Team Stewart Family Fun

Today is Mum’s birthday. I took her on a shopping spree at 3F (I’m on the Board of Directors there) and got her a couple new outfits. The store has a massive sale and you can get 10 items for $100 right now. We have a meet & greet with The Sheepdogs before the show tonight. I’m stoked to take Mum, Jenie and a few friends thanks to my friends at Canadian Club. Hopefully it’s not too chilly by the water at Echo Beach. Looking forward to rocking out with my girls tonight! Wahooooo! CASIE

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KISS Concert at Moslon Amphitheatre

Saw KISS last night. It was pretty epic. They have the best shoes & outfits. Gene Simmons tongue in real life was so long. He was also wearing a metal attachment that looked like a spine on his man parts, it caused a sea of screams in the crowd. The show was super good. Impressed with the lights & pyro. I have never actually seen Molson Amp THAT packed. The crowd leaving was so tame, like a flock of sheep. Totally last minute totally awesome! Happy Friday!

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The Edgy Veg: Edible Facemasks with Candice & Casie

This is by far my favourite episode on Coral TV. Candice and I shot this Monday w/ Shannon Litt and it was (as you will see) SO MUCH FUN. We were laughing our heads off the entire time. Some big things are happening with our channel and I can’t wait to share with you as they do. Subscribe to Coral at and follow Candice on Twitter @EdgyVeg. The face mask made my skin so soft and it was super easy to make. Delicious too! Try it at home 🙂

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TIFF: Guest Starring on Edgy Veg, Birks Jewellers Suite, The Iceman Film

Yep, TIFF is still in full force for the next few days. Doesn’t it seem like forever? Wore a cute outfit yesterday. Schoolgirl skirt is hand painted by Beaucoup Fashion House, Vans ‘Sophie’ shoes, shirt was a gift, Nella Bella Avalon bag. Went uptown to shoot w/ Candice for her show on Coral TV, The Edgy Veg. She made a delicious face mask and slopped it on me. The episode comes out Thursday so make sure you subscribe to Coral by then. There is lots of laughing in this one. Then we eat the mask. I was invited to the beautiful Birks Jewellers suite in the new Shangri-La hotel to preview the new Muse collection. It was diamond heaven! Thanks to Fiji Water & Birks for having me. It was a nice break in the afternoon. Glass of champagne at 3pm really takes the edge off! I loved the rings, especially the costume huge ones and the Canadian double diamond leaf. The ombre pearls are also incredibly beautiful. Perhaps I can borrow for a huge event sometime? Hint, hint. Besos to the team for my gift, feeling the love! Saw the film ‘The IceMan‘ with Barbie in the evening. It was excellent. Michael Shannon is an incredible actor. There was a star studded cast including Ray Liotta, Winona, James Franco, and Chris Evans. They were all there after to talk about the film. Seeing the actors in real life really makes you appreciate their hard work, talent, and career.  There is another screening today at noon. If you can make it to the Rush Line, go. You will be glad you did. Details here. This afternoon I’m catching the Bill Murray film Hyde Park on Husdon then scooting over to Jean Machine to be styled for an outfit for the…

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TIFF DAY 3: We Like, We Like to Party

Yesterday was so much fun. Photo & tweet wrap up! Off to dinner. Have makeup done. Picked up jewellery for tonight’s party. Met Olympic swim babe Tera Van Beilen. Free Trident bike taxi! Stopped into Le Germain to hang out w/ Dell & play with the XPS. Awesome lil’ ultrabook   [View the story “TIFF Day 3: Last Night Recap” on Storify] TIFF Day 3: Last Night Recap Had a driver to take us to Spoke for Nikki Beach. Thanks Nissan Canada did a little interview for them that I’m sure will be up soon. NB was a blast. So fun. Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sat, Sep 08 2012 16:41:19 Thanks for the ride @nissancanada! We are en route to destination. Have an awesome night! #LEAFtaxi #TIFF12CASIE STEWART I dressed him in a Canadian Tuxedo. #tiff12 STEWART Had a blast at @NikkiBeachTO last night. @tjreynolds44 & I got walked up back stairs to roof, VIP, no line, no problem. Thank you #TIFF12.CASIE STEWART @casiestewart Sorry to take you through the sketchy way! And don’t tell everyone, our secret! Haha #TIFF12Hana Hussein It’s my lucky day! Just found two 50’s on the floor. #ftw STEWART Sailor Jerry Party at The Drake, right after got new tattoo!

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This might be my favourite episode yet. We filmed it yesterday in Yorkville. The blondie with me is my sister, Jenie. It was hilarious dressing the babe in the Diesel store. The part that didn’t get on camera is me asking for the “no shirt collection”. Ha! There are so many things happening this weekend. I went to about five parties last night and got a tattoo. Mega huge thank you to the team at RockIt for a great time at the Drake and introducing me to the Sailor Jerry team. It was so much FUN. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE Like, comment, share subscribe! Last night recap below. [View the story “TIFF: Last Night Recap ” on Storify] TIFF: Last Night Recap September 6th, TIFF opening night. I did Fashion’s Night Out, TIFF Overdrive at the Drake Hotel, got (another) a Sailor Jerry tattoo, CBCF Pink Part at Arcadian Court, and an afterparty. Hell yes to TIFF. Only T-List (Toronto) celebrity spotting. Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Sep 07 2012 10:41:50 #FNO_Toronto @ Fuzz Wax Bar STEWART roof top renos look amazing + lots of babes #fno_toronto @ Burroughes Building STEWART So many nice things at @racboutique. I wanna buy everything. #FNO_TorontoCASIE STEWART @casiestewart gets A tat @ Drake Hotel Dobson @matthewstasoff Sailor Jerry traditional star to go w/ SJ anchor & ship.CASIE STEWART My kiwi love @jonny_morton_s. Talking #NZFW & love for Aotearoa! #kiaoraCASIE STEWART Bad girl got a new tattoo from @sailorjerrryCA at @thedrakehotel. #TIFF12 @ Drake Hotel STEWART Bestie party w/ @laurenonizzle at @thedrakehotel. #TIFF12 @ Drake Hotel STEWART Hardcores getting Sailor Jerry tattoos out of van on street. @casiestewart has bandage to prove it. #tiffoverdrive Kids in the car: @WilderWeir & @laurenonizzle in an @Uber_TOR. #TIFF11 STEWART…

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