maybe one day they’ll name a hurricane after me?

Patio grass is the best for chilling. Feels cottagey. All fuzzy photos. Artistic? Sometimes I can’t work this camera. Working at client office in Mississauga today. Thank you Tristan for letting me hang out with your car today. It’s training for event staff and I wanna be around the action to see & hear people talk about this campaign we’re working on. Lots of writing to do. Have an awesome day 🙂      

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you missed this yesterday

this light show is awesome. turn out the lights and out on the party music. #ONstorm # Wicked storm photos! via @blogto #toronto # Photo: love this. # Photo: can we float in this together please? › [o] by [M00k] on Flickr. # Good morning mortals 😉 # Storify Adds Slideshow Format to Its Social Reporting Tool – # Who is #TimCook Apple's new CEO? # can you still get #FakeProm tickets? # MY NZ BF <3 Get It Hot Feat. Imagine This (Original Mix) – Central Station Records via @beatport # Sammy, The Australian is on set for #TotalRecall today. I hope for his big break 🙂 # Bloggers on Pedestals via @kmueller62 # Steve Jobs Steps Down, Geeks Everywhere Cry @Sysomos blog # oh gawd, i love him! <3 cc @laurenonizzle (@YouTube # i wish someone made a jim carey creep video for me. # #SXSW Panel voting is still open. Show mama some love & vote hurreeee #Psychology #Narcissism #brands # Stoked for a new project w/ @saymediainc. They work with some of the coolest thought leaders in the world! Yippeeee # what's for lunch kids? # Home of our show launching Sept. 8th 6pm ET w/ @StephenHenrik is —-> Ay Caramba Career Show @AyCarambaShow! AY AY! # "If someone is willing to back up their negative opinion with their own name, I’ll publish it." Well said @isaaclikes # Jane is my camera hero. Thanks for tips & film! (@ Lomography Gallery Store Toronto) # Package at post office was no new shoes 🙁 # I wish Mum had a Twitter. She's so funny. Told her your Mum's have them @raymitheminx & @laurenonizzle 😉 # Are any of you guys a dentist? Looking for…

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shoot for the stars if it feels right and aim for my heart

Our grass is seriously the best thing to happen to condo balconies EVER. If you want to chat my contact at SYNLAWN ask  & I’ll give you his number. So beautiful out today post rain storm. Last night was a SIGHT to see. I am in love with this man. I know, I love someone every day but SERIOUSLY, he got the moved like JAGGER!

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whoa that storm yesterday was CRAZY awesome.

Tomorrow I will work from some remote location downtown. Will decide where in the morning. Until then, #goodnight 🙂 # Tony aka @busblog on @klout | nothing in here is true. # Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme on a #TimesSquare billboard: #CASIE # Good morning! Been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier the last week. Feels good! How is you today? # New gold boots from @moovbootcanada arrive next week. Been waiting months! Weeeee # that bear will never pay you back #saynotobears # Awesome vid of Lightning TO by Jon Simonassi   Imagine me on a billboard in #TimesSquare I can. Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme in Times Square: # Honestly, “Approved” on copy has become one of my most fav things. # if every word i said, could make you laugh, i’d #blog forever #newpost # Thanks @jgrdnr for +K in blogging & social web. You arrive safe in EURO? # PinPointsocial Pricing @dribbble: # iphone app for @KeekInc is now avails. love the short videos. hope to get for android soon! # An Update on @Sprouter! #thisjustin # rain, rain, you sound so pretty dancing on the windows. # love it. so fun. again before summer is over 🙂 RT @laurenonizzle b-roll # part of my work today involves this, which I love #bearded # Twitter Founders Weight Behind A #NewStartup #Lift by @robinwauters via @techcrunch # This is weirdy cool RT @mashable: Inventors Propose “Liquid Keyboard” Upgrade for the iPad [VIDEO] – # Sale ends today on @porterairlines 30% off # RE: yeah! Biking is a great workout. Arms, abs & booty! I ride on the sidewalk most the time and only in the…

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The solution already exists.

Full on day yesterday. I love being busy but sometimes I wonder what it’s like to work 9-5pm and leave your work at home. I used to do that a few years ago but how easy you forget. Got a one year membership to Bixi from my friends at Telus yesterday. Stephen and I met with branding team about our show that launches in less than a month. We’ve got some neat stuff planned with some pretty cool people. The show is called Ay Caramba Career Show and it will air Thursday night’s at 6pm EST starting September 8th. We’ll be talking about chat about careers in emerging industries & trends. To sign up for all the deets go here and we’ll keep you posted. Stephen is pretty funny and I reckon you will enjoy his rhymes and jokes. Today I’m filming a video with the Gladstone Hotel for the relaunch of the Melody Bar. Stopping by Doll Bar to see my ladies & get some feathers in my hair. Darren is doing my hair at Darren Kwik studio. Both spots are on Queen Street and will give you 10% off your purchase. Go see them! They’ve been taking wonderful care of me. 🙂 Title of this post is very valuable information I learned for my lawyer last night. I’m doing all kinds of new things & emerging industries so I figure best to run them by an expert. He told me to think about that when there is a problem and the solution is already out there, we just have to find it. Read a bunch of Jack Layton’s tweets last night. Quite sad over his passing. I really liked him. His funeral is Saturday at Roy Thompson Hall. I’m going. There’s petition to have the CN Tower orange for him. I hope Rob Ford…

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better act now before life passes you by!

Went for a short cruise this morning. Wanted to feel the cool air on my face, in my hair. I’ve got a full day of creative writing ahead of me. New project with client is very fun. You’ll know about it soon when the site launches. 😉 Watch & overalls are my fav things right now. Watch Hamilton (Swatch), overalls H&M. Cleaned my room and have about $500 in gift cards for Holts, West 49 (Billabong new stuff is rad) and Gaffas (new glasses!). Stoked to take myself out for some BTS shopping. Been though a bunch of this exact same Converse model the last few years. Comfy & cute. Got these fresh new ones last week. Will not wear them to a concert or festival. We all know what happened last time at Beerfest. Remember Exhibit Ikea? I told you to go the other day. They are tearing it down right now. Can’t imagine how much dosh they put into renovating that space for a four day gallery showing. It was beautiful though. I’d like to live there for an art experiment exhibit. My arthritis arm has been killing the last 24 hours so I popped a bunch of these. No, they are not Viagra. Aleve! Had a great call w/ Stephen about our show launching September 8th. Meeting out designers tonight for logo chat. I’m going long boarding tonight too. Preeeetttty stoked. I’ve always wanted to give’er a go. Don’t worry Mum, I’ll wear a helmet and wrist guards. I need my arms to type!

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