There’s something sacred about reading a blog…

“There’s something sacred about reading a blog post on someone else’s site. It’s like visiting a friend’s house for a quick meal ’round the breakfast table. It’s personal — you’re in their space, and the environment is uniquely suited for idea exchange and uninterrupted conversation. In many ways, we should be treating our blogs like our breakfast tables. Be welcoming & gracious when you host, and kind & respectful when visiting.” – Trent Walton Thanks Kate for sharing this quote. This month marks SEVEN years I’ve been blog writing and I’m pretty proud of that. It started out as a journal of “people, places, things & thoughts in an attempt to keep more memories” and it’s done that and so much more. See original Blogspot blog here. It’s opened up doors to things I only ever dreamed about doing and allowed me to connect with amazing people all over the world. I love opening this window to my life and sharing it with you. Thank you for being part of my (this is) my life. I’ve had a slew of different jobs in fashion, tech, and entertainment which have all shaped the person I am now. Many moons ago I found out that Martha Stewart started her empire at her kitchen table. Just like her and many entrepreneurs, I started there too. I would sit for hours and create things. One of the first companies I started was Kitchen Table Productions in 2005. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do exactly, but I knew we would be producing things and they would creative, they would be media. I’ve always looked up to Martha in the way that she has branded herself in so  many areas, product lines and really grabbed business by the reins. Never mind the short term she spent in jail! I…

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Mailbag! Monday, April 2, 2012

Got some pretty rad stuff in the mail recently. Leggo! Nail Polish Canada invited me to try out Magnetix China Glaze. It’s a nail polish with magnetic properties that does these funky designs when you hold a stylized magnet once you put on the polish. It’s not hard to do and looks quite fancy. The package says to hold the magnet there for 5-10 seconds but I suggest holding the magnet there for at least 20 seconds really helps. Colours here are ‘You Move Me’ and ‘Instant Chemistry’. That’s what’s up. #magnetix magnetic nailpolish #smallwins — Brown Barbie (@itsbrownbarbie) February 20, 2012 The peeps at Hanes sent a pile of hosiery and filled me in about  a contest on their Facebook page.  If you enter, you’re eligible to get Hanes Hosiery and a $50 VISA gift card. That pair in the middle are like fishnets but little squares (cue Weeds theme song ‘Little Boxes) and I love ’em. Really clear blue skies in Toronto today. The air is a bit chilly but I’ve had the patio door open all day. So good. And…for the final mail item of the day… I’ve wanted one of these F-O-R-E-V-E-R… Gun Metal studded iPhone case! It just came today from my friend Andrew. There’s a whole bunch of different cases available at Felony Case and if you order one use CASIESTEWART discount for $10 off. If anyone tries to every steal my iPhone, I’ll be able to defend myself. This thing is sturdy! My friend Jen from She Does the City recently was punched in the face and had her iPhone stolen. No joke. Scary! Read it here. This weekend I hung out with O’Nizzle, who played a good April Fools joke, Raymi for her 29th birthday and Saroox came along too. Each girls name links to their blog…

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Canadian Club Prohibition Tour 2012

I recently went on a two day travel adventure with about 10 media peeps to the Canadian Club HQ in Windsor, Ontario. Lemme tell ya, you put a bunch of grownups (yeah, sounds weird eh?!) on a bus it’s just like being in school. Limo’s picked us all up, then we sitched to a stretch limo bus and off we went. I shared a few photos about two weeks ago but these are the official Praxis PR ones taken by Ryan Emberly with a camera. See the whole album here. I absolutely loved this adventure. I felt like a kid the whole time, except well, the fact that we were drinking whisky. We arrived at the brand centre and were invited to make out own drinks. It was awesome. We had a tour of the place, learned the history, had a few more drinks and relaxed outside in the sun. It was super relax but well organized. I can conly imagine the stories those walls could tell. The building is really, really old and was the main for trading liquor across the border during prohibition. The tunnel is still there and a few of the boys actually went in it. I was wearing a dress so I didn’t climb down but I took a video. Brock is down there somewhere. There was a whole bunch of ‘fake’ Canadian Club that people used to sell during prohibition. I’d love to have this Toronto stuff, I wonder how it is compared to the original CC? In the afternoon we played a game that had us running about the entire place with fake guns in teams. It was hilarious. School trip. Riot. This photo was taken in the original Speakeasy in the basement of the CC HQ. Al Capone used to hang out here.…

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