shopping is more fun with a drink in your hand

Yesterday’s mini dress is one of my favorite purchases from Apt. 909. I’ve had it for a couple years and it was in the kiddie section! I matched with my very loved vintage cowboys I picked up at a little shop in Bondi, Australia. After work I attended the Notable TV RW & Co excluuuuuuseive opening party at the Eaton Centre. I rolled up with Carly, (Fairlie Agency) & Reggie (GotStyle Menswear). Carly and I both have fresh shaved heads, such a  great feeling and perfect for this hot hot heat. Thanks to Darren for mine! You know this handsome face – blogger & comic man Sean Ward. I always make it out to Notable TV events to support Julian and see/meet cool peeps. The party was catered by my MOST favorite Toronto catering company, The Food Dudes. They honestly make the best food out of any party I’ve been to (and that’s A LOT of parties!). I finally met Dejana Bajic (aka Shopsterium), we follow each other on the Twitter. She stopped me right away to snap a pic  and introduce herself. She got some good ones of the event you can check out on her bloggy. Enjoy the day, she’s a bloody hot one out there! 🙂

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united states of casie

Sometimes I feel like this too, heaps of blogs and twitter accounts, social profiles, multiple personalities. It ain’t easy but I can handle it. I’m crazy like that. I love this show. Toni Collette is beautiful and a totally wicked actress. The site has profiles all the characters she plays, I haven’t met them all yet, but I’m gonna. United States of Tara, good show. Part of why I love this show is John Corbett, I have been in love with him for many years. He melts my heart. I once dated someone he reminds  me of.  So handsome, both of them, heart melt sandwich. Heart melt sand wish. Heart melt. I posted his photo on tumblr, love.

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twenty four seconds of fun

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after spending hours on twitter and tumblr

I feel like my blog here, my daily diary is missing my attention. I like to update is early in the day and the last couple weeks I’ve been so busy. See, the thing is, tumblr is so immediate and all about pictures and frequent updates and twitter is instant and short and wordpress takes longer for me to publish. It’s amazing how the world of blogging has changed since I started. My blog began on myspace with poetry in 2005, blogger in 2006 as, 2007 with a redirected and URL as In May 2009 I moved to fully hosted on wordpress. Moving to wordpress allowed me to have more control over the layout and design as well as widgets and plugins I wanted to add. Since I’ve been using posterous and tumblr, I feel like they’re all extensions of this blog, they’re all part of my life on the internet. Posterous is tech related things and nerdy stuff, updated almost daily. Tumblr is pretty girls and inspiring things from around the web updated daily. Twitter is everything in between! Oh god, I love the internet.

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one of these guys is a needle in a haystack

If you go outside… I had a fun time last night. Hit up the Silver Dollar with Raymi and danced the night away before gettin’ sendy and heading to The Beaver. She’s got heaps of pix, my damn camera DAMERA is still broken. Found a diamond in the Queen Street rough last night, a handsome boy that when you google him, only brings up his work; he’s lawyer and doesn’t FB.  That’s hot. Yeah, I creep people when I meet them. Don’t you? DUH! Try it, it’s a fun game. Only bad thing so far is he lives on the same floor in the same old building as an ex. Poteltial awkardness x 1,000,0000,0000.  Working on posting sketches and poems to tumblr today. I’ve got about 1,000. Birthday is wonderful so far. I feel very happy and lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people. Cheers to THAT!

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my world 2.0

The sound of a rooster woke me up, and, just as I planned, I started laughing. I fell asleep thinking positive thoughts of “welcome summer” and “I want a porsche“. Got up about an hour earlier than usual to kick off the week before my birthday on Saturday, I’m gonna be 28. Its a beautiful day, the ground is wet, the air is warm. Might rain but for now, the sun is shining bright. Pulled out the AA thigh highs, threw on my wellies and shorts and made it out the door just after 8am. Sun shining in my face… Pretty walk through the park. Ready for puddle jumping. Having lunch with the lovely Lucia and I’ve also booked the whole night to myself. Started cleaning room last night, finally. Brought a banana for brekky today. It’s time to start planning for Florida trip, as in not eating crap! I need that toned up beach body in place, maybe I’ll even get a couple workouts (won’t hold my breath on that one!). Its absolutely lovely outside today. I wrote this as I walked to work using WordPress mobile & added the pix from my phone when I got into the office.  Hope your day starts off great like mine did. If it didn’t, maybe reading this little note might help. Happy Monday!

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