
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

i went to my favorite store. apt 909

i went to my favorite store. apt 909

My favorite store in the city is Apt. 909. I love it. I go in, love it most when I’m the only one there. … View Post
art attack valentine love bandit

art attack valentine love bandit

I was out walking this morning, enjoying the sunshine. I passed this wheat paste art attack and felt filled with love. I share with … View Post
will you be my valentine ♥

will you be my valentine ♥

love love love love love it love love love love love love love love it love love love love love love love love it … View Post
Twestival Party – You should have been there.

Twestival Party – You should have been there.

It was awesome. Jenie & I are in this video along with a bunch of other Tweeps & peeps who attended TwestivalTO. Thank you … View Post
Friday the 13th! Me = NEW TATTOO!!

Friday the 13th! Me = NEW TATTOO!!

Thanks to Rob at Bobby Five. Woooooooooooooooooooot! View Post
what if this was all you had? [charity:water]

what if this was all you had? [charity:water]

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Did you know that over a billion, YES A BILLION, people all over the world go without access to clean and safe drinking water … View Post
the people i know in a cloud

the people i know in a cloud

This image is a tag cloud of all my contacts on Twitter and what they do. The largest words are the ones that show … View Post
he’s just not that into who?

he’s just not that into who?

I went to see the movie this evening and, well, I get it. Guys don’t mix their signals they just give you excuses … View Post
give $20, raise $20, and tell 20 friends

give $20, raise $20, and tell 20 friends

Its a lovely day in the city of Toronto and I took the time to enjoy it. I went for a sun filled walk … View Post
an interview to inspire: Jesse & MS

an interview to inspire: Jesse & MS

I recently found out that my friend, Jesse Lee from high school was diagnosed with MS. I don’t know alot about MS and … View Post
a story of beauty featuring me by darren

a story of beauty featuring me by darren

I walked into the salon tucked away in a lovely loft in the heart of Queen West. I was greeted by charming eyes and … View Post
gettin’ ma hair did

gettin’ ma hair did

Tonight I am heading over to the Darren Kwik Studio, Queen West to get my hair done. It has been ages and I’m … View Post
so what i’m crazy, that gives me freedom

so what i’m crazy, that gives me freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in … View Post
i was at a party with obama smoking cigs

i was at a party with obama smoking cigs

My friend had a wonderful dream and this is what happened… Him:You were in my dream this morningHim:We were at a party … View Post
who’s fueling who now?

who’s fueling who now?

I got a lovely email from the folks at Fuel My Blog today that I am the blog of the day! Fuel My Blog … View Post
light snow with an in your face warning

light snow with an in your face warning

The Twestival is coming soon (Mark Feb.12 on your calendar!) and I am happy to announce tickets are selling well! The night is sure … View Post
i won the camera, now comes the fun part

i won the camera, now comes the fun part

It was only January 9, 2009 that I wrote a post titled “hey universe, I need a new camera“. It is amazing what you can do … View Post
we are moving particles of matter

we are moving particles of matter

vintage series: written by me on may 17, 2007 “Internet stalking? Who is really stalking who? Me sitting here on my computer. You would know by … View Post
Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today. I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily Challenge ‘Do Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a … View Post
inspiring change through design and creation

inspiring change through design and creation

I’m watching this inspiring documentary JonJon sent me. It is all about how waste is food and reducing the amount of waste created. … View Post
tageriffic from down under

tageriffic from down under

Last night I was talking with one of my mates in Palmerston North, New Zealand. A bunch of my wonderful family members live in … View Post
if you’re canadian, sing it, sing it,

if you’re canadian, sing it, sing it,

I sang or listened to our national anthem everyday while growing up. I learned it in both official languages. I still remember it and … View Post
obama rockin’ to single ladies

obama rockin’ to single ladies

I saw this in ET last night and loved it. His name is Iman Crossman and he is known on YouTube as AlphaCat. He … View Post
"Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much…"

"Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much…"

In reference to the upcoming Twestival on Feb. 12 I posted the following message: “1 in 6 peeps on earth don’t have access 2 clean water. On … View Post
why pay for school when you can educate for free

why pay for school when you can educate for free

I have a confession to make and am doing it publicly for education’s sake. I went to university and college over 4.5 fun filled … View Post
Year of the Ox Brings Good Luck & Obama

Year of the Ox Brings Good Luck & Obama

On the Western calendar the start of the Chinese New Year falls today and marks the The Year of the Ox. I’m wishing … View Post