Today in #Toronto: Tattoos, Water, Wine, Bikes, Blue Skies

Out on my bike this morning to put on a basket before hitting the road. I’ve got 2 things on today: EskaQuest giveaway w/ Eska Water at 2pm in Yorkville – find me first to win a $300 GC to StillWater Spa at the Park Hyatt Vintage Ink Wine presents: GENERATIONS, a celebration of tattoo culture through art at 99 Sudbury. It’s open to the public and you’re invited. Other than that, the day is mine! Gonna bike around and see what I can find.  Took a look at the new-ish street art under the bridge on Bloor at Dundas. It was all done a couple weeks ago and worth checking out. A bunch of Toronto artists’ work to see. Went on lock up and found my Schwinn Twinn! In case you missed it this week, I’ve been welcomed to the Schwinn Team as an official ambassador. They hooked me up with a sweet bike! Picked this one out, it suits me, good for cruising the city and just needs that basket. Bike selfie is dangerous but I’ve got it locked down. The city workers were taking down all the street art near the new Union Pearson Express station at Bloor-Dundas. I asked what was happening to it all and GO was giving some away but decided to keep it all. I would have dragged this one home and taken it to the cottage. I’ve been writing this while circling the Dollar Store for zip ties and now I’m gonna go riding. The PanAm Opening Ceremony last night was really neat. Loved watching all the athletes walk in. I posed a bunch of photos etc on Have an awesome day! CASIE ??

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Heading to Our Nations Capital, Ottawa!

Friday morning Mum and I are heading to Ottawa and it’s her first time flying Porter Airlines. I’m so excited to be travelling with her! Last time mum and I went on a trip together I was in middle school. We don’t often get to hang much, especially not in the summer is mum is usually at the boat and we spend heaps of time at the cottage. We’ll be seeing Serena Ryder, with special guests The Strumbellas at TD Place Stadium to celebrate Canada Day weekend. Earlier in the day, TD Bank and MusiCounts will be be announcing the 2015 MusiCounts grant recipients and have a special surprise planned for a local Ottawa recipient.  I’ll be doing a short interview w/ TD Canada about TD MusicCounts and sharing it with you next week. Oh hey @serenaryder! See you on July 3rd! #tdmusic #lansdowne #tdplace A photo posted by TD Place (@tdplace) on Jun 18, 2015 at 1:09pm PDT Feeling excited to take mum on a press trip and hang out at the hotel together. We don’t leave until 4pm the following day so hoping to take a walk on Parliament Hill. I’ve never been to Ottawa around Canada Day. Last time I was in Ottawa was March 2012 for Ottawa Fashion Week and it was very snowy. Looking forward to some fun times w/ mum and lots of laughs! 💛 CASIE

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Lovin’ the Crew – Tourism Calgary Arts & Culture Trip

Meet my crew! Sean and I were shooting w/ Tourism Calgary this week. If you follow me on the Twitter or IG you’ll know this already. Shooting in the pool was fun. Sean was a really good sport! Met up w/ Mike Morrison aka @MikesBloggity  to tour around downtown in the new bike lanes. He recently founded Calgary Bike, tours around Calgary by bike with landmarks, photo spots, facts, and history. We are inside this giant head, art sculpture.   It’s called Wonderland and is a female head that’s about 12 metres high.  It was created by Barcelona-based designer Jaume Plensa. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Rock show at Sloth Records for Sled Island. Picked him up a new hat. When in Rome, right? Went to the East End block party. Finally got him to let me do this. So cute. Had our caricature drawn by epic moustache guy. Finished the day at Wreck City, pre-demo car wash turned interactive art exhibit.    The sun sets just after 10pm. It was also super hot. Loved every minute of it. The video we shot will be shared by Calgary Tourism in a few weeks. I’ll post it too! 💛✈️👍CASIE

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☀️ self-pres·er·va·tion + re·lax·a·tion ☀️ 

Beautiful day for a boat ride on the lake. Kawartha ice cream, magazines. Relaxation station for preservation. Cottage life. ?     

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Long Weekend, Short Recap, in Photos

I’m sure by now you are more than aware I was at the cottage this weekend.  Hopefully you never tire of lake life photos and scenery. Here’s a few pix before I come back later today and add stories.                                   Aaaaaand, we’re back! Will update this later!  XOXO CASIE  

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Weekend: Wonderland, Cottage Life, Bike, Bondage!

This weekend was a great one. Went to Wonderland w/ Sean and my sister, opened the cottage, got a new bike, and managed to catch some sun. We went on Leviathan which was crazy/scary/awesome. If you’re going to Canada’s Wonderland for the day I suggest getting a Fast Pass. The upgrade is well worth the time you’ll spend waiting in lines. The rides are really fun but I’m impatient! Don’t like waiting! Sean and I went on the Merry-go-round. It’s cheezy and slow but I like it. I realized I’m not really into the super-fast-whip-you-around coasters like I used to be. This was romantic. Thank you Shannon Kelly and the Canada’s Wonderland team for inviting us. We had a blast. I think my sister went on every single ride that was open! The park was just as fun as I remember and it was nice to be back after about 10 years. Arrived at the cottage in Muskoka post Wonderland with daylight left to get the place open. There’s heaps of work to be done to get it ready for summer fun.  I raked leaves for at least 2 hours It was great to be out in the canoe again. So Canadian! Before Sunday dinner Sean and I  jumped in the lake. It was SO COLD but also refreshing, liberating.  I used to be all ‘nooo’ and scared about jumping in before it’s warm but switched my perspective and decided I’m lucky to have the opportunity and it’s not gonna hurt me. YOLO! Sunset steak dinner on the dock is just about as good as it gets. Watching the sun go down here gives me great inspiration and mental clarity. It feels SO GOOD to be back. Sparks were flying. We Sean set up this nifty little WatchBot nanny cam on the cottage…

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