I’m in London Still

[View the story “London Still” on Storify] London Still Storified by CASIE STEWART · Tue, Dec 04 2012 16:51:36 The Waifs London Stillgregharper I first heard this song ‘London Still’ when I lived in Australia. It’s by The Waif’s from Perth, Australia. I always dreamed of visiting this city. It’s so exciting to be here. Press play and scroll down. 15sec Tour Of My Room At @LM_Piccadilly #LondonNice. ― at London, UK. At London, UK by casiestewart. Join Viddy to follow casiestewart and share bite-size videos with the world. Step into my room! It’s quite massive. I had to wait for it to get ready and I am so surprised how LARGE the bathroom it. It has it’s own hallway! Ooh lala! A gift was just delivered for me from @thomassaboCDN thomassabo. Thank y @ Le Méridien Piccadilly http://instagr.am/p/S0VMSuya8O/CASIE STEWART I received a call from the bellhop saying he had a gift for me and a minute later he arrived with this lovely giftbag containing the best macaroons you can get with a welcome letter fro Thomas Sabo.  Walked around Regent and Oxford Streets stopping into stores and checking things out.  People are pretty nice and I was able to snag some wifi on my travels to keep the internet updated as cruised around. Made some friends. @ Gap http://instagr.am/p/S0g7boSazb/CASIE STEWART Just posted a photo @ Apple Store http://instagr.am/p/S0g2hNyazZ/CASIE STEWART They are 3D printing in here wired. So many cool robots and stuff. @ Wired Pop-up Store http://instagr.am/p/S0hPw8Sazr/CASIE STEWART 3D Printing At The @Wired Pop-up In #London Cool http://viddy.it/WHIMTCCASIE STEWART Badass electric cello. @ Wired Pop-up Store http://instagr.am/p/S0hlF-Saz5/CASIE STEWART Must be careful crossing the street! @ Oxford Circus Crossing http://instagr.am/p/S0hlHsyaz6/CASIE STEWART Watching Celebrity Juice right now and it is HILARIOUS. UK TV is so much wilder. #LondonCASIE STEWART Two heads are better…

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Sometimes a dream looks like a meatpie, but it’s more than that.

There’s something to be said about following your dreams… I’ve always been a dreamer, always been a little ‘out there’. Someone with big ideas who looked at the world like I could go anywhere, achieve anything. To the moon Alice! The moon isn’t as far away as it used to be and it’s easier to get there if you know how. Today I had a dream. A small dream to some, but to me it was one I had been dreaming about for a long time. It was important to me. The small dream is part of a bigger dream. It’s all the small dreams along the way that helped the big dream come true. My dream was to have an English meat pie. It was part of the bigger dream of going to England that I have had since I was a teenager. [View the story “Meat Pie Dreams” on Storify] Meat Pie Dreams Storified by CASIE STEWART · Tue, Dec 04 2012 15:50:04 I walked a ways to get a meat pie cause the one location was sold out then when I got home realized it was a BUTTER TART. WHAAAHHH. #londonCASIE STEWART All I want for Christmas is a mince meat pie. With potato on top. Love, Casie<3CASIE STEWART That’s the thing, you have to dream a little dream, and set goals, and work at them every singe day. Your thoughts become things and the more positive thoughts you throw at those things, the more real the dream becomes. Then, one day you’re sitting on a king size bed, draped in a white fluffy, hotel robe, in your deluxe suite at Le Meridian Picadilly in London, England, FINALLY eating that god damn English meat pie you have SO been dreaming about. It’s that very moment you smile…

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Why do I not make more videos? Doh.

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Tia Maria Room in Montreal on Thursday. Wanna come?

Helloooooooo from London, England! This week is a busy one as I arrived here early today and will be in Montreal come Thursday afternoon then, back at the office Friday afternoon, and on stage in the Santa Baby holiday burlesque show Friday night.  Yikes! I live for this though. I love being on the road, I find it really enhances my creativity and inspires me. I’m excited for all the things I learn and people I meet on each trip. I met two dudes while boarding the plane who get their biz cards printed through my office! Cray. I’d like to invite any of YOU  to meet up with me in Montreal on Thursday for the  Tia Maria Room. If you can make it please Tweet, test, comment, email, or do something to let me know so I can add you to the list! There will be lushious cocktails, sensual tunes, a performance by Jarvis Church, and of course, me! I’ll be working and tweeting for Tia Maria and would love to see you there. LMK! Time for a wee nap then I’m going to take in the city! <3 CASIE

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Going to the UK for Thomas Sabo Spring Summer 2013

Tomorrow after work I am going to London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND MATE! Staying atLe Méridien Piccadilly Partying at The Shard: Tallest Building in the European Union (Open February 2013) Will be visiting the shard as one of the first to experiece the exclusive ‘View From The Shard’ with a champagne reception and party on the 69th floor in the viewing gallery. I’ll be joining press from around the world to preview the 2013 Thomas Sabo and meeting the new Brand Ambassadors. The Shard is on London Bridge Street and I could not be more excited. This trip is all my fav things, travel, press, social, and media.  Not to metion how charming English accents are! I’ve talked about going to London for years now and it’s HAPPENING! I’ll be documenting it all on Instagram and right here. Dan Witchalls Base Jump from The Shard: This is awesome. I can see myself getting into base jumping at some point.   If you had one day ONLY to yourself in London, what would you do? LMK! <3 CASIE

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Casie, what are you doing in Calgary, Alberta where it is snowing?

Oh, pardon the swag! I’m in Calgary, Alberta for the 10th anniversary of Paul Hardy, a Calgary based designer making a name for himself around the globe. I’m one of about a dozen bloggers who have have graciously been sent here by Calgary Tourism for a weekend of fashion, fun, food, and friends. I’m fell into the internet this morning after a deep sleep in my king size bed at Hotel Arts and now I really need to hurry to get downstairs. Driver picks us up in half an hour ten minutes for a fancy media lunch. I have a few hours to hibernate shop and hangout this afternoon before the show & afterparty. I love fashion. I can’t wait! Kinda glad it’s snowing so I can wear a hat and fur. Oh, and it’s totally SNOWING.   This is my inspiration for the day.  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. Henry David Thoreau US Transcendentalist author (1817 – 1862) Follow my adventures today on Twitter or pop into the homepage casiestewart.com anytime to see what’s going on. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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