super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday

Rememeber Foursquare Day last year? Yes you do. It was 4/16, I worked at MuchMTV. I printed a big 4sq badge on a tshirt and scooted over to the Loose Moose for the party. I’d been there a few times so when I checked in, I TOOK THE MAYORSHIP. Everyone cheered as I walked to the table then Molson gave me a bucket of beers. It was an epic winning of mayorship & nerd pride. * that gun necklace got me hardcore hassled by border patrol at YYZ last summer! This year’s #4SQDAY meetup in Toronto is at The Firkin @ 461 King Street. For all the info on the Toronto meetup check the FB page. I chatted Karly (@_topshelf), one of the organizers yesterday and there are HEAPS of sponsors, free beer for an hour and BUTTONS like this. I picked up a few buttons yesterday because I will be attending the 4sq Day meetup in Boston at the Boston Common. Rumours floating the interwebs  Foursquare just may have a special badge for those attending the worldwide festivities. Really looking forward to relaxing with my friends & escaping the city.  Also stoked to fly with Porter again!

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My Sister Jenie is in The Bahamas w Mum!

Bye Toronto! Heaven! Scary! Da Hanover at Nassau airport – free wifi! Outside Nassau (AH Gay, I so wish I was there with you!) OMG boarding – SMALL. Ready to fly. (Love you so much.) (OMG Gay, it’s so beautiful!) Arrived! (OMG HI MUM! Mum, you look great! You too Gay.) (Reminded of Grandad) lots of luv from all of us! xoxoxoxox – Jenie

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#BahamaMama: Please Save Our Oceans From Plastic!

This post was written by my Mum while she was living on their boat in The Bahamas! Plastic, we all use it everyday but do we really think about where it goes when it lands in our rivers and oceans? To see mans intrusion of plastic clutter, washed up fishing nets and lost shoes on these beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Coast  is very sad. We explored the Atlantic Ocean beach of Cambridge Cay which is part of The Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park, the first land and sea park in the world. The park covers 176 square miles beginning at Wax Cay Cut in the North and Stretching southward some 22 miles to Conch Cut and extending out approximately 4 nautical miles on either side of the cays. It is a no-take zone by both land and sea-nothing living or dead, can be removed from the park.  The park can only be reached by boat. To have the opportunity to visit this park is amazing. Miss you, love Mum.

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Guest post from my Bahama Mama

A few photos to enjoy. Deans Blue Hole opens opens up into a vast 4,000-foot-deep underwater cavern ranking it as the largest yet discovered in the world.  The platform in the middle has two divers on it who practice free diving twice a day. The world record for free diving in the blue hole is held by a guy from New Zealand. Love to all xoxo Thanks for sharing Mum. It looks SO very beautiful. I wish I was there with you! How long is your hair now Mum? You look super cute as always. Miss you <3

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i love when new zealand is trending

Remember last week I shared with you the Air NZ video with Snoop? Air NZ is at it again with this creative & cute safety vid w/ Richard Simmons. I saw it on Mashable and coincidently there is a Quantas ad for NZ right abovethe video, doh. Take note of the uniforms at the start of the video. They are designed by Trelise Cooper a top NZ designer. My first frigh ever was w/ Air NZ, I was two. Best airline food I’ve had ever! Another thing I noticed, video for Air NZ is “FIT TO FLY” and so is JUKARI the workout I did last week. Whoa, SAMES.I wanna go back to NZ so bad.

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I Touched The Sky.

I looked at all the things on and really wanted to do something I’d never done before…so I did! I went on a helicopter tour of downtown Toronto! I was nervous for a few minutes but I can’t even imagine chickening out, I live for that nervous excited feeling. Here we go… So pretty our city, even with a blanket of snow. I reckon doing this in the summer would be just delightful. All the trees, the lake and water looking so nice. I can see my house! Was so neat to fly over downtown, take it all in from a different perspective.  We got pretty close to the CN Tower too. I was told they often get people planning proposals, especially this time of year. has so heaps of adventures to pick from ex. drive a race car, visit a castle,  massages, spa packages, golf, wine tasting and beer school. You can even book a segway and be like Justin Bieber. (Please tell me if you do that! haha) I think this kinda thing makes a great gift. All the stuff ranges from under $50 to ultimate experiences like attending Cannes Film Fest worth over $10,000. I gave away a $50 voucher in December. I’m sure you’ve seen the gift cards at Shoppers or Walmart,  and perhaps will pick one up when shopping for your valentine.  😉 *cough, cough* Hey look up, that’s where I was flying! Today marks the first day of Social Media Week around the world. I’m up and off to the Ted Rogers School of Management for The Evolving Role of Social Media in Retail. Have an awesome day!

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