The Art of Soup

I can’t even begin to explain how special I felt when I opened this extremely heavy package today.It came from a friend south of the border. Thank you Ellen for sending these. I love you. As soon as I knew these cans were being made, I reached out to my best friends in Boston as asked them to keep an eye out at Target. Today, four of the Andy Warhol Tomato Soup cans arrived. The cans celebrate 50 years since Andy’s iconic work, 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans. Andy famously said “I used to have the same [Campbell’s soup] lunch every day for twenty years.” I love their branding. Something special they did is print all the labels directing you to the website which redirects to their Facebook page Campbell’s Condensed Soup, 158,746 likes, 3,527 talking about this. Right now. I love when brands do that. Andy Warhol has always been my favourite. An inspiration. I have blogged about him heaps. He has his own category. I also named my iPad after him. Campbell’s Tomato soup with toast has been my fav lunch since I was a kid. Before I knew him. My blog is about to get a makeover 😉 <3 CASIE  

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Speaking | Brand-U Fab, November 1, 2012

On November 1st I’m speaking at Brand U Fabulous. This one-of-a-kind event that will provide women entrepreneurs with tools, tips and insights that will help you market and build the business of your dreams online and offline. There’s an all-star speaker line-up including Amber Mac , Donna Marie Antoniadis,  Steve Lowell,  Laura Furtado, and me, an interactive discussion panel and breakout sessions that cover everything from marketing, writing, branding, to all things social media. Why join us? Understand what your brand says about you and to create a magnetic brand that integrates with your mission Demystify social media and learn concrete steps to leverage your efforts to increase your followers, enhance your influence and grow your bottom line Create the right buzz about your brand that will convert your raving fans into loyal, happy customers Learn how to effectively communicate your story through speaking from the stage, writing and video! The Basics: Date: Thursday November 1st, 2012 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Venue: St. Paul Bloor Street Address: 227 Bloor Street East, Toronto (Click for directions) Tickets are $99 and a portion of proceeds go to Nellie’s Women’s Shelter. Visit the website for more info on speakers & ticket options. Hope to see you there! <3 Your positive & fabulous friend, CASIE

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There you are…

Handsome. What do you think of this?

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CIBC Run for The Cure 2012 – September 30!

This year I’m participating in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure on September 30, 2012. I’m running with Lauren, Sarah, Courtney, and Harmony as TEAM 5138008. Get it? BOOBIES! I’ve been training by running, dancing (joined a burlesque troupe!), eating healthy, and mentally preparing for 5k. At this point I can to 2.5k  and by 12 days from now, I’ll be ready! When I think about the estimated over 23,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in Canada, I’m happy to be supporting a cause that touches so many of us. I heard yesterday about a friends Mum being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I wrote this post right away. As of right now I have raised 16% of my personal goal of $300. I would like to blow that number out of the WATER! You can make a difference. With your support, the Foundation will continue funding breast cancer research, education and health promotion initiatives across the country, making a difference from coast to coast. To learn more about the work the Foundation does, visit Will you support me in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure? A donation of $20, $50 or $100 will really help me get closer to my fundraising goal. Of course, any donation will make a difference and help create a future without breast cancer. You can make your donation here. Need some PINK donation motivation?  Pink glasses, pink sky! Me running for the CURE! Pink Strawberry Tic Tacs for Breast Cancer Month! Mum and I in MATCHING Pink jackets! Me yesterday in Pink wrinkle free Oxford & BF cardigan from Mark’s, Hunter Wellies, Abercrombie demin (so old), and a smile. We’re still deciding what to wear as a team put I…

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Art/Advertising, Both.

I love the Say Media blog. They post Venn diagrams about advertising, marketing, and social media every Friday. This week “Great Advertising is Art”. Some examples they posted today of trendsetters paving the way for awesome advertising at art. You will like the video. Beautiful.     Google flashing its technology through a gorgeous music video for Arcade Fire.     Toshiba sending the first chair to space attached to a weather balloon.     Target putting on LED light shows on the side of the NYC Standard Hotel.     BMW driving cars through a giant glass apple.     Honda turning its car parts into a complex Rube Goldberg machine. Valfre is one of my fav artists. Her drawings are so good. Her blog is here. One of my favs is in this post. ART/ADVERTISING? Both. What advertising/art are you creating? CASIE  

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The Future, Ads & Content feat @SayMedia @VictorsnSpoils @VirginAmerica

Check this out! I had no idea, mega agency, Viktor & Spoils made a case study about this. Most of this video was shot by my sister and the whole thing was put together by Sean Evans from 1188 Films. Pretty neat! 1188 just WON for Post Production Of The Year for Down With Webster “Big Wheels” video at the MMVAs tonight. If you like/love Nintendo you will <3 this. CONGRATS to 1188 & DWW! Read a good article about advertising & content on SAY MEDIA’s blog this week. Goes back to what I was saying last week about transmedia storytelling. I love their VENN diagrams.  

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