on things that make you happy. they are free and if you sign up now you can have an infinate amount of sunshine.

enter your email to get your daily dose of awesome delivered:

delivered to you with love from feedburner

life is supposed to amazing, passionate and not stressful or filled with worry. your thoughts become things and if you are thinking positive thoughts, positive things will follow.

do something wonderful for yourself today, put on music and dance around, try on your skinny jeans, curl up on the couch in the afternoon with wine and a good book,  make cookies and eat them, get your nails done, call an old friend, take your camera for a nice walk, soak up some sunshine, make the most of every good thing.

going out with the BLOUNDETOURAGE and Brown Barbie to the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party. gonna be a damn good time! will post pix tomorrow 🙂

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

canada raises the most money/has the most babes

Last night was a blast. I can’t believe how many good looking MO bro’s we have in our city. Ok let’s do this. Happy Friday and here are some fun photos 🙂

This one’s an Aussie import, Movember CEO Adam Garone. Total Babe.

Ladies & gentlemen, meet your judges: Keri & I were judging Best Mo in Character.

Did you know that Canada raises the most Movember money? WE ARE THE BEST.

Check out Sabrina (who by the way is on Twitter now as @itsbrownbarbie)

These are a couple of my fav costumes The bushwackers had a bunch of fans AND came with a slew of other recognizable WWF old timers. You would have loved it Dad.

Classic – always a pair of these kids.

I bet this guy knows how to have a good time. Ringmaster said these were his slaves.

Ron, Burgundy?

Goose. Asian one at that!!

Harry & Lloyd, also a classic. Did they even have Mo’s in the movie? Fun fact: My Dad’s name is Lloyd

Give me your jackets.

Then it was stage time and things got a weeee crazier…yes, that’s a bare bum Borat. Adam was like “Dude, get off stage, that’s gross”. Haha.

She was a bull. Love that idea.

That turkey won Ms. Movember Toronto. Can almost see ginger stache’s bush. Nice latex BTW.

And finally, Mr. Movember Toronto 2010 is…Black Hulk Hogan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at that moose nuckle. Heheheheh.

Mo Bro Anthony was doing a weather cast.

My Mo sistas @irieras & @itsbrownbarbie

Gooden, handsome.

MOtto for MOvember.

DJ KC in the haus. Looks good on me I reckon, ya?


the movember gala is tonight. you going? i’ll be there.

Last year was really fun. So many MO’s around and it’s babe central. Check out some pix from last year here.