Creativity: It’s Always There, You Just Have to Find It

casiestewart, writer, director, toronto, creative, lifestyle, blog, 1188, revolver films

I haven’t written much in the last week. I’ve been busy but I’ve also been tired/lazy. Last week I directed a commercial, went to a conference, and had a press trip. It was non-stop go-go-go and although I relaxed over the weekend, come Monday I felt drained. I love my work and what I do but I am much more of a homebody and introvert than you might realize. I love staying home! Being a blogger (writer) means you spend a lot of time at home on your computer. 

I’m listening to the Call Me By Your Name Soundtrack, did you see that movie? It’s beautiful. I saw it on one of the flights I’ve taken since January. By the end of February, I’d seen almost every new movie on Air Canada. I was happy to see this one pop up, it’s good. After coming back from New Zealand I was pretty relaxed and ready to start 2018 business. But now, I can’t believe it’s April and I feel like the last two months have been a blur. I was super sick for half of February then I had a week in Vancouver, a week in San Francisco, a couple weekends at the cottage, and few days in Ottawa (Gatineau). Where did the time go?!

This extended winter is not helping, I totally wore the wrong coat.

This weekend we are heading up to the cottage and I can’t wait. Before we head north, I’m attending a creativity workshop with FITC. I’m hoping for an electric charge that inspires me to make things. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, feeling tired but your creativity is always there, you just have to find it. I’m a very creative person but I go through waves of stopping and starting, staring at my computer, into hour-long blackholes of scrolling FB or IG.

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day routine, feeling tired, but your creativity is always there you, you just have to find it.  

You have to find something that inspires you every single day. I love going for walks, riding my bike, or calling someone (on the actual phone) to chat a few minutes. Workouts are good too if you’re into that haha.

Today I tweeted about the sunshine because this damn long ass winter seems to be never ending but you can’t let it get you down. Spring is around the corner, a time of renewal, growth, change. Take inventory of the things around you, make your bed, close your eyes and think for a minute, go outside, read your old journal, buy flowers, draw something. You control your thoughts and you are in charge of the way you feel. If you find the sunshine within, you can share it with the world.

dontquit, dont quit, casie stewart, lifestyle, positive, blogger


Travel Tips: Packing a Stylish Carry-on


Thankfully Thursday is here, best day of the week! I’m so excited for this weekend I’ve been counting down the days hours of what has felt like a really long week. Yesterday I posted an IG photo with the caption ‘hump day lol’ and it wasn’t until about 4pm I realized it WASN’T EVEN WEDNESDAY.

My BFF Sarah and I are flying Porter to Ottawa for a relaxing, fun-filled few days at Lac-Leamy Casino in Gatineau, Quebec. From now until April 22 they have a ‘Now Boarding‘ theme that’s all about travel and adventure. My fav things!

After all these years, I’ve almost perfected the art of packing the right mix of stuff for fashion and function. With the help of 1188 Films, we created a cute video with some of my trusted packing tips. Click here to watch on Facebook or hit play below!

Travel Tips: Packing a Stylish Carry-on

This weekend I’m heading to Casino Lac-Leamy w/ my BFF. I’m so excited! Here’s a few of my trusted packing tips for a weekend getaway!

Posted by casie stewart: this is my life on Thursday, March 29, 2018

I’m so excited. I honestly can’t wait. Lac-Leamy Casino has hooked us up with a great room at the hotel, dining at their 5 restaurants, a spa visit, and of course, we’ll be hitting the CASINO! Big money, baby! I mean, I hope we win some $$$ but we’ll have heaps of fun no matter what. I’ve been getting plenty of practice ahead of time with Mobile Wins Casino which allows me to play casino on phone which is convenient as I can play on the go! They’ve got a whole bunch of travel activities to accompany their current ‘Now Boarding’ theme and it is going to be SO FUN. I love gambling and I often play games online on websites like, I can’t wait to make some big money!!

I’ve been on heaps of trips and try to travel with just a carryon whenever I can. Once I did 2 weeks in Thailand with just a carryon! I still managed to look stylish the whole trip, it became ‘a thing’ with our group to see what I walked into the lobby wearing each morning. Haha. If you want to go on an amazing trip like this you might have to be flexible with your travel dates or destination because it wasn’t cheap I can tell you! But anyway, onto packing tips!

