the force of gravity was strong today

Spent the afternoon horizontal on the couch watching tv, staring out at the airport.  Took a break from everything. Working from home = working all the time.  I even had a nap, it felt great. My sis came over for little visit. Still have that hurting in my neck. Met some great people at the Greta show last night. Posting about that soon. Time for some ice cream and a new movie haha. Lazy day ILU xo

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Good morning, good morning and how are you today?

Up early for a meeting. Have lunch date with Hann, who I have not seen in 8,000,000 years. Meeting couple designers at Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) in the afternoon. Attended a fashion event last night with Tarek (designer of my forever loved Nella Bella bags). Night was sponsored by Audi, post about that later. On the run right now posting via WordPress mobile on my Android. Attending the Greta Constantine fashion show tonight. Been looking forward to that one. Still haven’t picked up my pass for Indie Music Week. Gah! I’m actually NOT late this morning. Proud of that. Ok, go tiiiiiime! Have an awesomerrrrr day! xo Casie P.S. Mum, miss you heaps. Glad to know you are safe. When you get internet hope you go back a few days so you can see all the fun. I’m going to San Francisco on Monday till Tuesday to meet the Virgins! Love you xo

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they called me a sassy blonde, how about that eh?

“For those who are addicted to instant news and want to be on the cutting edge of trends, blogs are as relevant as newspapers or television bulletins. Bloggers say their writings are immediate, and reflect a certain world view. “I live, I love life, I blog,” says Stewart.”

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the most annoying thing you could ever ask me

“what are you up to these days? how is everything going?” What does that even mean? Really? Like, how is EVERYTHING going? Well, let me think, do you have all day to sit down and listen to me tell you? Would you like for me to re-write my daily blog in an email? Do you even really wanna know? Could you not just have looked at my profile on any zillion social networks and seen where I work or that I recently uploaded photos and went to a party or two.  Facebook makes it so easy for old friends acquaintances to see what you’ve been up to. So, why do people ask such general and impersonal questions? If you’re my friend on FB you’ll be used to seeing my little square face  in your news feed with photos, blog posts and status updates.  IF we’re friends, (emphasis on the IF) it’s pretty easy to see what someone’s been up to.  I always check a friends profile before I message them, that’s what Facebook is for! Duh. So, when and old friend asks “what are you up to these days? how’s everything going?”  I think to myself, we must not be friends and you probably don’t care. Urgh, rant much? if you ever wanna ask me something crazy, fun or just plain outta this world go right ahead. Happy Day 🙂 Originally posted January 2010

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t minus you.

March 19, 2006 – Sunday Category: Travel and Places I have learned about time, It is measured in my mind. First step towards the future. Time heals all;  I can catch me if I fall. You can’t catch me at all.

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imma cut you

I’m stoked for Halloweeeeeener. Can you believe we’re almost half way through Roctober already? Sheesh gonna be 2K11 before no time. On Sat the 29th in the day I will be doing something cool that I can’t tell you about yet (save the date) and in the night I will be at Tequila Bookworm for the People Downtown halloween-bloodbath-dressup party. Love this pic, Andrew Revesz took it during Nuit Blanche at the Playdead Mansion. Am I scary? Oh and look who is a sexy Playdead Cult model… Marc Andrew Smith! I haven’t decided on a costume, ther ear so many things that pop into my head. I love dressing up. The 2010 Zombie Walk is on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010. My crew starts at my house for makeup at 1:30 then everyone meets at Trinity Bellwoods 15:00. Exciting. What are you being for Halloween? Hey pumpkin, IMMA CUT YOU. Hey ROcktober, ILU!!!!!!!!!!

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