Casie, Lauren, Raymi: Toronto Bloggers & Life in the City

Hey look, it’s your fav Toronto Charlie’s Angels together again! Not too long ago Lauren, Raymi, and I were shot by Menkes for this corporate video about how much we love downtown life. Like, comment, share with yo friends.  I cruised around my fav area (current construction zone) Queen/Spadina. My condo is right up the street and I really feel I can do just about anything in this neighbourhood. There’s lots of places to eat, drink, shop, or just hang out. There’s always lots happening, the streets are busy, and you’re close to the water or highway for a quick getaway. Follow Menkes online at @MenkesLife and Facebook/MenkesLife. Music is friends band NIXON.    

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!: As a lover of #fashion Art fears business fears art via @thisissethsblog # #sprinkler #nofilter #olympus #penready @ Muskoka Lake # Just posted a photo # #Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08: – If you’ve watched my show on @CoralTV… #thisismylife # Sunday at the office. # “Float On” # Photos from the @SummerWorks VIP soirée at The Great Hall Thursday # Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…: The sweetest sight ever… #thisismylife # #nofilter @ Morrison Lake # Queen & Spadina closed for 2 weeks is gonna be insanity. # The 3 Phases Of Social Media #readthis #content # Watertower by Tom Fruin

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The Weekend: Saturdazed

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Dreams, Films, Marriage, Comedy, Crop Tops, & Waterfalls

Hello & happy Friday! I’m at 1188 Films doin’ some work today. I had the weirdest dream last night. I documented it in audio when I woke up. I hope you enjoy it. He is in Toronto in September, it must be a sign. New episode of my show on Coral actually comes out Friday next week (my bad!) and then one each week thereafter. Here’s a screenshot of me wearing a crop top I made from an Epilogger shirt. DIY FTW. I was also reminded of this wonderful jam this morning and it’s been stuck in my head for hours. Guess what? YOU CAN HAVE IT NOW! Have an awesome day!

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Another Day For You and Me in Paradise

 Dear Diary, Great sleep. Good day. Lots to get done. Heat wave. Sunshine. Summer love. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and I wanna get tattooed. Tuesday night I popped into ‘Mattel Game On’ at GCI Group’s rooftop and played some games with friends. It was fun. I didn’t win the grand prize but it was nice to see the media peeps. I went last year too, see that post here. Recognize anyone? After games night I scooted to Bloor Street for a foodie event. We were at Noka Japanese thanks to Ken Samuel and the food was DELICIOUS. This plated selection is called the Threesome. Creative one haha 😉 First time trying this beer from Kensington brewing Company. It was good but given I had a couple before I got there, I probably would have liked any beer! Thank you @inyourmouthTO for an awesome dinner sampler at #NokaToronto. Loved the pork belly!!!! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 11, 2012 Photo shoot yesterday was SUPER short.Being confident and not camera shy is something you just gotta get over. I’ve had lots of practice but this time I shocked myself! It went like this: 1:30 Arrive 1:33 Water & touchup 1:35 Put on Rdio w/ Empire of the Sun – Half Mast 1:36 Smile, spin, pose, jump, curtsey, smile pose 1:38 Check photos on photographers camera 1:40 Done. Did you happen to chatch this outfit cruising downtown West yesterday? I loved walking behind her in my vintage dress w/ cowboy boots. Complete opposite. I saw about 100 eyeballs pop right out of peoples heads. There’s some fun comments on Instagram. Sending you positive vibes for an awesome day!

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The World is Yours. You Can Have It.

Couple shots from the next episodes of my show THIS on Coral. This three part series is about Twitter, Creative Blogging, and my favourite photography apps for iPhone. Part 1/3 will be out on Friday and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks Shannon for these photos! Check out all the Coral TV shows on the channel at I’m heading north of Bloor, gasp, to the head office of eBay Canada for a photoshoot. It’s for an upcoming profile for eBay Style Stories. Check out my friend Spiro’s feature here. It came out this week. And, in other news… I was about to hem dress and then I ironed it and it’s polyester and almost burned it down. There goes my plan. FML. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 11, 2012 Thank you Emma at Timeless Apparel on Queen Street for her awesome styling. I’m wearing a dress in a beauty green flower print like this. Enjoy the day!

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