Hanging w/ Morgan Ross at the Tiny Danza (Nixon) boys. Lots of babes here and good music. Canadian music killed it at SXSW this year and Canadian Music Week is is not to be missed. The boys are killin’ it right now. Man of the hour/night/year Brock McLaughlin. I really dig the Danza Nixon sound. Great guys, awesome music.

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Photo by Spiro, Just saw this ride in Windsor. It’s for sale. Mum & Dad had a brand new one just like this in 1979. So hot.

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I chuckle to myself at this title and the fact that I’m called upon to talk about the psychology of narcissism and how it affects brands. I know it has a lot to do with how technology and society have changed the way we communicate but it’s still kinda funny. I reckon Mum thinks it’s funny too. I’ve not changed much since I was a kid, seriously. Our SXSW panel was really awesome. The room was packed, we had great discussion and there were lots of questions following. I enjoyed meeting psychotherapist Dr. Jacob Small and discussing my own ‘personality disorder’ and how narcissism is extremely prevalent in todays society. During our panel I learned that Narcissism as a clinical disorder is being removed from ‘the book’ and added as merely a symptom of other personality disorders. Good looking panel, eh? 🙂 It was ADVANCED Level. Oh yeah. Interestingly enough, a couple days before this panel I was written about in local Toronto weekly, The Grid about being an introvert then the very next day an extrovert. I definitely have both sides to my personality but I’m clearly a highly functioning crazy person. I’m speaking at NXNE in June about the same topic and hope you’ll be there to see it. I’m sure I’ll be able to hook up some tickets for our panel closer to the date. Yeeeeeeehaw! All photos by the lovely Kate Killet. Now I am late for lunch w/ Telus. Byeee! Wear sunscreen!

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I live in the clouds. It’s like a dream. I like it here.

View from my balcony when I woke up. We got a huge blanket of fog this morning. I find the fog so beautiful, fascinating. I live in the clouds. It’s like a dream. I like it here. So pretty. In no time, the buildings on the west side were gone and so was the CN Tower. Welcome to Spring my friends 🙂 10:30am update, fog almost gone!

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Went for a cruise on Queen Street and biked through the park. Have an hour before my next work related call so I skipped down to the urban beach downtown Toronto to soak up some sunshine. It’s beautiful out. I’m so happy it’s not chilly anymore. There are so many people out, smiling, biking, walking etc. I didn’t do this enough last summer so I’m determined to make the very most of each day this year. One day I’ll be working in an office again and probably won’t be able to max out mid day like this, which is cool, but until then, company mandate to get as much vitamin D as possible. With love from the beach, XO CASIE <3

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It’s seriously hard to sneak away and spend time with computer! Things are going great. Met so many wonderful people. Wore this super cute new shirt from Billabong yesterday with banana yellow Converse. I wish I had a bike to get around in. I want to drive down in a camper van next year. It’s not like this is impossible, as I know quite a few people who go on road trips and camping trips in a camper and it seems like it is so much easier for them. So if you’re thinking to buy camper trailers in Adelaide (location varies depending on where you live), then be sure to do your research before making a decision. I also would like to go to Burning Man one day. I was digging this style of showing off your product. Bikes & babes, nice one guys. I love cruising the conference floor for a lap each day. Had some bevvys with Team New Zealand from Sydney’s TBWA office. Good people. Super fun! Lauren was wearing all new Billabong too. I really want new tattoos. Everyone here has tattoos. There are so many babes. Projeqt is very cool 😉 I really should have brought the ‘casie stewart’ shirts. Kate was lookin’ super cute. If you see Keek stickers or glitter, it was me. Check out some of my videos at I’ve been making heaps! Here’s one! Mar 12, 2012 | Source:

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