Toronto Fashion Week: Sid Neigum S/S 2012

Now that the spring/summer 2012 shows are all finito, let’s take some time to sit back, relax, and reflect on the whirlwind of shows this season! One of the first ones I got to attend this season was Sid Neigum, a Canadian-born, NY-based designer, and it was love at first sight. I was especially a fan of his F/W collection, and was excited to see what he’d come up with for the lighter season! The opening of the show was great: dark and moody, all the models coming out and standing presentation-style for a moment. Props to Sid (or whoever) for opening and closing the show with beaut androgynous models (John Cherkas, Andrej Pejic)– it definitely worked with the styling. Lots of black for spring, which is a good-different, and mixed in are some teal (including an amazing bright teal/turquoise leather jacket with cutout shoulders! love!), copper, and tan. Great structured pieces, nicely contrasted by the more relaxed, colourful prints. My favourite: the dramatic-slash-hysterical leather eyebrows and intense ballerina buns, accessorized with long leather ties/whips by The Fashion Collective‘s Dwayne Kennedy, from his new accessories line Leatherheads. We saw some wooden flatform-esque type shoes that made the models walk like angry and uncomfortable, but beautiful, people. One male model rocked wedges all the way through! Overall, the collection had a very eastern feel (which might give into the collections name, “East Meets East”) and was very well done. Definitely a memorable show and many pieces are going on my spring/summer wishlist! x Carrie

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Fashion: The Roaring Twenties

View “Vintage Elegance – Tweed” on Storify

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Weekend Tune: “Making a Scene” by Fritz Helder & The Phantoms

C’est le week-end! That’s French for it’s the weekend! Is everyone having a good fashion week? Are you très chic? It’s been fun but it’s almost at a close – or should I say clothes? Bahaha puns! Sorry couldn’t help myself. Anyways! Here’s a music video for you to enjoy and reminisce about LG Fashion Week to. Strike a pose! It’s Toronto’s own Fritz Helder & The Phantoms with “Making a Scene”! “Making a Scene” – Fritz Helder & The Phantoms from sammy rawal on Vimeo. Fun fact: Both this music video and “Stumble” by Bonjay were directed by Sammy Rawal! Good job Sammy Rawal! Have a great weekend everyone! xo Kate

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Oh Snap!

Last month Keri & hit up the Lomography shop for the Diana World Tour. Got my first camera from the Lomography shop August 3 (blog history FTW!) and have been playing around with it. I’m using a Sprocket Rocket and although I’ve not had THAT much luck with my shots, it’s fun waiting to get them developed. Here’s my most recent batch! Sorry for cutting off your hear Arianne! This WAS a rainbow. Can you tell where it is? Where I am standing? Preston Music Festival with Mum. Buzny! To the Island w/ B&E Labour Day weekend. I’m kinda getting better, hard to get the hang of it TBH. Hopefully I have more luck with the next round!

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Emotion is an unlimited resource.

“Like power, you get Love by giving it”  Page 53 Been reading this book.  So many good quotes. It starts off with all these references to brands I’ve worked with and countless stories about New Zealand. I had to put it down a few pages in.  I was overwhelmed by coincidences. (They’re not coincidences.) I’ve been in Love with the Saatchi & Saatchi brand for a long time. They’re a Lovemark of mine. Thanks Shannon for the gift, I love it. “Love marks of the new century will be the brands and businesses that create emotional connections with the communities and networks they live in.” Page 60 “Keep it simple: set high standards andthen exceed them. Meet, Beat, Repeat.” Page 62 Marcus Troy posted this today. If you don’t know him he is a smart guys & lifestyle blogger who really gets personal branding. Read about him on LegendsLeague. Page is from the book “Be Great”. I bought it after reading a few pages.

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Photoset: Condo Living – Olympus PEN Ready Project

I’ve submitted a couple of these to the Project. Borderline Artistic. I’m 884/1000. They’re all shot with the new PEN® E-PM1.

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