Having the most fun. We are quite a hilarious bunch. Flight was short and we were quite loud which made it even more hilarious. We clapped at the end, y’know like how people sometimes do when you go on vacation?? Yes. Funny. The W Hotel Montreal is so beautiful. It’s my first time staying at this one. Went to Wunderbar the club here last night. The INQ Team is treating us really great, had bottle service and a nice dinner before hand. Brekky this AM with the whole crew, there’s about 15 people in the #INQNYE group, us, couple peeps from Strategic Objectives and contest winners. Spent some time shopping morning then I ventured out on a massive walk around downtown Montreal. Was nice to have a little self time before tonight. It is going to be INSANE, the whole place is open bar and we have a section to ourselves, a bodyguard (Frank Farmer?), and a massive limo for the night. Dinner is at a fancy place too. This is the life. This is my life, aaaaaaaaaaaaah! In other news, I’m blogging from iPad and it’s not going as well as planned. Adding photos is harrrrrrd. So many good ones to share too. Gah, getting me frustrrrrrrated. Check Raymi’s blog to see pix until I figure this crap out. Rarrrrrr. I need a nap before tonight for sure. Ok bye xoxo
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