Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference – HI!

Today I’m at U of T with Keri hosting CUTC (The Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference). In a nutshell, CUTC is “passionate young students gathering to discuss and learn about the newest and coolest ways the world is changing”. Check out the speakers here (Reddit guy, Kiva founder etc.). We’re in for lots of red shirts and heaps of students. Beauty day out there though! If you’re in the audience reading this – HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CUTC is Canada’s largest, longest-running student-organized technology conference. 2011 will be its 12th year. CUTC brings together hundreds of the country’s brightest students for two days in the heart of downtown Toronto, and gives them a chance to interact with technology in ways that school can’t. This includes incredible keynote speakers, intimate breakout sessions, and a wide variety of activities and competitions bringing together students and tech. CUTC 2011 is about sharing the stories behind changes in technology, about answering the “how” and “why” more than just the “what”.

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Care about what you share about.

A My City Lives tweet inspired me yesterday morning. I was thinking about the things I share and the things others share and how much I care about what I share. This week I’ve been thingking heaps about creativity, creative thinking and large of a role it plays in my life. Had a nice chat with Mum and she said “You either have creativity or you don’t, you can’t learn it“. She reminded me I was very creative as a child in everything I did. I always liked to create my own way to do things from getting dressed to assignments in school. This one time I had to make a new paper mache bowl for my teacher art Mrs. Mack. We had an assignment to make a bowl in class and while everyone was making them, I decided to use magazine, cover it it text, laquer it up and add colorful photos. I might have painted in it too. I can’t rememeber. Anyhow, Mum came to the auction event at school to buy my bowl and my bloody teacher had hid the damn thing.  We asked the teacher as my Mum was about to throw a snap and she went and grabbed it FROM THE CLASSROOM. Mum was livid. You don’t wanna piss off Mum. Trust me. Mum made a deal that I would make a new bowl for the teacher and she handed over $5 and bought my artwork. I had forgot about this happening until Mum reminded me this week. She said “Remember how fast you made that bowl for your teacher, Casie?“. I don’t remember that well but I do remember it was really fast. I used to sit at the Kitchen table and write poems in batches. The more creativity I share, the more I…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: Love your nails @kiva_jane! # Birthday weekend, I love you, my friends. You give me the best life EVER! # welcome 🙂 “@alensadeh: A little firecracker just made my Friday. Many thanks to Miss @casiestewart !” # Talk to me baby (@ Media Profile) [pic]: # I love the internet. # Dear Life, Today is a really great day! #ILU # $79 to Montréal on @PorterAirlines. Book by #May8 # Just watched Louie Schwartzberg on # Social Media Intern (must be full-time student) $12,000 for 12 weeks > via @randymatheson #toronto #job # omg so many good tunes you guys. gonna take me a few to reply & listen! thank you. was lookin for some tunespiration! #tgif # what are you listening to on this fine Friday? # writing a love story one day at a time #blog # follow my long time friend @goldenclear, lost of health tips from a Holistic Allergist 🙂 #ff # What’s for brekky today? I had cacao quinoa cereal w/ yogurt & coffee. So yum! # New sketchbook day. These ones are my fav! (@ DeSerres) [pic]: # Already feels quite warm out! Yay finallllllllllly. # i photographed girls playing with girls hair #blog # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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writing a love story one day at a time

Tasty brekky. Good coffee. Unicorn skirt.

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i photographed girls playing with girls hair

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: › want # Photo: Aggy – I love you so. # Photo: Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs, Bananas in pajamas are coming down in pairs, Bananas… # Photo: jcrew: # Photo: › OMGEEEEE, UNICORN SKIRT 😀 # Photo: @morgan_c_ross at @ballroombowl last night # BLOG GANG LEADER #blog # so, it Cane dead or alive? #yandr # omg when they took Lucy Abbot on #yandr aaaaah. so sad. # believe in the tricorn # boys be playing here like errry day w/ their shirts off now that it's warm out 🙂 # Gave my extra shwarma to a cute homeless guy named Adrian. We friends now 🙂 # Walked Bath/Bloor to Spadina/Gardener in the sun. Soooooo lovely! # Cult Member (@ Playdead Cult) [pic]: # Tried shwarma for the first time. Didn't really like it. Opening deal @ this place today. # ILU @curbsidecycle! Awesome visit today 😉 (@ Curbside Cycle w/ @michaelnus) # recos for a good moisturizer w/ SPF? # heading to #Curbside at Bloor/Bathurst this arvo. Stoked, they have so many sweet things in the store! Bike pr0n # Post about #HotDocs w/ recos from @katekillet, check'er # met a blog reader IRL who lives in Vietnam yesterday! # it is so beautiful outside, make sure you take a break today and catch some rays! #sunshine # what's for lunch? # A2 – big body (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # ASAP. RT @raymitheminx: You are SUCH a f–ing beach @casiestewart # Morning! # it’s that time of year again #blog # The entrance to my condo is covered in glitter. #borderlineartistic # I have never known a better wingman than myself, for the…

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