It’s been a crazy week and I’m about to finish it off with a BANG! Tonight is the FIRST of only two shows of the Santa Baby Christmas Show. There are 50 girls and it’s incredibly sexy. It’s my first time performing with them and I am SO excited to dance for you. Tickets are still available and you can get them at the door. This is a sure way to get to in the Christmas spirit and will undoubtedly give you holiday cheer. You don’t want to miss it! Doors open 10pm. See you at the MOD CLUB Theatre. Christmas kisses for all! XO CASIE

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A Real Human Being

So, here’s the truth…I’m coming up on eight years of my blog in April. Eight is my fav number, lucky Chinese (I’m not Chinese), infinity symbol, I was born on the 8th of May. It was Mothers Day. My middle name is Diana, after The Princess. My Mum loved her. We have all the China (plates). Ok, here we go… My blog is only about 25% of my life if that. I don’t tell you most things that happen. I like privacy, although I am only learning what it means now. I’m extremely positive as a human, except for when I am sad. Which isn’t that often. But when I am, I am extremely lonely and like to be alone. Being popular or an ‘influencer’ doesn’t mean you have friends. Most days, I come home from the office and put on my LazyPants. $80 jogging pants, gifted, but available at Macy’s or Holt Renfrew. Baller, no. I go into my room, throw my 11″ Macbook, iPad, on the bed, take off my bra and throw on a t-shirt, then a scarf, and usually something on my head. I like my head covered, and my ears. I don’t know why I am telling you this, I’m mostly telling myself. I have been dealing with anxiety for a long time, I have never been to a doctor. I’m scared they either say “You are an absolute narcissistic nut, or you have a serious creative genius ability that transcends modern innovation. Ok, I’m being dramatic but I am not a ‘grey area’ person. We are getting into two paragraphs and most people will not be reading this. I need to write this down because I am TERRIFIED of losing my memory. I have had a few concussions, cheerleading fall, rollerblading accident, 12 feel…

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Sometimes a dream looks like a meatpie, but it’s more than that.

There’s something to be said about following your dreams… I’ve always been a dreamer, always been a little ‘out there’. Someone with big ideas who looked at the world like I could go anywhere, achieve anything. To the moon Alice! The moon isn’t as far away as it used to be and it’s easier to get there if you know how. Today I had a dream. A small dream to some, but to me it was one I had been dreaming about for a long time. It was important to me. The small dream is part of a bigger dream. It’s all the small dreams along the way that helped the big dream come true. My dream was to have an English meat pie. It was part of the bigger dream of going to England that I have had since I was a teenager. [View the story “Meat Pie Dreams” on Storify] Meat Pie Dreams Storified by CASIE STEWART · Tue, Dec 04 2012 15:50:04 I walked a ways to get a meat pie cause the one location was sold out then when I got home realized it was a BUTTER TART. WHAAAHHH. #londonCASIE STEWART All I want for Christmas is a mince meat pie. With potato on top. Love, Casie<3CASIE STEWART That’s the thing, you have to dream a little dream, and set goals, and work at them every singe day. Your thoughts become things and the more positive thoughts you throw at those things, the more real the dream becomes. Then, one day you’re sitting on a king size bed, draped in a white fluffy, hotel robe, in your deluxe suite at Le Meridian Picadilly in London, England, FINALLY eating that god damn English meat pie you have SO been dreaming about. It’s that very moment you smile…

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Meet Albert. He’s tall, dark, and Made in Canada.

He’s a Knottycase for my iPhone, he came from California, and was made in Canada. He’s part of the Save the Redwoods League at He was born beside a rocky stream, in the mountains near California, as long as 500 years ago. Albert was a big strong redwood but unfortunately he had a bad winter fall. Luckily he was salvaged and has now found love, with me. When you purchase a Knottycase you are helping to plant trees and make the world a better place. My wooden iPhone case is the Oak on Black and available for $79.  Each case is one-of-a-kind, different grain lines give each it’s own look depending on the part of the tree the wood came from. I love it. Nice gift for the holidays. Go digital, save trees. 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Going to the UK for Thomas Sabo Spring Summer 2013

Tomorrow after work I am going to London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND MATE! Staying atLe Méridien Piccadilly Partying at The Shard: Tallest Building in the European Union (Open February 2013) Will be visiting the shard as one of the first to experiece the exclusive ‘View From The Shard’ with a champagne reception and party on the 69th floor in the viewing gallery. I’ll be joining press from around the world to preview the 2013 Thomas Sabo and meeting the new Brand Ambassadors. The Shard is on London Bridge Street and I could not be more excited. This trip is all my fav things, travel, press, social, and media.  Not to metion how charming English accents are! I’ve talked about going to London for years now and it’s HAPPENING! I’ll be documenting it all on Instagram and right here. Dan Witchalls Base Jump from The Shard: This is awesome. I can see myself getting into base jumping at some point.   If you had one day ONLY to yourself in London, what would you do? LMK! <3 CASIE

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I’m kinda in love with you Brandy Melville.

Welcome to my new fav Queen West hot lil’ spot. Look at all those signs! Need the Queen West one for the office.  The shop is right in the heart of my neighbourhood at Queen/Spadina and completely filled with everything I enjoy wearing. This is the FIRST Brandy Melville store in Toronto (from LA). These are the things I got; skull scarf, girl tank, aztek change purse, John Galt flower print backpack. I am in LOVE LOVE with new backpack. I actually stalked it online for days, almost ordering, and today I GOT IT. That’s US, the big smoke! The Brandy shop is online at @brandymelvilleC and instagram at @brandymelvillecanada. I posted a few photos to each platform. I feel a shop and drop addiction coming on…drop all plans, shop for everything. Asked them about doing a holiday giveaway, so will keep you posted on that! If you stop by LMK in the comments what you get. I kinda want the whole store. Santa, can you hear MEEEEEEE! <3 CASIE

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