Rdio & Sync in the 2012 Ford Fiesta
Earlier this year I drove to Austin, Texas from Toronto in a Ford Focus with two friends, it was the playlist that made the long drive bearable. This summer I’ve been used Rdio, a music streaming service that is fairly new to Canada. You can use listen your favourite music on all devices online or off. You can also create playlists with friends and share your tunes on Twitter & Facebook. Rdio has been a hit at the cottage, awesome on the subway, and perfect for road trips. My free trial ran out last month and I IMMEDIATLEY went to pay for the service. That’s how you really know something is amazing. Below you will find my road trip playlist from my Montreal trip in August. It’s good to work with. It took about six hours to drive with traffic so having access to TONS of music in the car was essential. I have the Rdio app on my iPhone and connected it to the Ford Fiesta using Sync & USB. You’ll need to turn on Bluetooth in your smart phone in order to connect it using Sync. If you are having trouble at all the manual has step by step instructions on getting you connected. Make sure you plug the phone right into the USB jack if you are not using Bluetooth. I got frustrated wondering why it wasn’t working until I realized… I plugged it into the car charger and not the actual car. Whoops! Using a USB to connect is a fool proof way to get your music from device to car. Happy Music Monday 🙂 CASIE
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