
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

The Hardest Part is Through

The Hardest Part is Through

This past week was a hard one for me. Actually, this entire month has been a challenge, I’ve been on the verge of … View Post
Sending Sun Vibes Into the Universe, I Can’t Stand The Rain!

Sending Sun Vibes Into the Universe, I Can’t Stand The Rain!

OK OK OK, enough already. Omg! There was so much rain in Toronto before I went to Jamaica, then, it rained more there last … View Post
You Will Always Find Happiness If You Do What You Love 

You Will Always Find Happiness If You Do What You Love 

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Life, Lashes, and Rainy Days…

Life, Lashes, and Rainy Days…

Smiling here but have been feeling so meh the last little while. I go through stages like this, now and again where I wonder … View Post
Best Prep for Tomorrow is Doing Your Best Today

Best Prep for Tomorrow is Doing Your Best Today

Had a nice time at the cottage this weekend. It was cool and rainy but it was good to be home. I was soooo … View Post
A  Look Inside The New Rexall at Brunswick House

A Look Inside The New Rexall at Brunswick House

If you’ve lived in Toronto for a while or went to uni here, you definitely have memories of the Brunswick House. That place … View Post
Let Success Be Your Noise

Let Success Be Your Noise

Had a great morning yoga session today. Feeling energized and have a jam packed day ahead. Saturday I’m going to Jamaica for a … View Post
Go All The Way

Go All The Way

The last couple weeks have been kinda crazy for me, not just normal life and ‘blog stuff’ but I went out of my comfort … View Post
One Year Older, One Year Bolder! ?

One Year Older, One Year Bolder! ?

Yesterday was my birthday and thank you for all the warm wishes! ? Had a wonderful birthday eve and entire day. In the past I’… View Post
Friday Fri-Yay for Reals!

Friday Fri-Yay for Reals!

Oh man this week has been so busy. The house is a mess, and although it’s Friday, it ain’t ova’. Tomorrow we … View Post
Watch More Eps of The @Netflix Dinner party!

Watch More Eps of The @Netflix Dinner party!

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Bring on Those May Flowers! 

Bring on Those May Flowers! 

Oh spring how I have missed you! The last week I’ve been a bit slack on writing my ol’ diary as I’ve … View Post
Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Last month I filmed a 6 episode show with Netflix at Wallace Studios in Toronto. It was put together by Netflix USA and Andrew Dobson … View Post
Great Week Ahead!

Great Week Ahead!

En route back to the city after a v chill time at the cottage this weekend. I took a bunch of naps and spent … View Post
Cottage Life & Having a Strong (Mobile) Network – Telus Love!

Cottage Life & Having a Strong (Mobile) Network – Telus Love!

As you are welllll aware I spend heaps of time at the cottage over the summer. One thing our whole cottage crew knows is … View Post
6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Lifestyle

6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Lifestyle

Over the last few months I’ve been on a journey to take better care of myself. I feel better on the outside and … View Post
You Can Achieve Anything You Want If You Work At It

You Can Achieve Anything You Want If You Work At It

I found this photo in a box of tax receipts and it gave me such a warm feeling. I’m pretty sure mum has … View Post
Escape to Free Your Mind

Escape to Free Your Mind

This winter I didn’t  travel as much as last year because things kept coming up. So, my bff and I decided we needed … View Post
Water bottles Are So 2003!

Water bottles Are So 2003!

Carrying water bottles is so 2003! They’ve been banned at Hong Kong Uni, Adele concerts, and for all of San Francisco. I’ve stopped … View Post
Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

This week felt like a long one and it’s finally Thursday. As Keri would say, “Best night of the week!”. Tonight I’m … View Post
Light Up Your Life with Best Buy Smart Home

Light Up Your Life with Best Buy Smart Home

Last week I went to the National Home Show as a guest of Best Buy Canada to check out smart home accessories. After CES … View Post
Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a journey of making my self happy, practising what I preach, making the most of each … View Post
Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

This weekend we had friends in town from Boston. Instead of facing St. Patty’s Day crowds on Friday we hosted them for dinner (… View Post
Live Action Short Drama? Story of My Life! 2017 #CdnScreenAwards Recap

Live Action Short Drama? Story of My Life! 2017 #CdnScreenAwards Recap

Last weekend I attended the Canadian Screen Awards as a guest of the First Weekend Club. It was my second year attending the ‘Canadian … View Post
Spring Forward 

Spring Forward 

I hate to blame daylight savings but this week I have been so tired. I had to fight myself every morning to get out … View Post
Don’t Wait For The Perfect Time, Create Today!

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Time, Create Today!

Last nights @meetDITTO event was really great. I was super tired before getting there, ate a sub and felt  gross, the day was long … View Post
Hi Mum, I just called to say thanks.

Hi Mum, I just called to say thanks.

Today I rung mum at work and I think she must have been busy because she seemed a little surprised when I said ‘hi … View Post