Dancing Circles

Feeling like I might be coming down with something. Figures, post vacation and entering holiday season, confined to the house and the couch. Ok, it’s not that bad, all I really want to do is be on the couch with my computer anyways. Had to reschedule today’s shoot for next week. Barbie is away till the end of the year so I’m home all alone. I feel like my place is The Factory, a la Warhol and I’m gonna to churn out some really creative stuff before 2012. Check out this vid of my friend Mauricio surfing in Montezuma, Costa Rica. I was surfing there last month. He’s got a board cam! So rad. Happy Place posted the 50 Funniest Tweets of 2011 Andrew Carboni started a tumbler for his (Mis)Adventures in Asia. Follow it here. Remember the sexy creepy Movember video he made just for me? How did I make such a magical gif creation? Diptic on iPhone, Picasa, Gif ninja. You can figure it out of you want. IMDB – omg you know this girl 😉

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Nulayer’s New Apps

 On Thursday Sam & I met up with Lauren at Thrush Holmes Empire Gallery for the launch of two apps from Toronto based dev company Nulayer. Nulayer, was called the “App Kings” on the cover of Toronto Life’s 2011 Money Issue, and they were celebrating the launch of two new apps (Toronto Star and TheScore). One of the things I love about the company is the tag line “we build software with our bare hands“. Thanks for the invite Esther, always nice to see you! Sam is wearing waxed Nudies & vintage from CTS. I’m wearing AA black scoop neck & re-modelled vintage from F As In Frank, Queen West, Hamilton watch, Secret FW 2011 blue tights. PHOTO CRED:  chocolate bar + photo of Esther & I by Joel Di Giacomo, Sam & I by Jannick Laurent, the rest, my iPhone  

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Play Time: Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups

Attention everyone! James Gangl is on the hunt of a lady friend! He’s searching for his boo and it could be you! Let me explain…   Last night I was lucky enough to go to the press opening of Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups at  Theatre Passe Muraille. It’s a one-man-show in which James Gangl tells the story of how his horn-dog ways conflicted with his intense Catholic upbringing. I don’t want to give to much away because YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT! Really you guys. It’s pretty great. I don’t even usually dig solo-shows but this? LOVED it! Is it raunchy? Just enough. Hilarious? Most definitely. Does he sell copies of his real journal filled with love-struck bad poetry after the show? You bet. I have a copy. You simply must check it out – unless you don’t like laughter, in which case what’s wrong with you?! Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups is playing at Theatre Passe Muraille until October 22nd so get your tickets now! And if you’re a single lady tickets are only $15! What a deal! Laaaaaaaaadiessss! Enjoy! xo Kate    

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do not go to the fridge, you have no friends there

I always eat snacks & watch crime shows at night while on computer and I’m trying not to snack before morning cause I’m determined to get through three darn days of a real cleanse like I know I can. Run on sentence, thoughts. Last time I tried I had zero willpower but I’m stronger now. Ok, I ate some vegetables at lunch. 🙂  Have you ever watched that Life After People Show? It’s crazy. Shirt is from the Hitmen who travel. If you’re curious, I’m doing the Energize from Total Cleanse. Was delivered three days of pre-made juice all nicely bottled and bagged. Six juices per day, four different. They’re not gross, they’re good.  I was worried I wouldn’t like drinking them but I’m gonna go at it again tomorrow. Bixi to YD Square with my comp first thing in the morning. Hoping for sun!

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Art Battle 17 at The Great Hall: Paint by Numbers

And by numbers… I mean Pemberton & Plashkes, the creators of Art Battle. Their numbered shirts equal seventeen. Eight is my fav number, I have one tattooed on my right arm. If you have never been to Art Battle, follow them on Twitter here and stay tuned for the next one. It’s one of the most awesome things that happens in this wonderful city. Competitive painting for the WIN. Paint pr0n. THIS is how you do event shirts. These babies were all up for grabs. Painted that night, silent auction. I really liked this one. Bid was $150, I didn’t go for it. Jack will always be in our thoughts. The ones without bids are DESTROYED. See video here. Hello new friend blog fan, Twitter peep. (Please tell me your Twitter if/when you see this!) Queen West art hipster types in full force. You can tell there are deep thoughts going on here and I like it. Smart, arty & handsome. Winning combo 😉 Painting in the final round. Counting up the votes. Simon & the winner of the Art Battle 17 David McKenzie. David & his is final painting. “Let’s destroy some paintings” Paint on the clothes is a good style I reckon.   Maybe some for me next time? I like to paint too. Some serious talent at these things. I know for sure you will enjoy yourself. I’ll keep you posted on the next one.

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borderline artistic: shots, lomography

Shot another two rolls for Lomography Mag’s Lomo Amigo project. These are all that turned out. I’ve got another roll done and I hope more turned out. I’m gonna pop by the store and get some tips before I have another go. Some of these are rad. Especially love the ones from my balcony. Beerfest.

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