Travel Tips: Packing a Stylish Carryon

  1. Scarves come in handy
  2. Bring a bunch of sunnies
  3. Travel pillow
  4. Travel sized essentials & ziplock bags
  5. Packing cubes are ??????
  6. Dryer sheets to keep things fresh

A couple other things, I always dress nicely when I go to the airport, you never who you’ll run into/sit beside, and it’s helpful in scoring upgrades.for your trip. I usually wear all black, leggings, loafers (or whatever shoes take up the most space!), a loose-fitting black top that looks tidy, and my khaki trench coat. I take most of my tech accessories zipped up in my big black purse and throw my Mac charger in the suitcase.
pillow, packing cubes, and my go-to iPhone charger are all from Amazon, I’ve linked them below. I never go anywhere without them! For this trip, I ordered Sarah and I these super cute matching robes and this disco laser light for our soon-to-be hotel dance party. I can’t wait. I’m so excited!

Follow our adventures on IG Stories and Twitter. For a sneak peek at what we’ll be doing pop over to the casino website.

[amazon_link asins=’B076WVNBPW,B078MW1BFF,B017NA7V1U,B01NH5G3HH,B00LB7REBE’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’a6f4b1ef-3359-11e8-a86a-237a6faebf10′]

This post is in partnership with Casinos du Québec. I've been compensated and I'm SO EXCITED to share this experience. Even better, I'm taking my BFF! So fun. Best job ever!

Check out their Now Boarding theme here and think about Lac-Leamy Casino for your next weekend getaway!

Opening the Cottage 2018

Ok it wasn’t summer but it was realllllly warm in the sun. I sat out on the deck reading my book for a while and came in with a little tan line. We were walking out on the lake and have been hearing it crack all weekend. It’s very thick, we weren’t even able to cut through it with the chainsaw. The sound is like a quiet *boom* and you can feel it in your stomach or chest. We heard a loud one while we were walking so that’s a wrap on that! Lol.

It’s absolutely stunning tho. Lots of neighbours were out on the lake today. Families, baby strollers, dogs.

I love being up here and slowing down. There’s lots of instruments and time to do creative projects or take naps. I’ve read a lot this weekend.

Sean cut down a couple trees and I kept a few pieces for a friend and making stuff. The wooden cutting/cheese boards we made last year were a real hit.

I love spraying things with rose gold Krylon.

Feeling great and ready for a good week. I’m directing a shoot on Tuesday. Thursday, Sarah and I are flying out for a girls getaway. Sunday is Easter and we’ll be back up here for a couple days. Can’t wait to see what state the lake is in by then. 12 degrees on Wednesday!

I tried those magnetic lashes!

I tried those magnetic lashes!

The other day I went to a media preview and they were putting magnetic lashes on everyone! I wasn’t planning to blog about this but they were really cool and I thought you might want to know. I tried taking them off and putting them on again and they’re pretty easy. For the record, I’m used to putting on my own lashes. The ones we tried are Ardell and you can find them at Rexall, Walmart, or right here on Amazon for $26. You can use them about 15 times so that’s a pretty great deal.

The ones I got were a bit long,  so I trimmed the inside a little. You can see the before in the photo above if you look close, but don’t look too close. haha!

How To Magnetic Lash

  1. Put on a coat of mascara
  2. Layer the top lash on your own lashes
  3. Put the bottom lash along the bottom of your lashes
  4. Voila, they snap together with magnets!

I reckon it would be helpful to use some type of plastic tweezer (like these) to place them on the lashes. You obvs can’t use metal tweezers bc of the magnets. I tried! 

Thanks Overcat Communications for the lash hookup! I wore them for a shoot yesterday and they were great. 

[amazon_link asins=’B0771PBBD5,B00Q1NEGJG,B0775WCTJ2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’d78b545f-2df5-11e8-aa11-0fd09345ad0d’]

Travel Essentials: Don’t forget these on your next trip!

Travel Essentials: Don’t forget these on your next trip!

I’ve been travelling a lot this year and have a routine when I pack.  I never forget, a hat, an eye mask, thongs (aka flip flops), multiple pairs of sunglasses (no matter what the temperature), a couple scarves, insurance, and my passport. Wardrobe and accessories always depend on where I’m going. Something  REALLY important people often forget is INSURANCE.

