Don’t say it..don’t say it…VAX GIRL SUMMER! ☀️ I’M SO HAPPY! I GOT VACCINATED! Sean gave me a tip from Vaccine Hunters that there was a pop-up clinic near at Harbord Collegiate offering the first dose of Pfizer today so I biked over soon as I could. If you are looking to get your first or second dose, check out the @vaxhunterscan account on Twitter, they’re posting vaccination clinics all across the country. I just really want to go somewhere ✈️, hug my parents, have friends to the house, and for this all to be overrrrrrr. Y’know?! ?✌️ One step closer to getting back to some kind of normal.

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Day 449: Eat The Cake

The day started out great, went for a nice run in the sun. Got ready for work, put on a full outfit, makeup. At lunch, I ordered a salad from Freshii and it was delicious. About an hour after I started to feel shaky and light-headed. Not really sure what happened or where it came from so I decided to pop to Gasbar Cafe and get a sweet treat. They have an absolutely amazing walnut carrot cake with little pieces of pineapple. Ate the whole thing in the sun and went back to work. Last night at about 1 pm I was woken up by construction on the train tracks. They were doing resurfacing and it was so loud, the whole house was shaking. Didn’t realize how tired I was until I took a little nap at 6 pm, I woke up at 9 pm, got a snack, and went right back to bed. An exciting story I know haha.

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Day 448: Floating

Swinging in the hammock, floating in the air, sun on my face and wind in my hair.

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Day 447: Cover Me In Sunshine

Went for a 4km run in the woods this morning while listening to Effortless by Greg McKeown on Audible. The book was recommended by a colleague and I’m really enjoying it. Great perspectives on work, life, and living a joyful life. Was a pretty relaxing day, beautiful weather. Spent a good amount of time reading in the sun, I started That Summer by Jennifer Weiner after Jen recommended it. I hadn’t picked up my kindle in ages and it was so nice to just sit and read. How great is this IG filter? Imagine I had this many tattoos. I bet mum will see this and be like ‘OMGGGG’. Ha! Cover me in sunshine, cover me in tattoos, I’m happy!

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Day 431: Mellow Yellow

‘ Had a nice park date w/ Chloe after work/ So nice to see her, it had been ages. Opened a few packages on Stories this morning and they were all so nice. Lays sent a box of chips and I got a huge box of goodies from Sitti Soap. Their annual box goes to support refuges and is a BIPOC + woman-owned business. Check it out here.

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Day 430: Rethinking

Nice picnic with April today. I walked her most of the way home with my bike and then biked back. I have this thing where if I see a mirror on the street I always stop and take a photo. Have you noticed? I love capturing my outfit on a random background and the different shapes the mirrors are in. Seeing more than one on a short ride is unique! We decided to dip into some alcohol-free beverages that were sent by Grüvi. The beer & champagne were pretty good! I’ve been rethinking drinking the last few years and gone through stages where I don’t drink at all. I’ve noticed that since I’m staying home more (not going to events) and weigh less, I can’t handle alcohol the way I used to. For years I’d be at several events a week and have a few drinks each time. Now when I do have drinks, I like to mix in an alcohol-free option to slow down the effects, water, soda, or something like these cocktails with no booze. If you’re ever looking for mocktail recipes my friend Sarah has some on IG. In other news, my hair is really long and DARK. I can’t believe how long it is. I love it so much and don’t see myself going back to short anytime soon, or ever. I can’t wait to get back to Sassoon and have my hair done. I’m going to keep the colour close to this just with a bit more blonde. if you’re ever interested in my hair journey, there’s heaps of Sassoon post from the last 5 years here.

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