Weekend: May Sunday Sunshine Brighten Your Day

Perfect day for park party or a boat ride. Enjoy the day! * Photos of me by Sergio @ Brunch Store Casting   

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Stargazer Take Me for a Moonwalk

This is so true. I made this post of all the tabs I just had open. The internet is so much more fun than cleaning your room. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 6, 2012 My plan was to close all the tabs, get off the computer and clean my room BUT, SATC is on the W Network and I can really do it tomorrow when the sun is out. Right? I once tried on that beautiful Tibi dress from the start of SATC at Rent Frock Repeat once. I loved it. Don’t forget to look at the moon tonight. Biggest one this year, SUPERMOON. Remember the supermoon last year. That was a very magical night. GoDaddy Email Kink Engineering Latex Four tabs on Facebook O’Nizzle on Epilogger at ROFLcon in Boston   My favorite #mbfwa snap by @facehunter feat @margaret_zhanginstagr.am/p/KQ7gtvvH_N/ — Geneva (@apairandaspare) May 6, 2012 The Big Smoke – Marijuana March in Toronto, photos from CBC. I forgot! haha Visual diary of Facehunter photographerYvan Rodic and his Instagram. Photo of Ruby Rose at MBFW Australia last week. I love her.  Banff Media Blogger contest Gmail Rides – Dirtywork show, interactive murder cleanup crime show Gracie Carol fashion blog Three Twitter Velvet tees maxi dresses  Reo Stevens & Keahi De Aboitiz Kitesurfing In Bali Unbrelievable.com by Breana Wired w/ Shoplocket feature Shoplocket signup. Made an account Souls of My Shoes blog by Kimberly Independent Fashion Bloggers Fair Compensation Manifesto – If you are a PR or blogger, read it. Gala Darling‘s blog w/ cute video for the Starbucks Frappuccino Signature Style Series!  Watch it here. Funky music, adorable style. Tumblr – mine, Kink’s Luchas, YouTube about my name Google Calendar Photo from Toronto Fashion Incubator’s 25th Anniversary at the Royal Ontario Museum by Omar Leslie viddy.com/casiestewart  My Instagram photos on Statigram Three WordPress…

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Edgewalk: Experience is the teacher of all things.

Veni, vidi, vici! Taking my Dad to do something totally exciting & exhilarating, Priceless. Thanks Mastercard. Dad & I had a blast yesterday doing the Edgewalk yesterday. Weather was BEAUTIFUL.I have a video of the whole thing I’ll upload some time in the next few days. Wanna do the CN Tower Edgewalk too? Mastercard will get you the best experience just like me. What will you be doing on June 1? Why not be one of the first to walk the @EdgeWalkCNTower in 2012? bit.ly/IoPwiu #PricelessTO — MasterCard Canada (@MasterCardCA) May 3, 2012   Later in the day & went back up with Michael for all the other things you can do at the Tower. Looking at my beautiful city with the beautiful @casiestewart (@ CN Tower – Glass Floor / Outdoor Terrace) 4sq.com/Kww9Uy — Michael Nus (@MichaelNus) May 4, 2012  

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Carnegie Hall Show at Second City

Last night a friend and I caught The National Theatre of The World’s monthly presentation of the Carnegie Hall show. It was funny. The only non-funny part was when I yelled out Carly Rae Jepson when they asked for a name but they didn’t get it.The potential for LOLs was there! They had it! I love the B&W photos of all the comedians who’ve been part of Second City over the years. John Candy was my fav, what a great Canadian. The show is made of working comedians, MATT BARAM (Second City), CHRIS GIBBS (The British one), RONALD PEDERSON (Mad TV), and NAOMI SNIECKUS (Mr. D, Second City). They’re Canadian Comedy Award winners for Best Improv Troupe three years running. Way to go guys! Notice my name? Let me remind you the entire world, It’s Casie not Cassie. I made a cartoon about it once, remember? Thanks heaps for great seats. We had a fun time and lots of laughs. I was totally into the acrobatics show in the cube. She’s performing at Torture Garden this summer too. Mokuuba leather, H&M flower top, Cheap Monday jeans, Converse, Nella Bella bag

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Oh yeah baby, here we go. It’s all about do to down. (JINX!) What do you wanna do before you die? This has been on my list since it first became a ‘thing’. I blogged about it here and here and here. I’ll be walking the EDGE of the CN TOWER with Dad at about 10:30-11am. If you are in Toronto and can get a pic PLEASE do. I’ll add it to my video of the whole experience. Oh my gaga. Wish me luck, I hope I don’t die!

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Question: What do you record on PVR?

I’m trying to take this more seriously this month, video a day thing. Nothing too crazy, just one a day of me talking. I need to prove to myself I can do it and I would love your help. One of my goals this year is to be make more video. We all have the ability to have our own show, we just have to build it. This is practice. So, if you are out there, if you can hear me, please ask me a question about SOMETHING! Yesterday I was asked what shows I record on a weekly basis so here’s your answer for May 1, 2012. It’s 15 seconds & filmed on Viddy! Billabong 2012 outfit, vintage boots

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