Who Would WANT to Be NORMAL?! Not Normal FTW!

I woke up to a FB notification from William Jones this morning and he said this ad make him think of me. I don’t know if it’s just because I was half alseep but when I watched this…I felt a little emotional. I’ve alwasy been ‘not normal’, had my own style, made my own path, and done things in my own way. Probably the Taurus in me and strong influence from my parents to ‘be myself’.  It’s great to be part of a world where we embrace the NON NORMAL. NOT NORMAL is the philosophy that has guided the design of MINI for over 50 years. And it’s the same philosophy that connects the brand to people who drive MINI today. In a world where so many people are trying to fit in, MINI extends an open invitation to those who would rather stand out: http://bit.ly/11gMBY8 . I  hope my blog inspires you to go out into the world and BE BOLD, BE YOURSELF. Think of your life as a movie, YOU are the director, you decide what scene is next and who is in it. You are the STAR! HAPPY TIFF! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE Buy Soma Online Buy Strattera Online Buy Trazodone Online Buy Ventolin online

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A Look Back at #TIFF12 on @CoralTV

Last year I did a 3 part series on Coral TV surrounding TIFF. Check out this vid of me around Yorkville talking about where celebs stay, gifting lounges, and styling a total babe at the Diesel flagship store. See the original post “Just the TIFF” here. Make sure you subscribe to our channel at youtube.com/coral so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes! I’ll be doing daily TIFF recaps of all kinds of fun things again this year. I have four events tonight! Buy Lipitor online Buy Plavix online Buy Prednisolone Online Buy Sildenafil Online

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* Found this post in Drafts, it’s about setting goals and writing things down.  I wrote is January 2012, I said I wanted to go to England and that same year i went in December. Proof writing things down really works! Get a good sleep tonight and roll into the office tomorrow with a smile on your face. 🙂 xo CASIE Watching Helvetica right now. This movie is so good. I want to go to Germany. I love the accents and style. I want to go to England too. Tattoos and travelling are totally addictive. So is documenting. The space between wanting to do something and doing it starts with writing it down. I always write things down. Get a pen from your damn drawer and write it down. I’ve definitely accomplished more goals that were written down vs. not written down. That’s all for now. buy sildenafil online buy tadalafil online buy vardenafil online

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Long Weekend Cottage Life #Muskoka

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Visit Greece at Trinity Taverna in the Beaches

Yesterday I travelled to Greece for lunch! Ok, well kinda. It was my first time at Trinity Traverna in the beaches and I went with w/ bunch of colleagues as a celebration. We sat down for a delicious, relaxing, lunch in the sun on their patio. Oh god, I love summer. Was quite impressed with how beautiful it is in there. It actually feels like you’re on vacation. Next time I am ordering one of these whole fish. These shrimp were so delicious! I really want to go to Greece though, actually. Hope day is off to a great start! LONG WEEKEND I FEEL YOU! <3 CASIE buy amoxicillin online buy amoxil online buy ampicillin online Buy celebrex online

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Hot Pop Factory 3D Printing Workshop

This workshop last night was great! I designed and printed my first object. I have a few 3D printed things but nothing I actually made myself. Creating is THE BEST FEELING! Creation Stage 1 Printing Stage 2 Makerbot and Makerbot Replicator 2  Printers This PBR art is 3D printed in layers. Rad.   If you are interested in 3D  printing check out the Hot Pop Factory website for merch and their upcoming workshops. I’m gonna design some stuff this weekend and print it! My dreams of 3D printing have come true! <3 CASIE   free viagra buy acipex online Buy amitriptyline online

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