Summertime Weekend Vibe 2019

Summertime Weekend Vibe 2019

We had such a great time at the cottage this weekend. The weather called for rain and thunderstorms and it turned out to be perfect summer weather. Cory & Ish were up and we had great food, swam, floated, boated, and had heaps of laughs. I’d been a little nervous to get back up on the wakeboard after the whole broken collarbone of winter 2019 thing but I DID IT. I got up right away and did better than last summer! I’m so proud of myself bc I was scared for years to even try wakeboarding and I love it now. 

Fun things to look forward to this week, Wednesday I’m speaking at a LinkedIn event about branding and Friday is the Canadian premiere of Astronaut Movie. Get tickets below if you wanna join!

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ASTRONAUT – In Theatres & Streaming July 26th!

I’ve been sitting on this info for a while and I am so happy to finally share! I’ve got a part in ASTRONAUT starring Oscar winner Richard Dreyfuss, directed by Shelagh McLeod.

The premiere is at Cineplex YD Square on July 26th and in select theatres across North America. If you’re in Van, NY, LA, Miami, Denver, Dallas, or Boston, check your local theatre. If you’re in Toronto see local times at Cineplex here.

Astronaut will also be on streaming services so if you’re not near a theatre or just like staying home, you’re good! I’m hoping to have a few behind the scenes videos of us talking with Colin Mochrie later this week.

Here are some photos from behind the scenes when we were shooting at the Canadian Warplane Museum and 299 Queen Street. It was pretty neat to be back at Much Studios 10 years after I worked there, to be A ON CAMERA IN A MOVIE.

Astronaut was shot at the end of 2018, right before I went to NZ for a month and after a directed a real estate commercial for Great Gulf. I remember I was flying high, thinking every single day, wow ‘THIS IS MY LIFE’.

Was pretty cool to see my updated IMDB to include actress. My role in the film is ‘Actress‘ and I play a celebrity contestant in the movie’s gameshow. I can’t wait to see it!

Casie Stewart, Actress, IMDB

Thank you for reading and following me. I’m constantly amazed at the course my life is taking. It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you are open, kind, and believe in yourself. Next stop, the moon!
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Interview: Vocab Comm Influencer Tuesdays

I recently did an interview w/ Chrissy, longtime friend, OG PR, and founder of Vocab Comm. I talk about the social media landscape, influencers, and my career. I included part of the interview below, read the whole thing here. Chrissy used to host MMVA and celebrity gifting lounges at the beginning of social media, we worked together on a few. This was a fun one.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario. My parents immigrated here from New Zealand and my dad had a custom Hot Rod shop growing up. I created my first business in grade 2 and at 14 I wrote a book and started a publishing company. I went to Conestoga College and last year was given an Alumni Award for my work from the President of the college. I went to university in Australia and have a B. Com in International Business. I have lived in Toronto since 2005 when I started my blog. Through my blog, I’ve built some amazing brand partnerships (Pepsi, Telus, Aeroplan, Sassoon) and traveled to incredible amazing places in the world (Thailand, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Disneyland).

How do you define an influencer?

I think the word ‘influencer’ has really taken on a whole new (kinda negative) meaning with the rise of Instagram influencers. To me, influence is a product of something someone does. It’s not something you get by having a lot of followers. My influence has grown from being a pioneer in a new industry and constantly innovating. I share my life with the world and love discovering new things, my influence comes from building trust with my audience.

What advice do you have for other people looking to become an online influencer?

Don’t do it. Find something you love and do that! Don’t set your goal at being an influencer. I swear it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

Don’t strive to be an influencer, aim to do something that has influence on the world.

– Casie Stewart

The other week I was at the Cannes Film Festival and someone said “I’m jealous of your life”. Shortly after, I tweeted, “You wouldn’t be jealous if you knew how much work it took to get here”. For almost 10 years I blogged every single day. I very rarely take a day off and hardly any of my travels are vacation. I love what I do and have turned it into a career. It takes WORK and consistency.

What’s your fav personal social media moment in your career so far?

I’ve some really cool moments in the last 10 years of my life. A lot of them tie back to my work in social media. Traveling around the world, working with Virgin America & Richard Branson, walking in Toronto Fashion Week, being in a film about TIFF, reporting on The Royals for eTalk, speaking at SXSW, doing a TEDx talk.

Celebrity Stylist Derek Warburton, Nicole Miller at NZFW, 2010

How do you inspire others through your work or personal life?

I try to keep it real. Being on the internet can be hard. I have a series of posts called ‘Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It’ (See here: where I write about how social media gives me anxiety or I don’t feel like being an ‘internet person’. I’ve had great feedback on those posts because they share the realness that you don’t see in curated Instagram feeds.

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

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P.S. Did you get a ticket to my upcoming event? I'm speaking at LinkedIn Local this month about branding. More details here, use CASIESTEWART as code for discount tickets. Love ya! 


Take Time For Yourself.

Take Time For Yourself.

I’ve been finding just about anything to distract me from doing the things I should be doing today.

Last week I went to Vancouver a day before my meetup so I could be ready and rested before spending the week with Telus creators from across Canada. I love what I do but it takes a lot out of you to be present online AND in real life while creating content in real-time. On influencer trips, there’s always a camera around, you’re posting to the internet with the proper hashtags, making sure your outfit is cute, and talking to people face-to-face. It can be pretty taxing!

One of my favourite moments last week was walking around downtown Vancouver w/ Cory Lee and stopping by Pink Alley. It was such a beautiful day to be outside surrounded by bright colours, making memories.

