You Might Need to Open Your Eyes, Left Right, Uptight

This is an awesome hipstery playlist. Fav from the cottage. I’m LOVING Rdio. Yes, they gave me an account but they sure don’t MAKE me listen to it. I started playing tunes on the mobile app last night and my life has a new soundtrack. I’m into music but I’ve not got the time to be up on all the latest bands and tunes. I like how easy it is to discover new songs. Bunch of good ones here: O’Nizz posted this on FB. haha. Way cooler! Check out this new vid by good friend Morgan Cameron Ross for Hey There Darlin’ featuring supermodel Tara Gill. Last night he played  the Little Lake Music Fest with fellow Vancouverite Carly Rae Jepsen. Way to go Mogan. Love ya! Watched it a zillion times before I posted it. So dumb but funny.

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Hipster Romance at Sunset in Michigan w/ Blind Pilot

Blind Pilot played the closing party of Ford’s Go Further conference in Michigan this week. The show was awesome. It was romantic as the sun was setting during the show. They have a show coming up July 25th in Toronto at The Opera House. I’ll be there. Here’s a little message from Blind Pilot’s lead singer Israel. What a beard! Swoon.

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#Art + #Music + #Everyday + #Inspiration

Went to an awesome event last weekend with Lauren at Brickworks, FOAM – Festival of Art & Music. Such a great venue. Who doesn’t love a good warehouse party? Photos by Brian Hamilton for iChannel. Whole album on iChannel FB. FOAM is held in support of motionball (, a not-for-profit organization that introduces the next generation of supporters to the Special Olympics Canada movement through social and sporting events. See photos from Motionball Gala 2011 & 2012. In other news, just got off the phone with Brick Bronson in LA who is behind The Weeknd about his new artist Everyday. Born in NY, raised in TO and super talented. This is his first track FIRE. I hope that some piece of it will elevate your spirit. May we all touch a heart. somehere, sometime.. — everyday (@itseveryday) June 8, 2012 ‎”Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.” -Oscar Wilde — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) September 6, 2011  

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But right now, we are alive and in this moment I swear we are infinite.

“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.” Excited for the Perks of Being a Walflower movie. Trailer came out last night during the MTV Awards.  If you are in Canada you can not see this trailer but you can watch at I have never understood why MTV Canada does not let you embed their videos. Lame guys! ‘ Song frm the trailer. So good. “I’m never changing who I am“. Lead singer is potential boyfriend Dan Reynolds, dreamboat. And I love her. And you.

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Pushin’ Forward!

Chart is here. Listen here: Us last time I was in NZ ♥ Keep up the hustle. Can’t stop, won’t stop!

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Remember how I always tell you “you’ll never again be younger than you are today, so do something awesome”? Last night I experienced that in full force and I am going to tell you about it. I was feeling meh and tired sitting on the couch writing about how I didn’t feel like blogging when Sean asked me to come to a music video shoot.  It was over at midnight so I got dressed, put on some makeup and went. Being in videos is fun and I’m s sucker for being on camera. These guys are the band. They’re called Shit From Hell, they’re all successful lawyers/businessmen and around 50. Yes, 50. The crazy thing about one of them “Ritalin Boy” (second from left) was having open heart surgery in the morning. Like, NOW, while you are reading this he is on an operating table with doctors in his chest. He had to be at the hospital for 6am. OPEN HEART SURGERY. They rolled him out in a wheelchair with hot nurses and a drip bottle of Jaegermeister. So badass. I was surprised at how entertained I was by their performance, I’m not a punk music junkie but I love a good live show. They exuded a comedic confidence you don’t see in younger bands. Some of their songs are “Horny Single Mom, F*ck Buddy, Super Poke, Onterrible dedicated to MP Tim Hudak (whom they detest), and Double Bubble Trouble inspired by the bubble girl at the G20 last year. They had a full on industrial bubble machine too. They made me think about getting older, we’re always getting older. Now. Now. Now. Oop, there slips another moment of your precious life. Don’t waste it people.  You never know what is going to happen from one day to the next. So, why waste time feeling like crap, being lazy, grumpy or old? If these guys can rock a…

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