i like when parties have these
A Photobooth! Mariposa Cruises had Flashpoint Photobooth at their party the other day. Keri posted about it here and my post is here.
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A Photobooth! Mariposa Cruises had Flashpoint Photobooth at their party the other day. Keri posted about it here and my post is here.
View PostSomething happened at school yesterday Mum. One of the kids posted a list of all the ‘popular’ kids and everyone started talking. Like, enough talking to make some noise. Zach named the “Top 150 Toronto Twitter Influencers” based on Klout ranking. Here’s the top 20. Last Summer Klout published the Toronto Top 10 Influencers. The reactions reminded me of being back at PHS, I’m pretty sure a list like this was passed around there once or twice. If you’re not familiar with Klout (duh?), Klout is the Standard of Influence Online and ranks people based on their social interactions and conversations (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). This is what the new Klout Dashboard looks like: Zach is known to stir controversy & likes to get people talking. Prime example, this tweet. He’s also the one behind recent Canada’s Sexiest Election Candidate poll. There’s heaps of comments & reactions on his #TOTop150 post. I reckon Klout appreciates the attention, I’ve seen them get lots of it over the last year. Remember last summer when a bunch of us got free flights? That was fun. How we interact with each other on the Internet is new to everyone. I love developments in social tracking, analytics & metrics such as this. Klout has established themselves as the online standard but I reckon clout with a ‘C’ is more important in the world. Hey, there’s no ranking scale for that one, baby. Fashion people don’t care about Klout scores, some people do. Then this happened… (Up to 1,666 views at 3:33am) Uh, ohhhhhh. While this was happening I was lazing around not Tweeting. Had a real nice afternoon. Took photos of pretty flowers & coloured with rainbow Pepsi markers. Picked up my fav ever cacao quinoa cereal from Kensington. Watched Netflix. Took a nap.
View PostOh btw did you see how high my stock is on Empire Avenue? Top 10 business stock and yesterday CASIE net wealth passed a million. That ‘first million’ saying counts on the social stock to right? Sana saaaaaaaa.
View Postwater droplets suspended in the air http://goo.gl/fb/WkwnG #blog # Photo: etsy:shopping cart lounger via Design Boom http://tumblr.com/xmj2ixbf1k # kill it with a fire http://goo.gl/fb/GkNpG #blog # i love etsy. # first one is the hardest eh – I just got the ‘Millionaire’ Achievement on @EmpireAve #CASIE http://t.co/QeVLMnT # jerk chicked sanny, rice & peas w/ gravy, spicy patty = happy me 🙂 (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/kNou7l # This cacao Quinoa cereal is so good. Great snack. #nomnomnom http://post.ly/22ZWG # Wish Mum had a twitter. Her life is so exciting. Today they sailed out, alternator broke & Tow boat USA had to bring ’em in. Such adventure! # a sprouter #spring http://twitpic.com/4xppmi # Ooh might need these RT @ShopBicyclette: Personalized pastel pencils http://bit.ly/kYrjhv So tempted. The possibilities! # Photo: you fight like a hamster http://tumblr.com/xmj2iti2gq # Save 30% on all @PorterAirlines flights. Book by May 18th http://post.ly/22Xu8 # Photo: calivintage:Tea with the Vintage Baroness: See(berger)ing the Deauville Connection http://tumblr.com/xmj2itc180 # This slogan can’t be good for his ego. http://twitpic.com/4xmz4k # Photos from #reneecamp will be posted today! # Oh wait, it’s not Friday, just kidding. # Friday I’m in Love. # Best Flight Ever, Thanks Porter!: http://disq.us/1ydkwh (@jonlim) # Take a look at these junk mail mosaics http://etsy.me/lAIlUr # what are some of your fav etsy shops? i fee like getting something cool. jewellery, hats etc. # Mum, computer battery died. Wasn’t plugged in. @Skype you back in a min ok! Love you 🙂 # Photo: don’t like this look for you Gaga. http://tumblr.com/xmj2ipdiop # i miss #12seconds # I love working on Saturdays, quiet, less emails, good focus. # Building internet today. # Made the mistake if going to (wait for it…..) Cheval last night post Gala. So douchey. # Oh hai g’morning. Sleepy & a bit slow today. #
View PostThe other night I was at Bedford Academy for dinner & drinks with some of my fav friends to celebrate Renee‘s visit from SF. Haven’t seen Renee since she moved and it was so nice to see her in IRL. WE MISS YOU RENEE! ♥ We felt it was a good idea for her to make a speech. It went something like this… Tried to take some pano shots of the crew but I’ve not mastered shooting people this way. I’m learrrrrrning still. Most of us in this group met early 2009 through events like Twestival, GenYTO, CanLit and patio Tweetups. It’s amazing to see how everyone has evolved over the last few years. We’re a passionate group of young people working with new technology in mobile, social and web. When we started GenYTO this was our mission, to unite the “wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community.” This is me on My City Lives around this time last year talking about how my friends in the Toronto tech community have inspired me. You might recognize a few of these awesome people 😉 I reckon it’s time to plan GenYTO Summer 2011. Ideas welcome. LMK.
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