Real and Imagined

Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW.  Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE

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Peter Shankman at TEDx Times Square

I originally shared this on the Pulp & Fiber blog at work yesterday. I saw a tweet from Peter Shankman with this video from his talk at TEDx Times Square in New York last month. This 15 minutes will give you a a laugh and make you think about the importance of amazing customer service and how it relates to social media in business. He tells you how to get the audience you want by taking care of the audience you have. He’s all about creating great content and sharing things that are awesome. You can follow Peter on Twitter at @petershankman and there’s a good chance if you tweet him, he’ll tweet you back. Peter is a broadcaster, an advistor to NASA, an Ironman, a skydiver, a social media star, and an all around great guy. I’ve been following Peter for a few years now and he is definitely someone I enjoy following and learning from. We’ve never met in person but we’re friends on Twitter and Facebook and I’d call him a friend. He wished me happy birthday this week too. Hey @casiestewart …Happy birthday! 🙂 — Peter Shankman (@petershankman) May 8, 2013

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Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s my birthday! Yahooo. I don’t like to make that big of a deal, I celebrate myself and make the most of each day all year round. I just wanna hang out with my friends and eat some good food. My love got me this beauty ukulele and I can’t wait to sit in the park or the dock and play it. I’ve got a few chords down and I’ll be playing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ in no time. Have a dinner planned with a bunch of my besties after work. Mum and Dad are in town and will be stopping by the office at some point. Can’t wait to hug them both! Thanks for the kind words and warm wishes. Love you! <3 CASIE

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Short Hair, Don’t Care

Cut it all off at lunch today. Thanks Sonia at Evolve Hair Studio for making me look and feel fresh! CASIE

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Move Over Martha, There’s a New Stewart in Town

Woke up and had coffee in the hot tub. Fleece and bathing suit is one of my fav outfits. New flamingo bikini from Victoria’s Secret. I’m getting really good at ordering things online. Got a new gardening set from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. “Cray” print was the most complex and expensive design produced in 1884. The famous chintz design is by William Mossis and took 34 printing blocks to make the complex pattern. Found it at Winners! Hoping to have a beautiful garden soon. It’s so great out today. Wear sunscreen! CASIE

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Oh you know what time it is? Hello Friend. I’m going to the cottage right after work today. As in now. Got a new gardening set. Gonna play outside alllll day tomorrow. And not talk to anyone!! Oh, pardon me! (Just kidding.) Annnnnnnnnd on that note…I’m outta here! Have a great weekend! <3 CASIE

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