
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

those engines are getting me fired up

those engines are getting me fired up

Something funny happened last night. Was chatting with friend and fellow top blogger Sean Ward before he went on a radio show. I listened … View Post
a brief interruption

a brief interruption

In case you were wondering, or if you weren’t, I’m gonna tell you anyways.. I’m still vibrating my eyelashes every morning … View Post
my hot date: me + internet ♥

my hot date: me + internet ♥

Finished up the day with some work writing, always nice. Biked home. Changed out of the white dress, felt a raindrop on my face. … View Post
john butler is amazing

john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that … View Post
a morning conversation

a morning conversation

Bonga says: how art thou? c a s i e  s t e w a r t says: thou art magnificent View Post
michael jackson memorial day

michael jackson memorial day

Post was updated as the memortial was on ok… Starts in about an hour and a half. Watching live on CNN.   They expect the … View Post
on the edge: martin streek

on the edge: martin streek

Rode against the wind the whole time and my hair is frizzy like Andy Warhol. My teeth hurt from wearing my retainer. I don’… View Post
the sweet taste of kerosene

the sweet taste of kerosene

I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness.  Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took … View Post
my name is casie and i’m a twitaholic

my name is casie and i’m a twitaholic

Twits Mag Canada is an online magazine dedicated to all Canadians on Twitter and they just did a story on ME. You can read … View Post
there’s nothing worse than being ordinary

there’s nothing worse than being ordinary

I’m watching American Beauty…for the second time today. I love this movie. It’s creepy and yet I find the story so … View Post
yep, watching from the window

yep, watching from the window

It’s one of those good days. Sitting with the girls watching reruns of Sex and the City on DVD. The four of them … View Post
something about girls on bikes

something about girls on bikes

I get on my bike and go for a hike I ride through the streets, push pedals with feet. The wind in my hair, … View Post
it felt like a movie

it felt like a movie

I’ve  always wanted to go, since I was little. I remmeber watching old movies with the girls serving on rollerskates and the classic … View Post
some consider it to be an embarrassment

some consider it to be an embarrassment

Their middle name. I don’t. Mine is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. Mum loved her. We had a bunch of different paraphernalia … View Post
a little story: swimming lessons

a little story: swimming lessons

Each summer Mum would put us girls in swimming lessons. In one particular lesson we had to put our heads under the water to … View Post
there’s a lot of babes that live around here

there’s a lot of babes that live around here

You know what’s fun? The recycled rubber they use as the ground on kids play things in parks. Had a blast jumping on … View Post
i am doll eyes, doll parts

i am doll eyes, doll parts

I came across two things in the last 24 hours that go with doll parts and wanting to be the girl with the most cake. … View Post
happy birthday canada you sexy thang

happy birthday canada you sexy thang

In 1996, on the weekend before Canada Day in my hometown of Cambridge, I was a contestant in the annual Miss Teen pageant. Since I … View Post
hey there batman, haven’t seen you around

hey there batman, haven’t seen you around

I have no attention span sometimes. At home on computer listening to TV and barely watching.  I get on the computer and am Tweeting … View Post
cover me in rainbows and let me dance all night

cover me in rainbows and let me dance all night

Every year when the party is over I think, that was the best Pride ever. Then, when the next year rolls around it seems … View Post
it’s hard to hear when the music is pounding

it’s hard to hear when the music is pounding

i have a dude voice from me on Vimeo. View Post
slept in past noon for the first time in ages

slept in past noon for the first time in ages

Omg it felt so good to wake up in the afternoon for once. I always get up early, morning person. Often spring out of … View Post
take a look at yourself and make a change

take a look at yourself and make a change

Mum rung me while I was at the track and told me about MJ. I knew he went to the hospital and while I … View Post
gearing up for the best party of the year dudes

gearing up for the best party of the year dudes

Canadian Track and Field Champs last night, got a media pass (p.s. it’s cool to blog). I found it nerve wracking to … View Post
raining cats and blogs

raining cats and blogs

I love it. The thunder in the sky. The energy that lights up the dark clouds when lightning strikes. The pounding of rain drops … View Post
add some spice to your life already

add some spice to your life already

Girls were working out in the park.  They start in a circle then change formation to watch the teacher. I stopped to have a … View Post
the joy and freedom of facebook and twitter

the joy and freedom of facebook and twitter

have been stripped. have been taken. have been blocked from the office.  i knew the day would come.  i just knew it. what’s … View Post