Millennials, I’m lookin’ at you. Apparently, we’re more likely to hop on a plane without insurance (55%) than without our cell phone (45%). Raise your hand if this is you?!

In a recent TD Insurance survey, more than 1/3 of Canadians forgot to purchase travel insurance at least once (37%) or said it’s the last thing they think of (36%).

SF MOMA, San Francisco, United States

Over a third of Canadians think they have travel insurance with their credit card (37%) or their job (37%), but don’t check what coverage they really have. You should definitely double check before you get on that airplane and consider buying a supplemental health insurance policy if you don’t have out of country emergency medical coverage.

We’ve all heard stories of people having accidents on trips and you don’t want to rely on a GoFundMe to get you home safe. 

Drake Devonshire, Prince Edward County, New Zealand
Sutro Baths, San Francisco, United States

Almost half of Canadians travel outside the country/province more than once a year. It’s important to have Canada-wide coverage as well as international. DYK that government health plans won’t always cover out-of-province emergency expenses like bringing a family member to see you in hospital, returning you home, or ambulance rides?

If you travel heaps like me, check out the TD Annual Plan that covers you for unlimited trips of 9, 17, 30 or 60 days throughout the year. This will save you from *forgetting* insurance again and save you unwanted expenses in the event that something bad happens.

This post is in partnership with TD. I love to travel and insurance is really important. Don't be one of those people that forgets to take care of it!

You remind me of a sunshine the way you light up a room.

casiestewart, director, speaker, blogger, toronto, influencer, writer, NSB, 1188 films

I used to post a lot of collage photos of my faces, different faces, expressions. I mean, used to as in the ‘old days’ of social media, pre-Instagram, early Twitter. I love taking photos of myself and documenting them. I love myself and I want you to know that. You should love yourself too. What else can I say? You gotta love yourself first because the more love you have, the more love you can give to others. Love and kindness are infinite.

I always thought it was fun to take a million (ok, a hundred?) photos of my facial expressions and post them. As a kid, I spent heaps of time making faces in the mirror, ask mum. Honestly, I take about 50+ sometimes before I get one I want to post. I’ve always had an expressive face.

When I was a kid, I did a lot of dance competitions across Ontario, New York, Myrtle Beach. At one competition my adjudicator was Patsy Swayze, Patrick Swayze’s mum. She trained him for Dirty Dancing in 1987 when I was 5.

It was circa 1990 when she recorded a tape about me.  Back then, judges used to record their comments on tape while you were dancing and give it to you after the awards. I still have the tape of her talking about me. She said, “it’s too bad we don’t have lighting from the audience to show this child’s facial expression because she really does deserve it”. To this day, that is one of my proudest moments.

“it’s too bad we don’t have lighting from the audience to show this child’s facial expression because she really does deserve it”

I will never stop showing who I am. I’m too damn old to try and pretend to be someone else, gah, imagine how much work that would be? I am who I am and I’m proud of it. You really should be proud of who you are too. Just be, and be the most. Giver.

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

Check out @martinamartian for super fun IG Stories Surveys or peep my story here!

In other news, I was offered a spray tan from Bronzed by Emily Bloom. I obvs said YES because this winter is never ending and a tan makes my skin feel great and my mental health instantly better. Also, it wasn’t that hot in California (no tan ?) so I booked it for the day after I got back from San Francisco. Smart right?

Her tans are organic, vegan, gluten-free (not sure what this means for a tan?), and I am totally loving it. The studio is above Milagro on Queen West and the whole process was about 20min. I stripped down to my skivvies and she sprayed me by hand all over with a small machine. I highly recommend wearing sexy underwear bc I am a derp and was wearing full hipster panties so my tan lines aren’t cute. I feel great tho. It lasts about a week (7-10days). Emily also donates 5$ to the Melanoma Research Foundation for every bottle of Brazil Bronze purchased. ??

BEFORE TAN AT HOME: “Hi I take 100 photos of myself”

AFTER TAN AT HOME:  “Hi, my skin is flawless”

Ok, that’s all for now. Remember,  you will never be younger than you are RIGHT NOW, so make the most of it.