Would you believe I spent 15+ hours on Instagram last week? I’m due for a digital break but there’s always something exciting to do and I want to share it with you and the world. I know I should disconnect and take time away from screens but then again I have heaps of things to get done and they all involve being ON A SCREEN. Ahhhh!

Over the years I’ve learned it’s good to take breaks, to let your mind rest, thoughts wander. Years ago before Instagram, I had 40+ posts month over month. These days I find myself writing a ~10 blog posts a month when I’m in the mood or have a due date. I love documenting my life but don’t put the pressure on myself I used to.

Over the years, the mediums have changed and the content is in different places but I think the message is still the same: You’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of each day.

Last night I walked all the way home from the office, spent some time reading on our patio, and got a good sleep.

Give yourself a break tonight, this weekend, whenever you need it, take some time for yourself. Love this little rest reminder I discovered via Meghan Yuri Young.

Sending sunshine your way,

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech

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WOM_N Tarot Deck Launch: You’re on the right path.

WOM_N Tarot Deck Launch: You’re on the right path.

Yesterday I had my tarot cards read at an event hosted by my friend Nataleigh for the launch of the WOM_N Tarot Deck. It was such a great event! I didn’t think I would be able to get into psychic readings. But since experiencing it, it is a little easier now to see why people are interested in this. I’ve even begun doing research into sites like Psychic Sofa, in case I ever decide to get another tarot card reading or just want a bit of guidance in life. It’s pretty cool when you actually think about it! Of course if you can’t get to one of these places you can always try phone psychic readings to get a nudge in the right direction. Some people swear by it! Michelle and I got matching tattoos, Sean got a tattoo, the drinks readings were amazing, and the room was filled with wonderful women and people supporting them.

I’m honored to be THE SUN card in this beautiful new deck. I had a reading using someone like this Psychic Reader at the start of the event and it confirmed some stuff for me. the last few months have been filled with lots of adventure and there are new things on the horizon. I’m doing things I’ve always wanted to do and excited for what’s in store. One of my projects this summer is to study the cards and learn about each one so I can do readings for my friends (and myself!). I may even get a psychic text reading to learn more about the different forms as I learn about tarot, too!

Me on WOMN_TO Shoot Day during the winter.

About the WOM_N Deck: This is a deck of celebration.

WOM_N: a celebratory and intuitive tarot deck, with a new-fashioned and transcendental take on tarot symbolism. A physical reminder of what work is being done, in our city, by who and a glimpse of what might be in store for you.

WOM_N is a collection of those who identify as female and are defining themselves. Defining their power, their skillset, their space. They are CEOs, futurists, healers, designers, mothers, public servants, community builders, creatives, sexologists, coaches, athletes and more.

Order your very own WOM_N TO Deck here.

This week I’m in Vancouver with Telus. Follow my adventures on Instagram!

Thoughts on Graduating: Find Something You Love

Alumni Award recipient, Casie Stewart with Conestoga College President, John Tibbits.

Last week I spoke at the graduation for Conestoga College. There were 15 programs graduating and hundreds of students. I got to wear a gold cape as a ‘special guest’. I checked the colour of the cape before the event and came prepared with gold shoes. It was pretty cool!

The top photo above is me with Conestoga College president John Tibbits at the presentation of my Alumni Award last year. I was in shock when I found out I’d been nominated for the Premiere’s Award then Conestoga surprised me with an Alumni Award. [The highest award from a college delivered by the president!]

This isn’t the kind of award you can apply for, and I am so honored to be recognized. I took my mum, and her BFF (aka my second mum & Fairy Godmother!) to the ceremony. We had a great time!

I spoke at the graduation for Conestoga College. Scroll for some thoughts on life, career, and what to be when you grow up. If ever!
Pat Hope, Me, Mum

Looking Back

I’ve spent the last decade working in social media as the industry grew and developed. I’ve had my blog for 14 years. When I went to Conestoga College for Marketing, social media was not invented. Blogs were not invented, there was no Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. I was into marketing as soon as I knew what it was. I chose to study it in college because I had a *feeling* the internet would be something big. SMART THINKIN’ EH!

Honestly, in college, I used to skip class and I hardly ever bought textbooks. I didn’t have much money in college or university, but I always did the work. I worked well in groups when I was the leader, I liked writing, I was really into presentations. I didn’t really know what I wanted to be when I left Conestoga College, so I went to university, in Australia. I liked business but I had no clue about a job. I needed to escape and find myself.

When I finished school, I wanted to work in fashion, something I was passionate about. I did that for a few years and also worked in tech. I was a promo model and a tv/film background extra. I did a lot of jobs to get to where I am today and a big part of my journey comes from taking chances.

I followed my gut. Believed in myself. I took the road less traveled and it really made a huge difference. I’ve always done things my own way, a little different, and been kinda weird, but as I’ve gotten older THOSE ARE MY BIGGEST STRENGTHS.

My advice:

If you’re younger than me and graduating this year, or in a job that’s not your giving you life, don’t worry. You have the power to change your path. Your life is YOUR movie and you’re the director. Take charge of it. We live in a world where technology is driving innovation and new industries are emerging all the time.

You can’t control the cards you are dealt but you decide how to play them.

You ALWAYS have a choice in how to react and what you do with every situation. I wrote a post a while back around the thought that there’s nothing wrong with Monday, Monday doesn’t suck, you just hate your job. You have the power to change your situation. You got this. Change your attitude, change your life.

My Advice:

  1. Find something you love and go confidently in that direction.
  2. Do something each day that brings you closer to your dream.
  3. Learn as much as you can about the thing you love, be the best at it.

If you’re looking for something else to scroll, read this post on my advice to the graduating class when I was inducted into my high school hall of fame.