Real and Imagined
Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW. Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE
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