How old would you think you are if you didn’t know how old you are?

I don’t know. Right now I feel just like a chald because I’m so excited. This entire month is full of work, the kind of work I’ve wanted to do and been working towards, speaking, hosting, events and working with really great people to do fun things. More deets later this week.  I’m also just a little,  kinda excited because I’M GOING TO COSTA RICA ON A SURFING & YOGA RETREAT. I’m visiting Anamaya Resort in Montezuma for 7 days of sun, surf and yoga. I’ve not surfed in years so I’m realllllly looking forward to it. I’ve never  been on a solo vacation and I’m dying surf. Keri & I test drove some cars then went for a tour around the big F21. How old are you? No really? Forever 21! P.S. PinkMafia & Sony Canada are giving away the MOST ULTIMATE Britney prizepack evarrrrrr. BitBrit’s ENTIRE library. I want to win but that would be unfair cause we work together so go enter and win. I wanna have a Britney dance party witchooo. Enter HERE.

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expansion of the universe is accelerating

It’s hard to wake up, I could stay in bed all day but NO! Meeting Keri for coffee and gonna drive some cars. Remember last time we drove cars? Took a few veee-dubs round a race track with a pro driver. See Das Awesome for the vids. BTW did you see that Scientists in the US and Australia won the Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe,” SMH has the full story. Who knew Aussies were so smart, hahaha. I kid, I kid, I love Australia. #kiwi Once again I’m running behind because I’m addicted to documenting. Need to get camera ready for my live debut on I’ll Tweet before I go on so you can tab your browser to and see ME! Want me to give you a shoutout? [View the story “casie adventure #10741 (age in days)” on Storify] New Gaga w/ Tony vid out today.

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do not go to the fridge, you have no friends there

I always eat snacks & watch crime shows at night while on computer and I’m trying not to snack before morning cause I’m determined to get through three darn days of a real cleanse like I know I can. Run on sentence, thoughts. Last time I tried I had zero willpower but I’m stronger now. Ok, I ate some vegetables at lunch. 🙂  Have you ever watched that Life After People Show? It’s crazy. Shirt is from the Hitmen who travel. If you’re curious, I’m doing the Energize from Total Cleanse. Was delivered three days of pre-made juice all nicely bottled and bagged. Six juices per day, four different. They’re not gross, they’re good.  I was worried I wouldn’t like drinking them but I’m gonna go at it again tomorrow. Bixi to YD Square with my comp first thing in the morning. Hoping for sun!

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live on i wanna do that!

Canada, tomorrow we make history in the first ever live event on!  Think about the future of live events, no really, think for a second if you could attend anything live anywhere. I imagine we will… One of the things I really love about social media is the way it has enhanced real time integration of live events & across different channels (tv, internet, mobile). Mouthfullofowordsthere. Tweeting while watching on youtube and posting comments on Facebook that shares to Twitter. You may not work kinda like that but I do and I love this stuff. A friend works with Chevrolet and when he told me about their event live on I was like “OMG I WANNA BE ON“. Thing is, anyone can be on cause they’re doing #chevroletallday live in Yonge-Dundas Square to tell the world about new cars (Volt, Sonic, and Orlando). Famous 15 seconds everyone!!  I’d like to host an event live on youtube one day. Tomorrow I’m just cruisin’ by to check it out . They have music, test drives, graffiti, test drives, and a show by  Fitz & the Tantrums at 7pm (who Rolling Stone called, “A Band To Watch..”). They said sames about The Sheepdoggs and I love those guys. I like this video they performed live on a boat in Amsterdam. I wanna go there. If you wanna come with me or meet me there I’m going in the AM because there’s a chance to win a new car and heaps of prizes. OMG IMAGINE YOU WIN A CAR?! You could drive (me). 🙂 Will probably go back to see the band in the evening too.

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monday mashup

It’s gettin’ chilly and I don’t mind. I really hate being cold but I also love wool sweaters and staying inside. I got a new bed this weekend and it’s as my hips so you have to jump up. I feel like a Princess, I’ve never loved my own room so much. I’ll be spending most the winter there now. Room transformation is coming along good too. I have thrown out more crap in the last three days than ever in my life. Determined to shed things I do not need so I only have the things I want. Next stop is the closet, then Goodwill. It feels great to get rid of stuff, new addiction coming, I can feel it. I will NOT be a hoarder. Measuring Tape Girl screening went well yesterday. I quite enjoy short films, so much packed into a small time frame. Lots of creativity. I’ve got one that needs some attention. Hope to have done before 2012. Here’s myself w/ Chrissy from Vocab Communications, Marco, director and Jessica the lead. I want to be in a movie. It’s about time I had a meeting with my agent and sussed out how we can make that happen. Big American Apparel warehouse sale coming up. Remmeber the last AA Rummage Sale? It was MEGA. Luckily we got line bypass (Thanks Joey!). The deals were really, really good. Hipster heaven. Go early, bring cash. In other news, saw this on TheGrid, Nuit Blanche Animated. I love animated, you know this. I’ve made a commitment to drink the juices today and do the cleanse. I am determined to do it. I am strong.  Yesterday I wasn’t but today I am. Amazing how you change one day to the next. I think Monday has a lot to do with it. I miss not having a bike. I have a new…

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Don’t let the rain get you down, feel it on your face, feel alive!

For Nuit Blanche last night I was in disguise, Keri too. Some interesting findings from our art installation that I will share with you later. It is amazing the difference from my usual blonde hair  to these long brown locks. SHOCKING really. Big ups & thanks to the team at Travelling Hitmen. They sent me a huge box of shirts & goodies. This one is my fav. WATCH YOUR BACK. Hitmen be commin’. <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>View ” ” on Storify</a> Screening of Measuring Tape Girl is today (2pm & 4pm) at the National Film Board. I’ll be there all afternoon hosting & doing interviews. The film is about self expression & blogging. I just finished pre-screening it. Looking forward to chatting about it with the director.

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