
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Take all your problems and rip ’em apart.

Take all your problems and rip ’em apart.

When you find an old song you for got then you remember it. So good. Love this one by the White Stripes, Little Acorns. … View Post
i think i’m ready to move on with someone new #mobile

i think i’m ready to move on with someone new #mobile

Construction season. Looking forward to winter, as much as I don’t like being cold, I love staying inside where it’s warm and … View Post
the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

 Lauren & I started out at the Loft 404 on Saturday for My City Lives  “One Night in Toronto“. Love that space. Thanks Genna! Have … View Post
a slice of paradise in your own backyard

a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

Reading all your tweets now! Thank you everyone for coming to #CCspeakeasy last night. How you feelin'? #prohibition # You guys are so kind. Ahh. … View Post
Storytime: James Flames & The Python

Storytime: James Flames & The Python

My friend James who runs @RebelBingo tells a story about him being a conservation hero in Zimbabue. I watched it just now and reckon … View Post
At the juice joint with fellow members of the Canadian Club.

At the juice joint with fellow members of the Canadian Club.

Punctuation marks you never knew existed | via @sbadsgood # Photo: love this movie # 7 Ways to Create … View Post
I don’t know much about, much about, much about…

I don’t know much about, much about, much about…

Heard this song last night at the opening of Little Burgundy in Style Exchange and loved it. There were heaps of awesome peeps I’… View Post
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

I’ve been to many festivals but one of my favourites was EinsteinFest in 2005 at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. (Say that five … View Post
Have you ever had a Jerry Maguire moment?

Have you ever had a Jerry Maguire moment?

One where you are walking down the street and you realize that what you are doing is exactly what you should be doing and … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

Morning 🙂 # I liked a @YouTube video I could tell you but I’d have to kill you # Beauty sun … View Post
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Friday Kate & I attended the Women for Women’s luncheon in support of Women’s College Hospital. It was hosted by Jeanie Beker … View Post


Last week I filmed a promo video for a contest with mega babe Jason Howlett. I have to say I’ve dremed of him … View Post
I wanted to take it higher I knew you would be amazed

I wanted to take it higher I knew you would be amazed

I was looking through old photos and came across this one. I shot it when I first got my PEN from Olympus earlier this … View Post
When something is the most real, it is the realest.

When something is the most real, it is the realest.

It’s amazing how beautiful this weather is. The sunshine makes me happy. I’m pretty sure I saw some kite boarders on the … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

Hipster Halloween! (@ Baby Huey's) # you missed this yesterday: – I'm at Woody's And Sailor (465-467 Church St… … View Post
this is how we do it

this is how we do it

Last week I did a shoot with FAJO Magazine for a feature on Toronto fashion bloggers called ‘10 Items, 5 Bloggers, 1 City“. They also talked to … View Post
Halloweek 2011 Costume Roundup

Halloweek 2011 Costume Roundup

Friday night – Pimp & Pirate for the Liberty Grand Halloween Party Lauren was Vampire Cheerleader, Sean was basketball player. Saturday Sailor Zombie at CTS … View Post
find what you love

find what you love

Kate sent this to me this morning and said it reminded her of us. We both love Gubler too. I had a lunch interview … View Post
we take this halloween thing very seriously

we take this halloween thing very seriously

Halloween is my fav time of year. Have I told you 1,000 times yet? Y’know the week before halloween right after after Zombie walk. … View Post
you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday

Photo: lets watch our video together @bohunk # i like the baseball tweets when it's exciting like this. shows … View Post
Get out there and build it.

Get out there and build it.

Something I really love about life is the uncertainty of not knowing what the day will bring you. Opportunity, challenges, happiness, stress, whatever it … View Post
Your first job?

Your first job?

I started thinking about my first job after reading Neil Pasricha blog 1000 Awesome Things. You know it? It’s awesome. He wrote some funny … View Post
you missed the party on twitter yesterday

you missed the party on twitter yesterday

@roelo_nilla @foursquare Nooo! Say HI to Darren for me! 🙂 # hellooooo from 1 King West for #DellCapCanada day 😉 Nice to see @rightsleeve & @markevans! http://… View Post
Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy

Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy

Thursday downtown 7pm. Five pairs of tickets. Like on Facebook, follow on Twitter AND leave a comment to enter. Say whatever you want in … View Post
Canada’s Android Conference

Canada’s Android Conference

Stopped by AndroidTO today at 99 Sudbury and was happily greeted by a little green Android, a familiar face. Met some new people, saw old … View Post
Fit to Fly, Fit to Flex, Fit to Work It Out

Fit to Fly, Fit to Flex, Fit to Work It Out

Good morning from the gym. Can you believe I’m here this early? Cripes! I’m serious about gettin’ beach ready for Costa Rica … View Post