
Fashion events, shows, & style from around the world.

Day 264: Instagram Ads Got Me

I might have a problem, it’s Instagram ads, they get me all the time! I saw these tracksuits on Instagram and they looked SO CUTE. It took a couple of weeks for them to arrive and, low and behold, they were not as cute as the photos. The top one is hilarious, Sean said it reminded him of a clown suit. I love the colours but the fabric is not great. The suit below was so big. I might be able to make the pants or top work individually but as a set, I’m swimming. I washed them right away hoping they might shrink but no dice. It’s totally crazy how well Instagram can sense what things we might like. Over the years, I’ve made some questionable purchases. ? I’m currently waiting on two more jumpsuits I saw from an Instagram ad. After seeing IG ads for local jewelry designer Jenny Bird, I ordered myself sold beautiful gold pieces as an early Christmas present. I also took advantage of L’Intervalle’s 50% off sale and ordered some gorgeous leather boots. They’re on their way from Montreal and should be here Monday! The 50% off sale is still on FYI!

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Day 209: Start A Creative Project

After years of THINKING about using my sewing machine, I finally busted it out last month. It feels so good to get into a creative project! I’ve been fantasizing about sewing for years. My goal is to make a whole outfit by the end of the year. I’ve got heaps of old vintage patterns from mum and I’m dying to tackle at least one of them. Since I was a kid, I’ve dreamt of making clothes. I used to make them with mum while I was a little. I love fun outfits and creating my own style. I started w/ scrunchies as I’m a little rusty! It’s been A WHILE. ? I posted this video on Instagram today and a bunch of people said they would love yo have one. I’m doing this as a hobby for now while I hone my skills, but who knows where it will take me. Last month, I wrote a post titled You Don’t Have To Monetize Every Hobby (Day 183), I think it’s important to create for the sake of creating without the pressure to make money doing it. This weekend we’ll be up at the cottage, my sister is visiting, and I have a bit of work to catch up on. I’m planning to make a few more scrunchies from old clothes to give to friends. I’m excited! Love to know what you are working on! Share anytime! This long weekend is the perfect time to start something!??

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Day 205: Jacket Season, She Ready

Yesterday was a busy one! We ended up staying at the cottage Sunday night, working there Monday AM, then driving back mid-day to make it back by 2pm. Sean and I shared the driving as we both took calls on the way. I was going non-stop from first thing in the AM until about 6pm. April and I planned to take some photos before stopping by a pizza popup. I don’t think I’m gonna go to any restaurants for a while. We waited outside for pizza for too long and being around people gives me anxiety. This dress was handed down to me from April and it’s so great, an old one from Pink Tartan. The jacket and boots are old too. I feel like I only have a couple of weeks to wear all my mid-season jackets before it gets too cold. I love jacket season, get ready for a different one each day! ? I have a feeling this week is going to be long and busy. I’m already looking forward to being back up at the cottage this weekend to recharge my batteries.

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Day 187: Toronto Hippie Market!

I had the best day! After work, I went to the Hilary MacMillian Fall 2020 preview, more on that tomorrow. Earlier this week I posted a giveaway on IG for $100 to spend at the Hippie Market vintage popup, in exchange, I got some money to spend and shared it with Michelle. I met up with my winner and we all had a great time! The guys with us here run King Kobra Vintage and the one in the grey w/ bolo tie tattooed me once. ? I’m pretty sure that was the last one for the year but if there’s another one I will let you know. I saw a few people I hadn’t seen in ages and got a couple of incredible items. I scored a pair of suede Stuart Wiseman, over the knee boots, for $80 and they retail for almost $700! Thank you Kealan from 69 Vintage for the invite, follow @hippiemarketlife for updates. We had SUCH A GREAT TIME.

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Day 186: Mellow Yellow

Today was a good day! I Spent the afternoon in the office then came home and spent the night hanging out at home. It was beautiful out today. Love these fall temps where you can layer but don’t need a warm jacket. I ordered a couple of jumpsuits from Zara Kids and I’m so happy they both fit perfectly. Loves it!

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Day 185: Mum’s Birthday!

Today was a great day! Had so much fun at home for mum’s birthday. Jenie and I drove to the house in the afternoon and hung out with her and Steve, ate snacks, got takeout, and had cake. My sister’s childhood bff also came over and it was like we never missed a beat. Laughed so hard, it was brilliant! I love mum so much! She’s smart, funny, stylish, and the biggest inspiration in my life. She’s always there with wise words when I need them and I am so grateful for her love. HI MUM LOVE YOU, THANK YOU. ? One of our fav things to do is go to Winners and look for treasures. I found this amazing merino wool sweater from Zara and my sister got one to match. It was a steal! Jenie found the yellow sweater she was wearing and got it for mum. Now we all match! I dressed up for the day in my fav bodysuit, Pretty Denim (designed by my friend Tahnee), and loafers from Everlane. My mask was handmade in Toronto by my other friend Considerate Goods. I almost forgot how much I love wearing a full outfit, really sets the tone for your day!

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