sometimes i don’t feel like it #2

That’s just it. Sometimes I don’t fee like blogging or tweeting or sharing anything with you or anyone. I’m human, as much as try not to be, I am. But then, how do I deal with those feelings? I write about it, here. Can you believe I considered starting a paper/pen jounal about my feelings. this morning. Uhh, hellooooo? To be honest with you, every once in a while I feel completely overwhelmed by the internet. It’s partly because I’m doing what I really love doing and I created it this way and now I have to deal with all the stuff that comes with it. It get’s heavy sometimes. This week I got a couple really nice emails from people I’ve never met thanking me for what I do. Those really make me feel awesome.  Do you like reading that stuff? Sometimes I feel like quitting and doing a regular jobby workin’ 9-5’er. I have that feeling for about five minutes until I realise I couldn’t really get away with this outfit and creative tears start burning my face. In other news, I’m working on some really fun stuff that I can’t wait to share with you. Thank you for listening and reading and visiting. Please don’t be shy to comment, I like it. You can also email me if you are comment shy. Have an awesome day, whatever it is you’re up to!

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this inspires me -> the moment of reckless abandon

“The moment of reckless abandon where you lean back & laugh at the simplicity & absurdity of everything… the momemnt when you so fully realize, it doesn’t get any better than this right now.” My friend Amanda had just come back from Australia and she wrote this down on a tiny piece of  envelope for me many years ago. She said it basically summed up her entire  time there. I’ve still got that piece of paper kicking around somewhere,  it’s a great reminder to take a step back and think about all the greatness in your life and be thankful for it. I dream about going back to Australia. One day… I’m climbing out of my cold coma and feeling a bit better today.  Let’s hope I’m on the mend ♥. I really hate being sicky 🙁

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when you have a cold, nothing is fun thank you very much.

Oh man. Trying hard to figh this damn bugger of a cold I’ve got. I reckon the meds are gettin’ me cause I feel kinda shakey like I drank too much coffee but didn’t. Please make it go away. I do not like operating on low speed. You know me, I move fast and like to get things done. This is driving me b.a.n.a.n.a.s. For the sick but social…fml. wahhh.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation #blog # Great Read: 7 Vices of Highly Creative People cc @michaelnus # sick but social # hot tub time machine #blog # best thing about being sick – not being hungry 🙁 # can someone please make this for me and bring it over? ILU forever # we're not in kansas anymore. RT @wafflesgirls: heel click teleportation technology is criminally underdeveloped. get on it scientists! # sisters # well written my love RT @amforever: ashes to ashes. smoking bull rider… moving slow like a ballet. # parkdale landmark @raymitheminx # There's three asian dudes here dancing & playing 'genie in a bottle' so cute. #hottub # hot tub would be good for my cold eh? or no. pool is no i reckon but hot tub is good. # one of you guys works at #TheCounter @thompsontoronto don't you? i can't remember who it is!! # #HELP need a cool dinner spot downtown #toronto to take my old boss for dinner next week? she is cool & in fashion. would like to impress. # what do you think of the new Brit? #holditagainstme # stoked for today's #yandr # being sick is kinda inspiring or making me delusional – chicken soup for the hipster's soul? # got this email over the weekend: # email subject: thanks for being inspirational #blog # do you ever have such runny nose that you do this? no laughing at me ok. wahhh. # BED RT @i_am_joey: chicken soup. vicks RT @casiestewart: sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # i think i might have a cold. he's hiding but slowly…

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hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation

backwards blogging – photos in reverse… home from hot tub & feeling better. super sunny outside. windows need a cleaning outside. elevator bright lights welcome to the mail room, there’s nothing here for you these asian dudes were dancing in the hot tub and listening to music. i went there to relax and have a break from work and feel better. i had the whole big heated bubble hot tub to myself then one came over and started talking to me. he was nice and i am usually quite chatty but was not having it this time. all i wanted was some piece and quiet. alone time. it is very lovely in my hot tub lounge. the view is spectacular and it’s usually quite relaxing. i like to go there when it’s really cold out and stare out the window with the sun on my face while i heat up in the tub. it’s like a mini vacation without leaving the house. decided to take a dip in the hot tub, thought it might make me feel better. rode the elevator with some painters. they were talking fast in some european language mixed with english.

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email subject: thanks for being inspirational

I received this email over the weekend: Hey Casie, I have no idea what searchwords let me stumble onto your page and blog …. but I wanted to send you a quick “thank you” for sharing your life. I found your page by pure chance, but once I started reading a bit, your positive outlook on life got me hooked. I find that highly inspirational! Maybe one day (if you ever travel the not so exotic Europe – or even boring Germany) – we’ll meet and I can thank you in person. Take care and keep that positive vibe. It’s little things like this email that really make me proud of what I do, what I’m doing. I’ve worked hard to get here and will continue working hard to make all my dreams come true.  This one time last year I got an email from international best selling author Neil Pasricha of “The Book of Awesome” and he thanked me for having “the largest collection of awesome related photos on the internet”. To me, this means I’m doing what I set out to do. There’s so much negativity in the world around us and by blogging each and every single day, I hope to make the world a happier place. It also helps me see joy in little things and appreciate all I have. It also helps me remember. Hope you’re doing something today that brings you closer to your dreams, and if you’re not, there’s still time to change that.

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