Sun on the face. Senators only.
Welcome to Canada.
Baby blue.
“I’m melting”
The Blondetourage: expressed as neon wolves made of ice at Winterlude 2012.
Full circle.
Walked from my hotel down to the mall, through the market, around Parliament, through Winterlude, across the canal and back. Kevin was a great tour guide and I posted all kinds of beautiful things you won’t see here I saw on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Keek, Facebook and a 360 view from Parliament Hill. It’s fairly mild and the sun felt good on my face. I will remember this day forever.
Don’t have hair & makeup till 7:30pm, it’s nap time. Might watch a movie too.
lol metling. and blondeneontourage love love it!
@raymitheminx it was like a magical maniacal neon explosion, i couldn’t help but think of us.