Vans Canada! New Store, New Stuff!
Vans just opened a brand new store on Yonge Street between Queen and Dundas. I’ve been a huge fan of the brand for years. See about a dozen posts mentioning Vans here. The last few collections have had so many cute things for girls and awesome stuff for guys. I snapped a few pix but I highly recommend you stop by and check it out for yourself. Tried on a few things and went for a great red striped button down, small purse with a tail, and leather change purse. I’m gonna pop back in the for the aztec shoes below and some sunnies. I really love the leather shoes for men. I imagine my future boyfriend having a pair. The staff in the shop were young & hipstery and very friendly. Check out coverage of the opening party last week on 1LoveTO and StyleDemocracy. I would like to get this red bag before summer. SUMMER! This is the purse I got. This sweater has Lauren’s name all over it. Thank you Williams PR for letting me know about the shop! The new flagship store is located at 245 Yonge Street, Toronto. GO VISIT. Buy yourself something nice. <3 CASIE
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